Wrong Room Assignment

1195 Words
Vida. Dragging my bags along the passage to the school dormitory, suspense bubbled within me. It was hard to find my assigned room, but I was lucky enough to find someone in the school to help me. I kind of regretted packing so much, but it was necessary. I tried to discard all the negative energy I felt before and focus on something new and positive. I hoped my last school year would be good; I hoped I would be able to make new friends, brave up, and brace up for the academic challenges. As I walked through the school, whispers, giggles, and sneers followed me. I was used to those things, so it didn't bother me much anymore. After an eternity of navigating the bustling hallways, I finally saw my room number, and a smile spread across my face. However, as I reached the door of my assigned dorm, my smile disappeared, and my mood shifted from excitement to confusion. Excited chirps were coming from within, and I hesitated, wondering if I had mistakenly stumbled upon the wrong room. Doubt nagged at me, but the number on the door matched the one in my assignment. Puzzled, I decided to knock, hoping for some clarification. The door swung open, revealing two girls inside, their laughter abruptly ceasing as they sized me up with their not-so-friendly eyes. "Who are you?" the girl with jet-black hair who opened the door sneered, her tone dripping with arrogance. Without a doubt, I knew she was a vampire… they're one of the arrogant creatures here in school. "I'm Vida, and this is my assigned dorm," I replied, attempting to keep my composure and the forced smile plastered across my face. The girl lounging on the bed scoffed, "Assigned? Well, sweetheart, you must be delusional; this can't be your room." I knew them, and they knew me... Like who doesn't know the girl with no gift?! I think the one lounging on the bed was a demon… ruthless creatures but some are kind. The girl with piercing eyes arched an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. "Newsflash, Vida. This isn't your room. You must have taken a wrong turn or something." My confusion turned into disbelief. "No, this is my assigned dorm. Check the number." The girl leaned in, invading my personal space. "Listen carefully, outsider. This room belongs to us, and you're not welcome here. So, get lost." Their rude dismissal stung like a slap in the face, and I felt a wave of anger rise within me. "I don't know what's going on, but I won't be bullied out of my assigned space." The other girl chuckled, a mocking smile playing on her lips. "Bullied? Sweetie, you have no idea what's in store for you. This is our turf, and you're just a temporary inconvenience." The vampire rolled her eyes, exchanging a knowing glance with her mate. "Get out, Vida, or we'll be forced to hurt you." Her threat made me move back a little. The girl in the room chuckled, her laughter a mockery that sent shivers down my spine. "You're not like us, Vida. You're an outsider, and you'll do well to remember that." She huffed, bared her fangs at me before she banged the door shut. Undeterred, I squared my shoulders, attempting not to let another bad experience ruin my day. A knot of apprehension tightened in my stomach as I pushed my bags to a corner before I made my way to the management office to seek clarity. The door creaked open, and I found myself standing in the stern yet familiar presence of one of the school staff. His gaze bore into mine as I explained my current problem. "Vida," he began, his tone carrying a weight that hinted at upcoming bad news. "We regret to inform you that due to your delayed response, we overbooked the dormitories. As a result, your assigned room is now occupied, and we've had to make alternate arrangements." The words hung heavy in the air, and I struggled to process the information. "Alternate arrangements?" I questioned, my brows furrowed. My heart sank. Could this day possibly get any worse?! The man sighed, his expression clearly showing he wasn't interested in the conversation. "You'll be staying in one of our abandoned rooms for the time being. We understand it's not ideal, but it's the best solution given the circumstances." I nodded, trying to conceal my disappointment. He gave me some keys and asked me to sign some papers before I left. Frustration surged through every part of me, and I wanted to break down and cry, but I held myself together. I'll let the tears out once I'm in the new room; I just hope it's not as bad as my mind was imagining. "Aww, the girl looks so frustrated," I heard a familiar voice say, and laughter followed. Taking in a deep breath, I turned around to see Sienna heading towards me with her group of no-good friends. "How are you loving our welcome to your last year in the school?" Sienna asked, her eyes gleaming with mischief, and reality dawned on me. It has to be her and her stupid friends! Still confused, I gave her a hard glare before asking, "Why did you mess with my room assignment?" "Oh, the girl's now getting smart, good for you." One of her friends said, and they all laughed. Sienna smirked, her gaze cold. "Oh, Vida, we just couldn't resist. You, the supposed 'no-gifted one' in our school of supernatural beings. My friends and I thought it would be hilarious to show you your place." A surge of disbelief and disappointment coursed through me. "Sienna, how could you?" I whispered, the pain of her actions sinking in. She laughed, the sound laced with scorn. "You don't belong here, Vida. You're nothing in this world, and my friends and I promised to make your time here a living hell. Consider it our little welcome gift." Her words fueled a fiery response within me, a desperate attempt to stand up for myself because I didn't know how things would change if I didn't stand up for myself. "I may not have supernatural abilities, but that doesn't make me 'no-gifted.' I have my own unique ways, and I won't let you or anyone else belittle me again in this school." Sienna and her friends laughed. Looking around, I could see that they had already gathered the perfect crowd. That's what they always do. "Oh, please, Vida. You're delusional if you think you can stand up to us. Your stupid attempts at standing up for yourself are nothing more than pathetic." Sienna scoffed, still laughing. "You're a stain on my family reputation, a stain on our school, Vida. A mere weakling pretending to belong in a world far beyond your reach," Sienna spat, her words as venomous as her look. "I'll show you where you belong soon, Vida, that's a promise," And with that, she left with her friends, and I gritted my teeth harshly before turning to leave the scene. What if coming to the school dormitory was my biggest mistake?
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