2: An Outcast In Scribs

1475 Words
Vida "Would you stand there like the dunce you are or would you come and get your bags?" I heard an angry voice ask, and I turned to look at Sienna with a smile. She was super angry with me because I was the reason why we were gonna spend our last year at SCRIBS ROYAL SCHOOL FOR SUPERNATURALS in the school dormitory. Well, it was technically not much of my fault anyway, but she loved to blame me for anything bad happening in her life because they considered me bad luck. Shaking off the nightmare I had, I walked towards the car boot and dragged out my bags. Being powerless had its own massive drawback here because I always found myself in situations where I'd be reminded just how much of a weakling I was. "Could you help me take this out?" I asked Sienna, who was busy tapping her phone. She only gave me a bored look before she went back to what she was doing. I knew better not to disturb her anymore because she'd flown into a rage, calling Mom and Dad. I knew how dangerous that was, so I managed to drag my bags down; it dropped loudly on the floor with a thud. "Foolish," Sienna cursed and left me alone. After banging the car trunk shut with exhaustion, I looked around the school and saw some students going about their business. I really hoped this year would be different for me. All my life, I had been treated with disregard, bullied, and called weak, and that's exactly what I was. Being weak and powerless in a school filled with different supernatural beings was a real blow for me, and they never ceased to torment me with it. I had come to spend my last year in school at the school dorm, hopefully, there would be a change for me. "Vida!" I heard my dad roar my name, and I stiffened before I rushed to meet him. Mom was having some serious conversation with Sienna, and something in me wished that Mom would have that conversation with me too. I wished to have a bond with my family, but they didn't seem to want to associate with me. "What the hell took you so long?" He asked, his eyes boring into me; his eyes seemed to be staring deep into my soul. "I... I was... I was just trying to..." "Here you go with the mumbling and stuttering again, Vida. Can't you be smart and confident like your sister?" Father asked, and it was almost as if I could feel the disgust on his face. "I'm… I'm sorry, Father." I mumbled an apology, trying to sound bold, but it's hard for me, and it's all thanks to the way I grew up. People around me had always found ways to make me feel unfortunate about what I am, and my family didn't help; instead, they contributed. I can't say I'm used to being treated like this, but I have come to accept it. I can't change myself, but I can try and build a mighty wall so these people's words would stop hurting me, and I think I'm doing a nice job. "VIDA!" Father's angry voice made me snap out of my trance to look at him. "How many times have I told you not to zone out on me when I'm talking to you?" He asked, and I gulped down empty air before muttering, "Sorry, Father." "Darling, don't stress yourself over Vida; you should have grown accustomed to her sluggish nature by now, just ignore the poor thing." Mother's voice seeped into me, and I gritted my teeth but kept a straight face; the words hurt, they still hurt like hell, but I would not show it again. "I just hate the fact that she's not changing; I wish we could do something about her nature. I know she's my daughter, but why does she have to be different?" Father said in frustration, and I heard Sienna giggle. I wanted to open my mouth and let him know that he could do something about me; he could start by loving me just the way he loves my sister. But I know the danger that would come with such an outburst; I might end up getting embarrassed in front of the school, and the last thing I want now is to be school news on my first day this semester. "Daddy, it's a foolish idea to stay in the boarding house in our last year at the school. I don't want to stay in the school dorm, just because Vida chose to stay here doesn't mean I want to. I hate this, Daddy; you don't have to grant Vida's wish all the time!" Sienna complained bitterly before she shot me a hateful glance. “Pscht! Grant my wish all the time!!” Sienna exaggerated wildly, creating a melodramatic scene as usual; I had to plead with my father for weeks before he accepted, and since my birth, I can count the things they had done for my happiness, and they never did it willingly. "My Apple Pie, staying in the dormitory would help you a lot, and I'm not doing it because of Vida; you are the hope of my lineage, and I would not rest till I give you the best, so please, be happy," Dad said, giving her a charming smile. "Your dad's right, honey; this is the best for you, and we'll always give you what's best no matter what it would cost us. We love you, Sienna." Mother seconded and hugged her lightly. Sienna gave me a smirk, and I tried to return one without showing the pain in my smile. "Hey, Sienna! I can't believe you're finally joining us here!" An excited chirp came followed by more chirps, and I kindly moved away from Sienna's group of friends. "See, even your friends are happy you're here, so please, be happy." Mother said, and father nodded with a smile. I stood there and watched them exchange excited chatter; as usual, I'm invisible to everyone unless, of course, they decide to make an example of useless things. I hope the boarding house will be different for me; I hope things change; getting bullied all the time tires me too. I just want a change in my life, and I hope I'll get it this time around. I don't have any friends, maybe I do, but most are too scared to associate with me because I'm considered bad luck, and I'm always easy prey for powerful supernatural beings. "Alright, I think we should go now, Mom," Sienna announced, hugging Mom and Dad. "Take care of yourself, dear." Both Mom and Dad said in unison. "I will, Bye." Sienna broke the hug, looked towards me, and our eyes locked for a few seconds before she looked away; her friends gave me a disgustful stare, sneered, and headed towards the back with her. A girl in their group, easily identified as a witch by her dark clothing and mysterious aura, muttered a few unintelligible words and lifted some bags off the floor. "Nah, that's not mine; drop it." Sienna let out immediately one of my heavy bags got lifted, with a chuckle, the girl flung my bag down with so much force that it hit the floor with a loud thud. Sienna gave me a vicious glare that promised me something I didn't want to know because I knew it was gonna be bad anyway. With one last wave at our parents, Sienna walked into the school with her group of lousy, arrogant friends. "Alright, I think we're done here," Dad announced before he faced me. "Don't you have any friends?" He asked, and I shook my head negatively. "Well, hopefully, you make some in the course of your stay here," He said, and I nodded with a forced smile. "Alright, baby, take care of yourself and stay out of trouble; we won't always clean up your mess for you," Mom said, patted my head, and got into the car. Well... At least she patted my head this time around. I looked at my mountains of bags and sighed before asking Dad, "Can you help me with some of the bags, Dad, I'm..." "Sorry, darling, running late for something important; you chose to be here for your final year, grow up, and start doing your own things," He said, cutting me off. He didn't even give me a second glance before he got into the car and zoomed off, leaving me to my difficulties... As always. I took in a large puff of air and looked at my load, "This is gonna be a different year." I mumbled to myself, headed towards my bags, and began to drag some inside.
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