4: Mate??

1719 Words
Vida. I stood frozen in disbelief, staring at the empty space where my bags should have been. Panic surged through me. My heart raced as I frantically scanned the area, hoping against hope that I had simply overlooked them. But they were nowhere in sight. "Oh, goddess! Could this day get any worse for me? Who the hell took my bags?!" I let out a frustrated grunt as I scanned the area, but nothing was in sight, My mind raced with possibilities, each one more terrifying than the last. Had someone stolen my bags? Could the two girls in the room take them? Was this some cruel prank staged by Sienna and her silly friends? I considered knocking on the door to ask the girls if they’d seen my bags, but remembering how the girl had bared her fangs at me, I immediately shook the idea off. I didn't want vampire trouble now. "Guess I'll have to look for them but where?" I whined. The urge to break down and cry welled up in me, but I had to control it. Only if I had any supernatural as friends, just like Sienna, I would have found my bags. Sienna was truly lucky, she had different kinds of supernaturals as friends, and because of her rare gift as a healer, many wanted to associate with her. Determined to find my belongings, I set out on a relentless search, scouring every nook and cranny of the school grounds. Hours passed like an eternity as I questioned anyone who might have seen something, but all I received were shrugs and indifferent glances. Some supernaturals could have helped me if they wanted to, but they wouldn't. They were either afraid of Sienna or too proud to help a non-gifted girl like me. Just as my hope began to wane, I stumbled upon a secluded corner of the school, hidden from view. And there they were, my bags - discarded and disheveled, their contents strewn about. My heart sank as my tear-clouded eyes scanned the damage. My clothes scattered, my books torn, my personal belongings wrecked beyond recognition. Anger boiled within me, a tight sensation gripping my chest as I squatted to gather my things. Seeing the level of damage, the tears I was struggling to hold back since morning began to drop and this time, I didn't hold back, I was too tired to hold them back. I heard giggles and snorts. Turning around, I saw Sienna and her friends standing not too far from me, their eyes on me as they talked and laughed, Wiping away my tears, I stood up and marched towards them in anger, they were lounging carelessly as if they didn't have a care in the world. "Look who finally decided to join the party," Sienna sneered, her voice dripping with malice. I clenched my fists, struggling to contain the fury coursing through me. "You did this, didn't you?" I accused, my voice trembling because of the anger and frustration I was feeling, Sienna shrugged, a smug grin spreading across her face. "Guilty as charged. But really, Vida, you should be thanking us. We were just trying to give you a proper welcome to the school dormitory. Your last year here should be memorable." I could feel the eyes of her friends boring into me, their laughter ringing in my ears, and the urge to just cut off their tongues welled up in me. I wouldn't back down, not this time, I didn't care about the consequences, and they’d done so much already, what more could they do? Kill me?! "You think this is funny?" I spat, my voice dripping with venom. "You think it's amusing to destroy someone's belongings just because they're different from you?" Sienna's laughter resonated in the air, sending a chill down my spine. "Oh, please, Vida. Don't pretend like you're some innocent victim here. You don't belong in our world, and we're just making sure you know it." Her words cut deep, an agonizing reminder of the isolation I had felt since arriving at this school. But I refused to let them see my weakness, refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing me break... I'd had enough, I couldn't stand this anymore, "Maybe I didn't belong in your world," I admitted, my voice steady despite the pain I felt, the pain that my own sister was doing this to me. "But that didn't give you the right to treat me like garbage. I may not have supernatural abilities like you, but I have something you'll never have—integrity, compassion, and the strength to stand up to bullies like you." Sienna's expression darkened, her eyes narrowing into slits. "You think you're so special, don't you? Well, let me tell you something, Vida. You are nothing but a nuisance, an i***t who thinks things would get better for her but it won't, I'll make sure of that, and my sweet friends will make sure you regret ever setting foot in this place." Her friends cheered, their voices echoing mockingly. I bit my tongue to stop me from crying, "I doubted if she was your blood sister." One of her friends, a beautiful fairy with a dark mind chimed in and Sienna just gave me a disdainful look, "I don't care whether she is my blood sister or not, what matters is that she is not one of us and she'll never be," Sienna said coldly and gave me a contempt look before she began to walk away, One of her friends, a serpent shifter, drew her long tongue and wagged it at me in a final act of malice before she left with them. Sighing deeply, I bent down and began gathering my scattered belongings. Dusk was settling in, painting the sky in hues of orange and purple. Their bullying had certainly ruined my day, but hopefully, this was the end of it for now. I knew I'd have to deal with them my own way, reporting them to the school authority would be a waste of time and might even attract punishment for me, and reporting to our parents would be worse because, to them, Sienna was never wrong, if Sienna did anything to me, I might have wronged her and hence I deserved whatever she did to me. "Just one more year girl, one more year and you'll be out," I mumbled assuring words to myself and grabbed my bags again. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As I lazily opened my eyes, the dim light filtering through the curtains told me I had overslept and the urge to cry welled up in my chest. My heart sank as I realized I must have missed the school alarm. I scrambled out of bed, took a wash, and hastily threw on some clothes when a loud knock on the door startled me. "Who could be knocking at this hour?" I muttered to myself, shuffling towards the door. As I swung it open, I was met with the warm smile of Mr. Jerome, the kind-hearted school janitor who had been a source of encouragement since I came to this school. He was actually the one who encouraged me to come to the school dormitory. "Good morning, Vida! You're running late for class, dear. The alarm didn't go off in your room since it wasn't part of the school hostel, but I couldn't leave you behind," Mr. Jerome said with a broad smile playing on his lips; that man was the kindest soul ever, one of the only few people who had been kind to me. My cheeks flushed with embarrassment as I mumbled my thanks, "Thank you, Mr. Jerome. I'll definitely hurry. Hope you're good?" “I'm great darling, I'm sorry about your room but don't worry, I am positive things would get better for you darling, just stay positive and don't take anyone's s**t” he said in a friendly voice that made me smile, “Thank you for everything Mr. Jerome, I would try to get things right this semester” “I trust you will, my dear girl, there's so much about you that you don't know, you are special my girl” He said with a smile and I just chuckled because this wasn't the first time he was saying such but I see nothing special about me. “Alright, thank you once again, I've got to run” I mumbled and waved at him. With a nod of understanding, he turned to leave, and I quickly gathered my books and dashed out of the room, feeling grateful for his thoughtfulness. As I rushed through the corridors, trying to make up for lost time, my mind raced with thoughts of the upcoming classes. I hope I'll not run into trouble because of my lateness. Not all teachers like me. My deep thoughts were interrupted as I collided with some imposing figures just as I took a turn, "Oof!" I exclaimed, stumbling backward as I looked up to see two towering men with chiseled features and piercing eyes that seemed to glow with an otherworldly intensity. Beautiful. Really beautiful and breathtaking eyes. "Sorry, I didn't… I didn't see...see you there," I stuttered an apology, my heart thumping hard as a strange sensation suddenly enveloped me, seeing their stoic expression got a sense of unease to wash over me as their intense gazes bore into mine. They looked so identical, it was like one was the clone of the other and their stunning sharp features moved something in me. One of them spoke, his voice deep and resonant, "No harm done, little one." Little one? Did he just call me little one? My cheeks flushed crimson. I couldn't help but notice the way they seemed to loom over me, their presence commanding attention and respect, and the way their stoic expression gradually changed into a confused expression made me raise a brow, But what startled me the most was when they both muttered a single word under their breath, almost in unison, "MATE" My heart skipped a beat, the word echoing in my head and a shiver ran down my spine. What did they mean by 'mate'? And why did their eyes seem to glow even brighter when they looked at me while saying that word?
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