Little Kitten in the Lion's Den

1523 Words
Vida The word echoed in my mind, resonating through every fiber of my being. ‘Mate’. It was a word I never expected to hear, especially not from two imposing, handsome strangers whose mere presence sent shivers down my spine. As they stood there, their intense gazes fixed on me, I couldn't help but admire their stunning appearance. They were like gods among men, with chiseled features, piercing eyes, and an aura of power that seemed to envelop them. But despite their beauty, their shocking declaration filled me with fear and confusion. My heart raced as I struggled to comprehend what was happening. Mate? Me? It was absurd, really absurd that I just wanna burst out laughing. I was just an ordinary girl, powerless and maybe insignificant compared to these supernatural beings. Why would they even consider me as their mate? Hilarious, right? The twins seemed just as surprised as I was, their expressions shifting from confusion to curiosity as they watched me. I could feel their eyes boring into mine, searching for something I couldn't understand. They moved towards me, and I was quick to shift back because of their suffocating presence. As one reached out to me, my survival instinct kicked in and without warning, fear gripped me badly, I stumbled backward, my mind reeling with disbelief and uncertainty. This couldn't be real. It had to be some kind of mistake or perhaps it was some kind of cruel joke. Without a second thought, I turned on my heel and ran, fleeing from them as fast as my legs could carry me. As I raced through the corridors, my heart pounded in my chest and the urge to run far away from here clouded me, but I managed to collapse in an empty corner of the school. My breath came in ragged gasps as I leaned against the wall, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging inside me. My eyes darted around, and when I did not see anyone, I sighed in relief. What had just happened? And why did it terrify me so much? As I relaxed on the wall, tears clouded my eyes, my mind thinking of a million questions and doubts. The idea of being someone's mate was overwhelming enough, but the thought of being mated to not just one, but two powerful, strange beings was something I could not understand. I shook my head and took in a deep breath as I tried to push aside the different thoughts threatening to consume me. I couldn't afford to dwell on this now; maybe it was a mistake. I had to focus on surviving in this school... "Oh, f**k! School!!" I let out a startled exclamation and immediately wiped away my tears, took in a deep breath to calm myself down, and looked around before taking another direction to my next class. I'd already missed the first class, and I knew I was in deep trouble with the lecturer. As I hurried towards the class, I tried to shake off the unsettling feelings gnawing at me, but deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease within me. What if they came looking for me again? What if they demanded answers I didn't have? And what if they rejected me, just like everyone else had? Get over it girl, rejection has become a norm in your life. I muttered to myself. I was snapped out of my pep talk when I banged my leg against the class trash can. "Vida! Can't you ever do anything right?" I heard a voice huff. Turning around, I gave a nervous smile to the teacher who was glaring daggers at me. "I'm sorry, ma'am," I apologized; I had no idea I was in class already. "Go, take your seat," she mumbled before turning away from me. I pushed the thoughts that were disturbing me aside, forcing myself to focus on what was important. As I took my seat, I vowed to avoid the twins at all costs, to stay clear of them and their intoxicating presence. I couldn't risk getting involved with them, not when my own survival was at stake. Mate. It was a word that held so much weight, so much significance, and yet, all it filled me with was nothing but dread. Someone threw a crumpled paper on my desk. I took it, and unfurled it, only to see, 'How are you enjoying your new room, sister?' I looked around to see Sienna and her friends staring at me with a smirk on their faces. I just rolled my eyes and turned away from them. I have a much more pressing issue right now. I tried to push aside my fears and focus on my studies, throwing myself into my work with a resolution born out of desperation. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't escape the nagging feeling that things were going to be different. "As long as I avoid them, I will be fine," I assured myself. After the last bell rang, signaling the end of the day's classes, I wasted no time in gathering my belongings and hurrying out of the classroom because I didn't want any trouble today; I just wanted to head to my room and try to clear my head. I kept my head down, avoiding the taunting gazes and sneers of my classmates as I made my way through the crowded hallways. With each step, I repeated the same mantra in my mind: avoid the twins at all costs. They are trouble, and I wanted nothing to do with them or their declarations of being my mates. They were probably transfer students, and I'm sure they don't have time for the likes of me. "Vida," I heard a voice call, and I turned only to see one of my classmates heading towards me. "Yes?" "Um, sorry, but you missed today's first class, so I wanted to give you the notes," she said with a smile before pulling a book from her satchel. I raised an eyebrow but took it anyway. "Thank you," I mumbled, and she gave me a wide smile. "You're a vampire, right?" I asked, and she nodded in affirmation. "Yeah. See you later," she waved and sped off. Not wanting to dwell much on the new unexpected kindness, I shoved the book in my backpack and continued my walk. As I reached the door to my room, relief washed over me. Finally, some peace and quiet away from the problems of the day. But just as I reached for the doorknob, I froze, my heart skipping a beat as I realized something was wrong. The lock had been changed. "Like seriously?! What wrong have I done to these people?!" I let out a cry but stopped abruptly when I heard something in my room. Panic surged through me as I pressed my ear against the door, listening attentively. I could hear voices inside, muffled but unmistakably present. My mind raced with possibilities, each one more terrifying than the last, but I shook them off. With trembling hands, I knocked on the door, praying silently that it was just a misunderstanding. However, when the door swung open, my blood ran cold. The color drained from my face as I met the gaze of one of the twins. His expression remained unreadable as he regarded me with those beautiful piercing eyes that made my heart race. "What do you want?" he asked, his voice cold and distant. I struggled to find my voice, my mind reeling with shock and disbelief. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I-I thought this was my room," I stammered, my heart pounding in my chest. But this is my room. I screamed in my head. "I mean... This is my room." I corrected. He scrutinized me for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly as if trying to distinguish something. Then, without a word, he stepped aside, allowing me to enter the room. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. But curiosity got the better of me, and I stepped inside, my eyes scanning the room for any sign of who these new people might be. And that's when I saw him—the other twin—sitting on the bed, his expression unreadable as he watched me with those same intense eyes. My heart hammered against my chest as I met his cold eyes, he was half-naked and as he stood up, my fingers instinctively twitched to touch his naked chest which seemed to be calling for my attention. Control yourself, Vida. Control. He moved closer to me, and just as I instinctively took a step back, my back collided with something hard. Before I could process anything, two hands went around my waist from behind, and I let out a whimper, unable to move or look back for fear of what I would see. I looked straight into the cold eyes in front of me. "What do you want in the lion's den, little kitten? He said, his voice a low rumble. Aren't you afraid of being eaten?”
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