1: Darkness of Dreams

1153 Words
Vida. I ran as fast as my two legs could carry me, my heart thudding violently against my ribcage Everything in me screamed to run or something terrible would happen to me and that's exactly what I was doing. Engulfed in the suffocating embrace of a dark forest, its shadows weaved torments around me. I ran, not knowing where I was going, but I had to sprint for dear life. My heart hammered as I sprinted through the tangled path, pursued by an unseen terror; a terror that would definitely inflict harm if it caught up with me. I managed a glance over my shoulder, but saw nothing but an impenetrable darkness, yet something in me sensed that something dangerous lurked within that darkness. I banged my feet on something and I stumbled, but didn't fall. I couldn't risk falling now. Each of my steps thumped like a distant heartbeat as I felt whatever was chasing me closing in on me. Panic tightened its grip on my chest, cold sweat trickling down my skin. The urge to shout made its way into my throat, but when I opened my mouth to shout, no sound came out... Was this how I was going to die?! The path I followed suddenly cleared, and I found myself standing at the edge of a cliff. I dared not look down fearing what I'd find there. Taking a deep sharp breath to stabilize my aching, tensed body, I turned round to peer into the darkness, but saw nothing... Maybe I had outrun the danger. I was about to move forward when my leg collided with something feeble, and I was quick to look down. My eyes broadened in fear, and I quickly stepped back in horror, my body weakened, and I suddenly felt sick when I saw dead bodies. A multitude of lifeless bodies strewn across the ground made me sick to the pit of my stomach. Blood was flowing from the bodies, and I moved back again in fear. "No." A whisper escaped my lips, and my body convulsed before trembling violently. The stench of death hung heavy in the air, and my senses seemed not to be functioning again. My breath caught as I realized I hadn't witnessed this bloody scene during my desperate run. Yes. There were no bodies around here when I ran to the cliff. Where the hell did they all suddenly pop out from? "Am... Am I... Hallucinating?" Stuttering the question, I slid my eyes shut, hoping the gruesome scene would disappear once I opened them, but when I flickered my eyes open, it was there, staring right back at me. The horror intensified as I recognized a familiar face, despite being covered in blood, I would recognize her anywhere. My eyes fixated on the particular body, and a shiver ran down my spine when my brain registered the body– Sienna, my sister, lying motionless, covered in blood and…"Sienna?" I called, trying to move my legs toward her, but I was unable to. Terror surged into me, and my hand flew to my mouth as hot tears immediately spilled from my eyes, a guttural scream erupting from my throat, "Noooooooo! Haaaaa!! SIENNA!!!" My primal howl echoed through the forest, and I didn't care if I was discovered by those things chasing me. The weight of seeing my own blood, my flesh and kin, sprawled lifeless amid this slaughter, was a stinging blow to my very core. "Help! Somebody, please!" I shouted, the desperation in my voice cutting through the silence of the forest. I tried to move toward the body, but I couldn't. It seemed as if my legs had been glued to the hard rock. "HELP!!!" I let out a scream, and it echoed, seemingly bouncing back to me. Am I the only one here? No, I can't be, this can't be. The hair on my skin stood on alert, and I knew that sign. My eyes shot away from my sister, and my heart leaped when I saw a shapeless darkness so massive and angry, coming toward me. It was that same thing chasing me before. I wanted to run, but I couldn't. With my eyes still fixed on it as I awaited my fate, it materialized before me. It loomed, a mysterious force that seemed to feed on the fear etched across my body. In a heart-stopping moment, the darkness launched forward and enveloped me. I felt an invisible hand pushing me toward the edge, and my legs slipped as I fell. My descent was swift, and I wanted to let out a scream, but I couldn't. The wind howled, whipping against my skin as I fell. Not being able to scream, all I could do was let the tears spill from my eyes as I continued to fall into nothingness. My eyes widened, capturing the horror up above. The sky seemed tainted with blood, and slowly, the blood spread everywhere in the sky. "Vida! Vida!!" A distant voice called, and I felt my body being jerked violently. In a snap, I snapped my eyes open as I jolted awake from my nightmare, my heart pounding as the haunting echoes of the horrible dream lingered in my mind. "What the hell is wrong with you anyway?" Sienna asked, giving me a suspicious glare, but I shivered, thinking about the nightmare. The remnants of the dark forest and the sea of lifeless bodies clung to my consciousness like a suffocating fog. "It was just a weird dream, nothing much," I forced a smile, attempting to mask the unsettling images still vivid in my thoughts. "Such a creep. Get your ass together, we're in school already," she said with a scoff, opened the car door, and stepped out. I sighed and looked out of the window. I was already used to her behavior, so it was nothing new to me, just that it always hurt to know that my own blood hated me so much. I looked at Mom and Dad in the front seat, and they were discussing in hushed tones, not wanting to risk disturbing them and attracting their wrath. I stepped out of the car, and a little smile crept on my face when I saw the bold letters... SCRIBS ROYAL SCHOOL FOR SUPERNATURALS. Everyone here is truly supernatural, gifted with diverse beautiful powers, but as my terrible fate would have it, I am the only one who doesn't have any gift. Author's Note: Hello Everyone, I think it's necessary for me to say this. This book is a slow burn story hence alot of world building will occur before the true action will. Every Character in this story has their own duty and also secrets. The Fl is going to have a major character development so she might seem weak at first but she will definitely get better. I really hope you all understand. Thank you.
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