How dare You!!

1283 Words
Chapter seven. Sienna’s POV. My sleep was abruptly shattered as someone burst into my room. "Guess what, Sienna," a voice exclaimed. Groaning, I raised my head from my pillow, rubbing my eyes. "Tessa, what is it that can't wait?" I asked, sitting up. "It's about your sister," she responded, her voice tinged with frustration. I suppressed the urge to snap at her, rubbing my temples in annoyance. "You disturbed my sleep because of that pig?" I said, anger simmering beneath my words. “Well,” Tessa began standing up, folding her arms. “That pig slept in the same room with the new hottest teachers,” she said, her voice dripping in disdain. I stared at Tessa, my mouth slightly agape. “Tell me you’re joking, Tessa!” I pleaded, my heart racing. She shook her head, a grave expression on her face. “I wish I could, Sienna. But Vida really slept in the same room as the hottest teachers.” The room erupted in a cacophony of shocked voices. “What?” "No way!" "Is this for real?" Tessa nodded, her eyes wide and serious. “It’s true,” she affirmed. “How did you find out?” I asked, my voice betraying my disbelief. Tessa bit her lip. “I went to use the bathroom. Someone was in there, so I went to another block. On my way back, I saw her…with him.” The words hung in the air like a toxin. I sprang from my bed, sliding my feet into my slippers, my mind ablaze with rage. “Sienna! Sienna!” The voices called after me, but I ignored them, storming from the room. As I stormed through the halls of the school, my thoughts were ablaze with anger and indignation. “How dare she?” I growled to myself. “Shooting her shot with MY men! And she thinks she stands a chance?” The very thought of Vida attempting to seduce the teachers that I held in such high regard was infuriating. Rather than working on her own powers, she was throwing herself at them like a cheap, desperate wannabe. I felt the urge to wring her scrawny neck with my bare hands. Just as I reached the door, the source of my wrath made his appearance. One of the teachers stepped out, his chest bare, his skin glistening in the hallway lights. He was utterly breathtaking, his aura radiating something otherworldly. I licked my lips, practically panting at the sight. He had the most striking hazel eyes, their gaze penetrating my soul, his lips full and sensuous. The thought that Vida had been with him, in the same room, made my blood boil. Just as I was lost in a haze of lustful thoughts about the first teacher, his equally handsome brother appeared. Emerald green eyes, striking and captivating, his height imposing. My mind raced, picturing him pinning me to the wall, his lips claiming mine in a passionate kiss. It was impossible to choose between the two of them. The idea of having them both, at the same time, was almost too much to bear. Why limit myself? After all, I was their superior in every way. Didn’t I deserve the best of both worlds? I moved backwards and my back slammed against the wall. He was so close, his hands pressed against the wall, his breath fanning my face. A jolt of electricity shot through me, as if he’d electrocuted me with a single touch. I could hardly breathe, let alone speak. My eyes were glued to his lips, the slight tilt of his smile, the way they moved as he spoke. “Young lady, what are you doing here?” he asked, his voice deep and smooth, his eyes never wavering from mine. All I could think of was how I could shut him up with a kiss. “Get a hold of yourself sienna!” My subconscious was screaming at me to regain my composure. “Young lady, I asked a question,” he repeated, his voice stern but not unkind. “Uh…ummm…errr,” I stammered, the words refusing to form in my mouth. He was so damn handsome. So close. It wasn’t my fault that I was rendered speechless in his presence. “What’s happening, Kaden?” the other brother called out, his voice full of concern. Kaden…... It suited him. “Well, I found a lady here, and I wanted to know why she’s here,” Hunter explained, finally stepping away from me. His brother took in my appearance, his eyes raking over me. “We’re late. Let it slide,” he advised Kaden, who nodded in agreement. Their eyes met, sharing an unspoken communication. Finally, Kaden turned to me, his gaze boring into mine. “Don’t come to this place again, okay?” he said, his tone quiet but firm. I gave him a curt nod still standing and he raised his eyebrows. “Ohh sorry,” I mumbled, scratching my hair, and with a nod from both brothers I walked away. I could feel their gaze on me. As I made my way down the hall, I slipped into a shadowy alcove, waiting for the brothers to pass. There was no way I’d let Vida ruin this for me. Those men were mine, and I’d be damned if I let my sister have even the slightest chance with them. I’d already had a taste of what it was like to be near Kaden, and it had left me wanting more. Much more. And I’d be damned if Vida took that away from me. Like a vengeful phantom, I crept along the wall, my eyes trained on the brothers as they made their way down the hall, their voices carrying through the air. At last, they turned a corner, vanishing from view, and I pounced. Racing through the corridor, I reached the door in record time, yanking it open without hesitation. And there she was, Vida, in nothing but a towel, her hair dripping wet. The vision of her in a state of undress, seducing the very men that I coveted, set a fire ablaze within me. My hands lifted into the air, crackling with power, my rage boiling over like an erupting volcano. With a thunderous cry, I unleashed my fury, sending Vida crashing to the floor. “How dare you try to seduce my men!” I roared, my voice seething with menace. “How dare you?!” Vida struggled to rise, her eyes swimming with tears. “I…I…I didn’t do anything!” she stammered, her words spilling out in a rush. “You dare to lie to me?!” I spat, my fingers digging into her scalp, tugging at her hair. “If you ever try to seduce my boyfriend again, I will chop your head off and bury you. No one will know. Our parents don’t give a damn about you,” I hissed, my voice dropping to a deadly whisper. Vida’s eyes widened, tears spilling down her cheeks. “Sienna, you’re hurting me!” she cried out, her voice trembling with fear. “Is that the best you can do, you w***e?” I growled, digging my nails into her scalp until she winced in pain. Vida’s apologies fell from her lips like raindrops, her pleas for mercy echoing off the walls. “I’m…I’m sorry!” she sobbed, the words ripped from her throat. Finally, I let go, releasing my grip on her hair. She crumpled to the ground, her body shaking with sobs. I leaned in close, my breath hot against her ear. “This is just the beginning little sis!”
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