8: New Teacher

1237 Words
Chapter Eight. Vida’s POV. As Sienna released her hold on my hair, I tumbled to the floor, my body crumpling into a heap. Tears streamed down my cheeks, mingling with the pain of my betrayal. She flipped her hair, the strands caressing my face like the lashes of a whip. And then she left, her footsteps echoing in the hallway. My heart shattered into a thousand pieces. I had never met Sienna’s boyfriend, let alone seduced him. But she refused to listen. To her, I was nothing more than a threat. I grunted with pain as I attempted to sit up, my body thrumming with agony. “If only I had powers…” I muttered to myself. The bruises covering my skin were a stark reminder of the injustice of my life. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right. Why had I been born without powers when everyone else seemed to have them? My mind spiraled, caught in a vortex of anger and despair. “What’s the point of existing if I can’t defend myself?” I questioned, my fists clenching with rage. On unsteady legs, I staggered to Kaden's belongings, my feet dragging across the floor like weights. I remembered seeing first aid kits in his luggage that morning, and I desperately needed to treat my wounds before he returned. With trembling hands, I rummaged through his belongings until I found what I was searching for. Grabbing the kit, I quickly retreated to a corner and began to attend to my injuries. Every second counted; I knew Kaden wouldn't be gone for long. I had to act quickly, or risk getting caught. The pain was excruciating, and I bit down on my lip, hard enough to taste blood, to keep myself from screaming. It was unfathomable, the cruelty my own flesh and blood was capable of. But I couldn't afford to waste time pondering on her callousness. Finally, my wounds were treated and the first aid kit returned to its rightful place. Glancing at the clock, I realized Kaden should’ve been on his way to class by now. Yet, he hadn’t returned. As I tidied myself up, trying to hide the traces of the vicious encounter, I reassured myself that Kaden's potential tardiness was not my problem. But deep down, I cared more than I was willing to admit. I tried to compose myself, drying my hair and straightening my clothes. Despite my resolve to put my sister's cruelty out of my mind, my thoughts kept returning to Kaden. With a heavy sigh, I realized that time was ticking and I needed to leave if I didn't want to be late for class myself. As I slipped into my baggy trousers and loose top, I avoided looking at my reflection in the mirror. I knew the sight of my bruised face would only add to my already low mood. Pulling my hair back in a neat ponytail and donning my glasses, I reached for my bag and slung it over my shoulder. My lips feel dry, but I didn’t dare apply any lipstick. In this school, such an act would be seen as a brazen invitation for attention, something I certainly didn’t want. And who was I kidding? I was not some kind of hot chick. As I trudged down the hall, each step was leaden and heavy. I glanced at my wristwatch, my heart sinking as I saw the time slipping away. I needed to hurry or face the consequences of being late, but my body felt heavy and weighed down by the events of the morning. “I hate this life,” I muttered under my breath, a wave of frustration washing over me. The world seemed cruel and unforgiving, and I felt powerless to change anything. I had no energy left to run, and no magical powers to transport myself. As I stepped through the door, the shock of what I saw hit me like a ton of bricks. There, standing in front of the class, was Kaden. My jaw dropped open in disbelief. "Kaden, teaching the class?" I thought, shaking my head in confusion. I scanned the room, looking for the real teacher, refusing to accept this reality. My eyes darted around, searching desperately for any sign that this was just some elaborate prank. But there was nothing. Kaden's voice cut through the silence, bringing me back to the present. "Is something wrong, Miss Vida?" Kaden asked, his voice filled with a surprising authority. I shook my head, unable to respond, still reeling from the shock of seeing him in the teacher's role. "Then why are you standing there? You are late, so find a seat and stop causing a disturbance," he commanded, his tone firm and unrelenting. "Yes, sir," I responded, my bag weighing me down as I trudged towards the back of the classroom. My mind raced with questions, "What the hell is going on? As I placed my bag on the desk and began to lower myself into the chair, it gave way beneath me. My body hit the floor with a thud, the laughter of my classmates echoing around the room. Mortified, I picked myself up, a searing heat flooding my face as I realized someone had intentionally broken the chair. The humiliation was suffocating. I scanned the room, my eyes searching for the culprit, but no one seemed to be fessing up. The more I looked around, the more apparent it became that this had been planned, that someone had wanted me to fall. And then it occurred to me, Sienna had confronted me earlier. With the realization that Sienna was most likely behind this humiliation, my anger burned hot, my fingers curling into fists. As I raised my eyes to glare at her, she stuck her tongue out at me, the contempt in her eyes clear as day. "Miss Vida, I can see you're here to cause trouble," Kaden barked, his voice cutting through the chaos. The classroom fell silent, the tension palpable. I felt like the entire universe was against me, conspiring to make my life a living hell. And yet, I had to keep it together. “Are you deaf miss Vida?” He barked and I swallowed hard. The words caught in my throat as I tried to defend myself. "Sir, my...my chair," I stammered, only to be cut off mid-sentence. "Get out of my class!" Kaden bellowed, his voice booming through the room. "What?" I asked, stunned by his reaction, my eyes widening in disbelief. He shot me a warning look, his eyes cold and unforgiving. "You heard me. Get out of my class now," he ordered, his voice leaving no room for negotiation. Rage bubbled up inside me like lava, the urge to unleash a torrent of curses upon Kaden overpowering. But I bit my tongue, the humiliation of the situation forcing me to swallow my pride. His words, like a knife to the heart, pierced me. "Miss Vida, you're wasting my time," he stated coldly. My only option was to nod, my shoulders slumping in defeat. With my head lowered, I made my way out of the classroom, the laughter of my classmates ringing in my ears. The humiliation burned deep within me, yet I refused to let it break me. I kept on chanting: “I’m strong! I refuse to break down! I’m strong! I refuse to break down!”
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