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** Trigger warning: torture and physical abuse ** Valentina POV As my mom is getting up slowly, I hear more footsteps approach. When I look up, I see Tommy entering the room. He isn’t being shoved like mom was, and something about the sight of him seems off. He isn’t looking at me, he is averting his gaze guiltily. The devil incarnate, human waste enters the room, and my heart stops when he grabs Tommy by the shoulder and squeezes it in a brotherly manner. “Gamma Tommy, please ensure the former Luna gets seated for the show”. Gamma?! Tommy still isn’t looking at me, and a low grumble vibrates through my chest. Did he betray me?! Was our friendship all these years all a lie? As my mouth is still parted in shock, Tommy moves towards my mom and guides her to a chair. As the shock morphs into pure, unadulterated fury, I can’t help but scream at him. “At least have the audacity to look at me, you f*cking traitor!!!”. My hands are clenching into fists, even though they are chained and useless. It is actually cutting off the blood flow to my hands, they are starting to become numb already. All the pain from my hands, wrists and arms dissipate as my fury keeps multiplying. His gaze turns to me, and his eyes turn pitch black, indicating Ace is now present as well. As he moves towards me slowly, I spit out through gritted teeth “you too, Ace. F*ck you, f*ck you both. You will all burn in hell for this”. He halts in his tracks and I see some emotions flicker in his eyes briefly, before it is gone. He doesn’t get to respond, before I feel claws ripping off my clothes, digging into my flesh in the process. I can’t help but hiss out in pain, even though I really didn’t want to. When I look down at my now naked body, I see lashes of at least an inch deep running from my collarbone up until my ankles. My mom is sobbing and screaming as she is being bound to the chair. “Please Derek, please, I am begging you, spare my daughter. She is all I have left” my mom pleads with Derek in between sobs. Biting through the pain, I say to my mom through gritted teeth “don’t beg that piece of sh*t, mom. He doesn’t deserve your pleas, and he doesn’t deserve my screams”. He smirks at my statement, before grabbing a whip and lashing it at my flesh in 1 swift motion. It hurts. It f*cking hurts so bad. But I refuse to scream. I will die before he hears me scream. “Please Derek!!! She is all I have” my mom’s sobs get louder and louder, until her words are barely audible, and she is just gasping for air. My poor mom. Derek gives me another 10 lashes, which I take without letting out a sound and trying to keep my facial expression schooled despite the fact that my body is f*cking burning, and I am feeling lightheaded like I am about to pass out any minute now. “Get the tools” he orders, as the whip is probably not giving him the satisfaction he was looking for. One of the warriors from the hallway rolls in a cart full of tools. I decide not to look at it and instead, I look at my mom. “Mom, please, don’t beg him. Do that for me, please. I will be with dad, and we will watch him get…” I don’t get to finish my sentence when he places a tool on my big toe, and in 1 swift motion snaps the bone. Shutting my eyes tightly, my breathing becomes ragged. He continues to snap my toes, until all 10 of them are broken. I am gritting my teeth to prevent myself from making any sounds at all, and I work hard to keep my eyes closed so he can’t see the tears welling in my eyes, much to his annoyance. He orders one of his warriors to break my ankles, my lower legs and my wrists. Receiving numerous punches in the face, I am pretty sure my nose is broken, but I don’t make any sounds other than my labored breathing and occasional grunts. I feel on the verge of passing out however. As the warrior is about to break my upper leg, I hear the dirtbag speak up. “Wait. If she refuses to scream for us, perhaps she will enjoy another form of torture. Kenneth, rape her”. My blood runs cold and my eyes snap open instantly. He has a triumphant smirk on his face. A guy who I assume is Kenneth is looking at Derek with his brows furrowed. By the looks of it, Kenneth doesn’t really want to go along with his plan. He doesn’t particularly seem to be enjoying the whole ordeal either. “NOW, KENNETH. UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE STRUNG NEXT TO HER”. I can’t help but look at Tommy, although I am unsure why. He is looking right at me, his face a mix of emotions I can’t decipher. His fists are clenched by his side, and his eyes flicker to black back and forth. I know how he and Ace feel about women being raped. Or, well, I thought I knew. I thought I knew him. Perhaps that was all a lie too. I look back to Kenneth, who still seems reluctant to obey. “NOW!!!!!!” Derek bellows, and Kenneth walks towards me slowly with a sorrowful look on his face. I can tell he really doesn’t want to do it, and I can’t help but feel some sympathy for him, crazy as it may sound. “It’s OK Kenneth, it’s not your fault” I say to him, and I hear a huff coming from Tommy. I don’t pay him any heed though. Kenneth looks at me with his brows furrowed, before he turns towards Derek and says “Alpha, I can’t do it”. “DAN, KILL HIM!”. “N-n-no, I am sorry, Alpha! But I am saving myself for my mate! And this is wrong!” Kenneth pleads, but Derek doesn’t change his command towards Dan. Dan stalks towards Kenneth without an ounce of sympathy in his features, who backs up until he passes me. I can’t let them do this, I won’t. Since I am going to die anyway, I might as well go out with a bang and try to save someone in the process. As soon as Dan is within my reaching distance, I swing my legs up and wrap them around his neck. As I am squeezing tightly, choking him, I see the other warriors and Derek rushing towards me. I can’t have history repeating itself. I learned from my last mistake, and I owe it to my dad to at least make good use of his training once before I leave this earth. In 1 calculated, swift motion, I snap Dan’s neck before dropping his lifeless body to the floor. I hear multiple deafening growls and roars, and I just smirk demonically instead. There is nothing they can do to me anymore. Or so I thought.
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