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** Trigger warning: physical abuse ** ** a few days later ** Valentina POV I wake up slowly, my eyes barely able to open due to their swollenness. My entire face is swollen from the blows and lashes, probably beyond recognition and repair. My entire body is in so much pain I actually passed out for god knows how long. All I know is the human waste and his cronies were here when I passed out, and I am alone now as it seems. With the amount of blood I have lost from the deep gashes all over my body, I am surprised I am still alive. What have I done so wrong in my life to deserve all of this? ‘You have done absolutely nothing to deserve this’ a voice tells me. I chuckle at myself. It took me long enough to start hallucinating and start talking to myself. ‘You’re not’. It won’t be long now until I find out if god, or the goddess, is real. If they are, I will be with dad shortly. The last.. days I guess? Have been torture. Literally. I snort at myself. What did I expect when they said they were going to torture me to death? I told him to just kill me, but the sick f*ck wants to enjoy my misery. I have been hanging here completely nude for all to see for days now. But, I kept my promise and I didn’t let out a single scream, even though it cost everything I had in me. About everything in my body is broken, swollen and lacerated. They electrocuted me, waterboarded me, they used every torture tactic in the book. And then… Then he took it a step further… He.. The sick f*ck did what he ordered Kenneth to do. Probably because he realized having him do it would be the biggest torture he could ever bring me. They bound my legs so I couldn’t choke him to death. And he f*cking raped me. Brutally. The only time I came close to screaming was when he entered me with his disgusting filthy d*ck. All this with my mom watching too. He made her watch her only daughter getting raped. Tommy was in the room too, but he left as soon as he saw Derek undressing himself. I swear to god (figure of speech, I’m still an atheist) if I make it out of this alive somehow, I am going to burn this pack down to the f*cking ground. Honestly, I think my rage and hunger for vengeance are the only thing keeping me alive. ‘Not the only thing’. Whatever. Even that will fade out soon. Hopefully, I will be at peace in the afterlife. Suddenly, I hear a low rumbling growl. I didn’t realize there was someone in the room with me. Not that I am scared, there is nothing they can do to me that hasn’t been done already. After some time, the door bursts open with a bang, and in the doorframe I see a disheveled looking Tommy. I growl at the sight of him, and he seems taken aback by my demeanor towards him. What the f*ck was this piece of sh*t expecting? An applause? “Val….” he breathes out, while stepping closer to me. My feet are still bound, so I cannot choke him, but f*ck do I want to. “Come to take your turn, traitor? Don’t you f*cking dare come closer to me” my chest heaves up and down in anger, my barely pried open eyes burning with a vengeance. He halts in his tracks, with a hurt expression on his face. But he can f*ck right off. “Val….. You don’t honestly think I would betray you like that, do you?”. “WOULD betray me, Tommy?!” I seethe, the balls on this guy. “You HAVE betrayed me like that!!!!” I bellow at him. My fury is so fierce, it becomes almost tangible enough to grab it. “Val no….” he breathes out softly, tears glistening in his eyes. “If I didn’t play along he would have killed me on the spot, and then nobody would have been able to get you out. You would be tortured to death”. “Look at me Tommy. LOOK AT ME. I AM tortured to death already. Only my body is refusing to give out yet”. Tears are streaming down his face, he is such a good actor. “Bravo. You should get an Oscar for your acting skills” I chuckle darkly. “Val… You are the only person I have ever cared about. I… I love you”. I bark out a laugh. Wow. “You have a funny way of showing that, gamma” emphasizing the title Derek gave him. He is about to speak up, but I interrupt him. It’s not his time to speak, it’s mine. MINE. “He RAPED me Tommy. He RAPED me, and you just walked off” I hadn’t even noticed I started crying until the salty tears start to burn my open wounds. I expected him to drop the act now, but instead he rushes over to me in a flash, his eyes flickering back and forth between black and green. I am ready for whatever is to come, I am as good as dead anyway. He drops to the floor in front of me, sobbing and clutching my waist. Which, compared to the rest of my body, is a little bit better wound wise. Not that it is much of a benchmark. I still have gashes there, but they aren’t as bad as my arms and legs, which are unrecognizable. I still wince upon the contact however, leading him to loosen his grip. “I’m so sorry Val” he screams out in between sobs. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to rip his head off” he continues to sob like a little child. We have grown up together since we were little children, and in all my years with him I can honestly say I have never seen him cry like this. Or at all for that matter. Could he be telling the truth then? ‘He is’ my subconscious tells me, but I am still wary. “If you are telling the truth, then get my mom and help us escape”. He rifles through his pocket frantically, before a set of keys come rolling out. “I couldn’t get to your mom, Val. They are watching her like a hawk. I have a plan though. I am going to bring you to a cabin I have found in unclaimed territory a long time ago, and we will stay there until you have recovered. And then I will come back for your mom”. He unchains my feet, while I respond anxiously “you can’t come back later they will kill her!”. “If I try to take her now they will kill you, and her right after!” he shoots back, and I have to admit he is right. And besides, the filthy f*ck wouldn’t harm her when I’m not here. Everything he does is aimed to torture me, so hurting her when I’m not here to watch is not his cup of tea. I growl at the thought of him. I will END him one day, I promise that on everything I hold dearly. “Well, then you are going to have to stay here. Give me the location to the cabin and you stay here with my mom”. Tommy doesn’t reply, but he removes the shackles from my hands and I quickly remember every bone in my body is broken when I try to stand on my own feet. Instead of dropping to the ground in pain, Tommy catches me and holds me against his chest. I can’t help but cry out at the excruciating pain right now. “I got you. I think your wounds are infected, Val. I brought a backpack full of medical supplies. And some of your silver weapons are in there too”. I nod at him silently, still unsure what to think of all this. He did get me out of my shackles. But I can’t shake the memory of being defiled by that piece of sh*t. He wraps a blanket around me, before lifting me into his arms. I wince and can’t suppress the whimper leaving my throat. It hurts. Everything f*cking hurts. “Let’s go Val” Tommy rushes me out of the room, on our way to the exit. “Let me have my weapons so I can shoot if needed be”. If there is a god or goddess, please, have mercy on me for just this once.
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