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Valentina POV I regain consciousness slowly, noticing my surroundings are pitch black and it is very cold here. Wolves generally do not get cold since they could easily withstand this temperature, but to me, it is freezing here, wherever I am. I am laying on a hard surface, probably the floor. It smells vile in here, it seems like a mixture of mold and, decay? I don’t hear any sounds here besides my own breathing. As my eyes start to get accustomed to my dark surroundings, the first thing I notice are the metal bars in front of me. I am in the dungeons. Whether or not they are the dungeons of our pack, I don’t know. Most likely they are however. Normally when a wolf has committed a crime, they get sent to the dungeons at the King’s castle, awaiting their trial. But I am no wolf. And even if I was, I doubt they would let me have a fair trial. Not that I care, my life ended the moment I saw Derek rip out my dad’s heart. I can only hope I choked him long enough to send him to the pits of hell. I spend goddess know how much time reflecting on everything. My life so far, my family, Beth and Tommy. Tommy… I wonder what happened to Tommy. And moreover, I wonder what happened to mom. Is she still alive? And if so, does she know it was Derek who killed dad? Will I ever see her again? But what haunts me most in these dark hours is the sight of my dad in front of me. As I am sitting on the floor I pull my legs up to my chest, and bury my face in my arms, folding them on top of my knees. Sobs wreck my body as the image of my dad continues to haunt me. If only I was able to protect him. If only I had a f*cking wolf, we wouldn’t have been in this situation. That traitor would never have gotten his greedy little hands on the Alpha title. I am brought back from my nightmare when I hear the sound of a heavy door opening, followed by footsteps who seem to be coming closer and closer. I immediately stop my sobs and wipe my tears. My dad always taught me to never show my enemy any weakness. As I already can’t hide my biggest weakness, the best I can do is not show any heartbreak or fear. A figure emerges in front of my cell, but I can’t tell who it is because of a blinding flashlight being shone directly into my eyes. Under any other circumstance I would have looked away from the blinding light, but in a display of defiance, I decide not to. “I should kill you on the spot for what you did to my son” comes the chilling voice of my dad’s beta and Derek’s coconspirator. He growls loudly, but I don’t flinch and just glare at the bastard. I smirk thinking back to the blissful moment where I was pushing the air out of his son’s lungs. “You really should, yes. I have nothing to live for anymore anyway, since you and your filthy son took my dad’s life. I was just glad I could return the favor”. He growls at me, before replying “call him filthy again and I will f*cking skin you alive, b*tch! But I must say, you live up to your name of being the pack’s biggest failure. You couldn’t even get the job done, you couldn’t even avenge your own father”. A human growl-ish scream leaves my throat, before bellowing “YOU ARE LYING!!!”. I hear him laugh, before another set of footsteps enter the dungeon. My heart is beating hard and fast, fearful that there may be truth in his words. I pray to god he is lying though. Please god, I have never asked for anything, but please let me have this. As the steps come to a stop at my cell, I hear the most gut wrenching sound of Derek’s voice, and my heart sinks. “You thought you could get rid of me that easily, b*tch?”. Screaming in absolutely agony, I bolt towards the cell door, trying to grab him through the bars like the rabid dog I am. I can’t even see where I’m grabbing since I am still a bit blinded, but I don’t care. Humans believe in god, werewolves believe in the moon goddess, and I decide right here, right now, that there is no god or goddess at all. Otherwise, he or she wouldn’t have allowed these bags of filth to walk the earth. I scream at the top of my lungs and bang the bars in frustration when I can’t reach him. “F*CK YOU!!!” I spit out, hoping my spittle will hit either of them. I move back from the doors and start pacing my cell. “Now, now. That is no way to treat your Alpha now, is it?” Derek taunts me. Or as I will call him from this day forward: human waste. “You will rue the f*cking day b*tch, mark my words, you will rue the day!!!!” I shout back, but they only bark a laugh at me in return. “And what are you planning to do, you wolfless b*tch? Scratch my back?”. “You seem to forget that I would have ended your miserable life already if it wasn’t for your trash father sedating me, or whatever the f*ck he did to me”. I hear both of them growl, before Derek orders “have the warriors torture her, until her body passes out. Make her mother and Tommy watch”. At least this means my mom and Tommy are alive, but who knows for how long. And who knows for how much longer I will be. Several more sets of footsteps enter the dungeon, before the door opens. Yanked roughly by my arms, claws are piercing my skin yet again. I can’t help but let out a small whimper in pain, as my arms were already ripped to shreds from when they tried to pry me off the human waste. At times like this I wish I had a wolf, so my arms would have been healed already by now. Dragged from my cell kicking and screaming, we enter another room. The stench of rotten flesh and vomit permeates the air, and I can’t help but empty my stomach contents on the floor. The warriors that are dragging me do not seem to care, as they continue to cuff my hands in big, thick shackles. I wince looking at the shredded flesh on my arms, it looks absolutely brutal. I shriek when I am suddenly pulled up by the shackles on my wrists. It isn’t until now that I notice they are connected to the ceiling, made to leave their victims dangling from the air as I am now. I am no p*ssy, but I can’t help a lone, angry tear from streaming down my face from being strung up in the air like a puppet, with my wrists burning from the pressure of my own body weight. Not to mention the blood still oozing from my arms is making me lightheaded. I look around to see the warriors that had probably dragged me here, and I make a mental note of those who are smirking at me. If I ever make it out of here alive, I will come for them. I will come for them all. There is a commotion coming from the hallway, before the door opens and my mom is pushed onto the floor in front of me roughly. “MOM!!!” I yell frantically. They better not lay a f*cking finger on her, or so help me god.
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