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Valentina POV Tommy swiftly hands me the backpack, allowing me to fetch the handgun. My other weapons will be too heavy for my weakened body to hold onto right now. I double check the ammunition in the magazine quickly, before locking it back in and loading it through. “Val, I will have to make a run for it in order not to be seen. It is going to hurt like hell for you..” Tommy looks at me worriedly. “You have seen what I’ve been through, Tommy. There is nothing you can do that will hurt me more than they have. Besides breaking my trust” I reply solemnly, whispering the last part. Tears are glistening in his eyes when he looks at me, but we don’t have time to deal with that now. “Let’s go” I urge him, and he hits off running. He was right though. It hurts like a b*tch. I may or may not have slightly underestimated how much it would hurt to be bounced around with possibly infected wounds across the length of your body. I can’t help but whimper, but I still whisper to Tommy to keep going as I don’t want him to stop. After quite some time on the run, we are about to reach the only lake on the territory. An incredibly strong smell hits my nose, and I wonder what it is and why it is so strong. It smells like apples or something, I can’t quite place it. “I never knew we had apples here” I mumble softly, leaning against Tommy’s chest. Tommy looks at me with his brows furrowed, but he doesn’t say anything. I notice he starts picking up his pace however. Perhaps I am hallucinating again. As we get closer and closer to the lake, the scent keeps increasing. Or at least I think it does? All of a sudden, Tommy freezes in his tracks and drops us both down to the ground. I can’t suppress the small cry leaving my lips at the sudden movement, and Tommy places his hands over my mouth to silence me. “Derek is right there, we need to take another route” he whispers, barely audible. Oh, the hell we do! At the mention of his name, the last bit of gunpowder I have left in me ignites. I don’t feel the pain I had just a second ago, only a weird new stinging pain in my abdomen. It’s like my body is making one final push to avenge my father and myself, and to deliver this lowlife what he deserves. A growl reverberates through my chest, and I jump out of Tommy’s arms before he can even grasp what is going on. I stumble towards the 2 figures near the lake with my gun drawn, my hand clutching it so tight I’m sure the blood has drained from it completely. As I get closer, I see the other figure is a naked female, on her knees in front of him. Needless to say, they aren’t playing checkers. “DEREKKKKKKK!!!!!!” I bellow out, as I stalk towards them. Both of them snap their heads towards me instantly. Derek looks bemused for a second, before his eyes widen to the size of saucers. Until his gaze falls upon my gun, and his expression turns hard. I waste no time shooting both of them in the foot, to make sure the silver enters their system immediately. You see, once silver has entered their system, they won’t be able to use any of their wolf abilities. They won’t be able to shift, they won’t have accelerated healing, and most importantly: they won’t be able to mind link the warriors to warn them and ask for support. They will only be able to still recognize their mates, but that is by smell only. Both of the b*tches before me scream in pain, and I can’t help but chuckle at how low his pain tolerance is. Some beta he is, let alone an Alpha. One bullet is all it took to have him screaming like a little girl. “Both of you shut the f*ck up, or the next one goes through your brain” I yell, pointing the gun at the woman’s head. As I get closer, I notice the smell of apples is further increasing. “You B*TCH!!!! I should have killed you when I had the chance” Derek speaks through gritted teeth. “Yes, you really should have” I grin wickedly, before shooting another bullet into his leg this time. As he screams in agony, I yell through his screams “we are going to play a little game. If you scream, you earn another bullet”. And with that, I fire another bullet into his thigh. He screams again, and I can’t help but grin devilishly. “Well, isn't this going to be fun! You pathetic weakling. You nearly stripped the flesh off my bones, and I didn’t scream as much as you did with one simple bullet. The only time I came close to screaming was when you put that filthy, DISGUSTING thing of yours where it didn’t belong” I grit out, before shooting another bullet. This time, I aim right for his disgusting manhood. Silver wounds never heal on a werewolf, so anything I do now is permanent damage. Just like what he did to me. As I glance down at my arms, I notice they are looking much better however. Odd. Or perhaps I am hallucinating again? ‘You are not hallucinating, I am healing you’. OK, definitely hallucinating. I shake my head in an attempt to clear my haze, before firing another shot at his groin. “YOU F*CKING WORTHLESS w***e!!!! I SHOULD HAVE RAPED YOU TO DEATH!!!”. And that is all it took for me to lose any composure I had left, and forget about the carefully put-together plan I had laid out for this moment. My rage is burning through me like hot lava, my skin is actually feeling like it is on fire. “YOU.SHOULD.HAVE.BEEN.F*CKING.SWALLOWED.BY.YOUR.MOM.YOU.F*CKING.INBRED.WASTE.OF.OXYGEN” I scream at the top of my lungs, while shooting bullet after bullet at his manhood in an attempt to rip it to shreds. I continue to shoot long after all I hear are empty clicks, as if bullets would magically enter my magazine again. In my all-consuming anger and frustration that my bullets ran out, I even toss the gun at his head using all the strength I have left in me. My chest is heaving up and down violently, and I feel like I am out of breath from everything. Perhaps the adrenaline is wearing out, and my body is going to give out now. My skin starts to burn again and my hands and mouth are starting to hurt. When I look down at my hands, claws seem to be forming and my hands look like they are turning black. I chuckle at my own stupid hallucinations. They are getting more vivid by the second, it can only mean my time is coming to an end. At least I had this final moment of satisfaction, I sigh contently. Derek suddenly perks up from his fetal position, looking at me wide-eyed, before a demonic laugh exits his throat. “Well would you look at that, MATE”.
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