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Valentina POV Not to mention that, for a human, I am good in physical combat as well. Despite his wolf strength, I have managed to pin down Tommy numerous times. If you can’t be strong, at least be smart. Beth and I are also the only females attending trainings at all. It’s open for all to join, but they all seem uninterested to do so. They seem more interested in standing aside and flirting with f*ckboy Derek. I hope when he finds his mate she will reject him on the spot. But, evil people always prosper, so I don’t think we will be that lucky. “Valentina, Tommy” my father greets warmly, before turning his attention back to Derek. Who, on cue, removes the scowl from his face and lights up like a Christmas tree. F*cking phony. Derek booms out across the field “listen up everyone! We will begin with 10 laps around the territory for endurance. After that we will gather here for sparring”. As we all start to jog away from the training grounds, Derek speaks to me, loud enough for dad to hear “let me know when it'll be too much for you, OK Val? You don’t have to do all of it”. Piece of sh*t. If I had a wolf, I would be growling at him right now. “No need to worry about me beta” I emphasize his title to taunt him “I will be fine”. I can see his fists clenching in anger, but he just responds “good” through gritted teeth. I don’t understand his beef with me, I have never done anybody any wrong. Despite all of them glaring at me and openly mocking me, I have never given anybody any reason to do so. “Prick” I hear Tommy breathe out as we are running towards the territory border, just out of earshot. I giggle, before resuming our run in silence. After about 8 laps, Tommy suddenly halts in his tracks. I turn to look at him as his eyes glaze over, indicating he is mind linking someone, which is something all wolves in the same pack can do. Or one could do with their fated mate. His face turns pale and I hear a growl erupting from his chest, indicating his wolf Ace is pushing forward. Ace lives up to his name, he is the absolute best wolf. He too still considers me his Alpha, which is as astonishing as it is endearing. The animal world is brutal, so to have him being as protective of me as he is, is quite extraordinary. Especially since our wolves tend to only respect the hierarchy. And without a wolf, I am at the bottom of the food chain. “Val, there has been a rogue attack! Let’s go, hop on!” Tommy wastes no time to shift into Ace, a big black wolf with the same emerald green eyes as Tommy. I hop on his back as we have done many times, before he sprints back towards the training grounds at inhumane speed. I clutch onto his black fur as a terrible foreboding feeling starts to set in. I hope everyone is alright. We reach the training grounds to see a group of people crying and hugging each other. Other than that, everything seems to be in order though. Ace lets me off his back and he shifts back to Tommy. As the group of warriors see us approach their looks turn more solemn than they were, and dread fills the pit of my stomach. I push through the crowd with a stoic expression, until my gaze lands on the sight before me. My heart drops and I am struggling to breathe. Tears spill from my eyes as I drop to my knees and sobs wreck through my body. My dad is laying on the ground lifelessly, covered in blood. “CALL THE DOCTOR!!!!” I bellow out to the crowd frantically, while crawling towards my dad. I check his pulse and notice that although it is faint, he still has one. There is still hope. “HE STILL HAS A PULSE!!! TOMMY GET THE PACK DOCTOR!!”. I can see Derek moving towards my dad and I hope he can help him. “I already mind linked…” Tommy starts off, but doesn’t get to finish his sentence when Derek extends his claws and plunges his hand into my dad’s chest, ripping out his heart right in front of my eyes. I scream bloody murder and I feel my ears ringing. My dad, my hero. I love him to the moon and back. And this motherf*cking piece of sh*t murdered him. HE MURDERED him!!! Red dots begin to cloud my vision, and I can’t seem to think straight. I don’t have a wolf and attacking him will be the death of me, but I don’t care at this point. I don’t f*cking care. Lunging towards him, I start raining blow after blow on his face. He kicks me off effortlessly with his wolf strength, but I am like a rabid dog out for blood right now. Out for his blood. He stands up quickly, as do I. I don’t feel any pain anywhere, all I see is him and my desire to smash his face in. I kick him in the groin with all my strength to distract him, before smashing his head on my knee. Next up, I drop him to the ground face first, and position myself to keep him in a choke hold. I hear a commotion behind me and I hear Tommy and Ace roaring, but I only have 1 thing on my mind right now, and I can’t afford to be distracted. Derek passes out from lack of oxygen, but I am not done yet. I won’t be done until his body drops to the floor like a sack of potatoes. I won’t be done until his pulse stops beating, and his face has turned purple. Multiple sets of arms try to grab my arms to pry them away from his neck, but I grip onto his neck tighter. His face is getting purple, I am almost there. Snarling and growling is heard everywhere, and more hands are coming to yank my arms off his throat. I feel their claws digging into my flesh and I am sure some of them are close to hitting my bones, but I don’t feel anything right now. My desire for revenge is consuming me. All I care about is ending this pathetic excuse of a wolf. Someone holds me in the same choke hold I am holding this piece of sh*t, but I still don’t budge. I am going to die and I am OK with that, but he is coming with me. I will avenge my dad. “VALENTINA NO!!!!!!” I hear Tommy screech, right before a needle is jammed into my neck and my vision begins to go black.
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