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Valentina POV Which is probably exactly why his training is so brutal, to prepare me for what might come. Or, as I know it, what is coming as soon as my dad retires. But, I will make sure to be gone from here before he steps down. Even my dad acknowledged that it would be for the best. Despite the fact that he doesn’t even realize that his precious Derek would lynch me alive if I didn’t leave as soon as he is in charge. To ensure I would really not be harmed and be able to stand my own ground, dad has given me an array of silver weapons and has trained me how to use them. Although I am a puny human compared to these giant werewolves, being skilled in handling silver weapons gives me a great sense of relief. Even just the touch of silver could harm them severely, let alone when I plunge a knife or fire an arrow or bullet through their chests. And since I am not a werewolf, I do not have any reaction to silver at all, just like a normal human. Because of my dad’s brutal training I have to admit I am never scared in the human world. I am quite confident I could easily fight off a few men all on my own. The downside to not having my wolf however, is that I am unable to smell whether someone is human or not. I am always told it’s easy to sniff out wolves from humans. And that it is also easy to sniff out any other supernatural beings, although you may not know exactly what they are. You see, besides werewolves there are several supernatural species such as vampires and witches. Legend has it that even some dragons exist, but I am unsure whether this is fictional or not. Despite knowing the dangers out there for us humans, I can’t be bothered to be particularly scared. I know a wolf’s kryptonite is silver, which happens to be vampires' kryptonite as well. The only species that would make me anxious would be witches, but witches don’t mix with wolves, so we have never met any. Witches are anxious of wolves, because of their strength and speed. And wolves are anxious of witches, as they don’t know the extent of their power. But, as soon as my mom and dad retire I won’t have anything to do with any of it anymore. They are going to retire in 2 years, when I finish my education, so I can enjoy their retirement with them (sort of, I will still have to work of course). I am currently working on getting my master’s degree in finance, and after that I will finally be done and ready to get a job. I almost jump when I hear a sudden voice pop up in my office “hey Val!”. I look up to see the familiar emerald green eyes I love from one of my 2 only friends, Tommy. Although he is just my friend, I have to admit he is a sight to behold with his mesmerizing eyes, black wavy hair, sculpted frame and dashing face. As is my other friend, Beth by the way. I don’t understand why either of them wants to be my friend, but I’ll take it. “Hey Tommy! What’s up?”. He drops his behind on my desk, and I can’t help but joke “your big booty is going to make my desk give out one day you know”. I am joking mostly, although he does have a firm, muscular butt. He gasps, placing his hand across his chest in mock hurt. “Did you just call me fat again?! I work out you know!”. “Oh how could I forget? All the ladies in this pack don’t shut up about it” I grin at him, knowing he has no interest in anyone other than his fated mate. He doesn’t even know her yet, for all he knows she could be a total b*tch, and yet he is loyal to a fault already. He has never even kissed a woman yet. Not by lack of them trying though. Although I have kissed a human here and there, I am still a virgin myself too. Not because I am saving myself for anybody specific or something, simply because I haven’t found anyone worth my virtue yet. He rolls his eyes playfully “I don’t care about any of them. Not just because they don’t catch my interest, but because they disrespect my Alpha every day”. His expression turns solemn near the end, and I almost choke up. You see, he doesn’t mean my father when he refers to his Alpha, he means me. Even though I am a worthless human. I love this guy to no end, this is what a true friend looks like. I smile sadly “I am not your Alpha, Tommy. That title is reserved for Derek” I fake gag upon mentioning his name, a running joke between me and Tommy as he can’t stand the guy either. We try to avoid doing it when Beth is with us, as she is still his sister, despite the fact that she can’t stand him either. We don’t want to hurt her feelings in any way. “Don’t remind me… I may have to move to human territory with you when you leave” he groans in frustration. I smile a bit at the thought, but I know he can’t. “You can’t, you have a job here. And in the human world you will never meet your fated mate”. He seems conflicted, but drops the topic after that. “Anyway, I came to fetch you for training. And afterward grab some food?”. Besides my dad’s brutal training, I also train with the rest of our warriors. Not that they are happy about having to fight a human. None of them know that I am holding back, however. Especially since I don’t have a wolf, I would like to have the element of surprise in case I ever need it. So I never really go all out during these trainings. Only when Tommy and I train in private I let loose, because I trust him with my life. “Okido, let’s go!” Tommy chuckles, before wrapping his arm around my shoulder “dork!”. “You’re the one laughing, so that makes you an even bigger dork!”. We are still chatting and laughing as we approach the training grounds. I groan inwardly when I spot Derek standing next to my father and Tommy’s father, who run the training together. I know it was inevitable to have him take over the training from my father at one point, but it still irks me to no end. The little prick. “Just ignore him” Tommy whispers into my ear, before letting go of my shoulder. Derek is winking at a few girls who seem to be here to spectate, and they are more than eager to wink back and blow kisses at him. I have to stifle a gag at the sight. I cannot for the life of me understand how these women can stoop so low. I may be “just” a human, but have some self-respect, geez. Once the little prick averts his gaze to Tommy and my direction, his facial expression turns into a glare. Of course, only since my dad isn’t watching. Whenever my dad is watching, he is acting like I am a porcelain doll. Which I am most definitely not. If only he knew how skilled I am in weaponry, he would think twice to piss me off the way he does.
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