Chapter 10 ( A look Into The past)

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(In The Past ) "I need a drink Michael and I need it now so will you meet me at the club?, Linda said she can't make it but I know she would come later". "Yes you know I'll be there Grace , I think I need a few drinks to"."Good then I'll see you at lets say seven?". "Yes girl see you then and please wear something sexy for once , who knows who you could meet, ok". Michael says before he hangs up. I need to get drunk tonight my mom wants me to stop being a nerd and date a chef and my father wants me more involved in his business and then there is this parents in my class that simply don't see their child for the child she is, , my shoe broke in brake time and I am just so worked up and then on top of this all I GOT a speeding ticket too so this is just not my day today, like bad luck doesn't seem to leave me be. As I get home I decide to throw away my most comfortable shoes whitch my mother also hates and run a bathe so I can soak away all the bad. Me and Michael are going for a drink and so I will be wearing a sexy little number, tonight I am not the teacher, but the sassy model girl and I think Michael will be over the moon, because he always say I'm a nerdo trapped in a models body but I disagree I'm just modest and want to set a good example, but today I want to be more. I need to open my shell and let myself relax and then maybe I will feel better so before heading out I take my all favourite little watch that mom gave me for my birthday last year and l look to myself seeing I look pretty hot ,but still acceptable.  The club is a well known stand up high end club and so I walk in sitting by the bar waiting on my best friend knowing he will arrive soon ,but I needed that drink so I signed to the barman to bring me a martini and a shot and so he does. "So how come you sit alone?" ,this handsome man says beside me sitting at the bar himself and he was rather alluring , and what the heck talking was not off the menu and if a greek god wanted to talk to little old me then well why not. "I like to drink alone and you , seems you like to bother woman while they try and have a drink?". He smiles his million dollar smile at me in his pretty fancy suit making me wonder what or who he is, propobily some rich dude or a playboy model or a lawyer or a doctor of some sort."Well sorry to tell you this miss but if a stunning women like you sits alone by the bar I will want to talk to you , you see I don't like when woman sits alone it tells me she is either sad, hurt or had a bad day". he says and Grace smiles. "Fine then good sir , then buy me a drink and I will forgive your forwardness". He looks to the barman and signals for refills and so time seems to slip and still no sign of Michael. Then after ten more minutes a text comes through from no other then Michael .  Grace I am so sorry I got held up at work so go on ahead and drink and I will send you my driver to pick you up and take your drunk ass home he will send you a text, don't forget to dance ,it helps if you get drunk to fast and enjoy". So Grace text him back. "Fine you ow me then !!.  After this Grace was already feeling the effects of the drinking and she and this hunk of a man went to the dance floor dancing and then they went back and drank some more, after a while they were both drunk and chatting and flirting like fools but they both unwinded and it was great then as Grace talked about her life the man listened but then out of the blue he kissed her and she kissed him back, it was like fire crashing with ice, it worked and they both enjoyed the making out so much they took it to a more private area but as they kissed Grace looked to him and said in a soft voice."Take me home and make love to me". He looks to her smiling ."My name is Jake and yours?", she smiles at this god like man and as he takes her hand he leads her to a limo standing outside but before they go her friend Michael hurrys to the car . "Wait Grace are you ok, where are you going?", Grace smiles at him. "Michael i'm fine he will take me home , your late , see you tomorrow", she says winking at her friend and he understood and then the driver looks to Michael saying what made him leave happy. "I give you my word your friend will be save sir". "Yes now lets go", Grace say and as they drive of its like she and Jake cant keep their hands off each other. After about ten minutes the limo stops and Jake carries Grace inside his home up the stairs and to his bedroom where they continued their passionate kissing feeling free and just being like the normal people their age, Soon all their clothes were on the floor and they explored each other like it was a map to we explored and Grace never felt so special in the precense of a man in her live so with every beat she could not stop this man ,he kissed her like no other and she touched him like no woman has before, like destiny was somehow involved in this special drunken lovemaking , soon they became one and as they kissed the watch she got from her mom came off her arm and fell at the side of the bed and soon the two fell asleep naked next to each other. Grace woke up while it was still dark and as she looked to her left she saw this sexy man lying next to her and she well, she was butt naked so as quiet as she could she took her close and stuff and sneaked out going home not really remembering how she ended up in this man's home not even remembering his name , the only thing she remembered was how much she enjoyed it ,but even his face under the cover was not something she really remembered but this was mabey now her first one night stand, at least Linda and Michael will now include her in this circle and be happy she too turned wild child for one night, a night of plesuere but drunken madness all too well. Grace got home and went to bed only to wake up the next day thinking she was very silly but he was really the best lover she had ever had but now life goes on and she would never even know who he is really, not remembering much of last night, then as she put her stuff away Linda walks in with a frown. "You are late Grace, did you forget to look at your watch?". This is when Grace realize she lost it and would most likely not find it again, ."Sorry I think I lost it and my phone's battery was flat so sorry it won't happen again", Grace say as Linda smile. "So tell us about last night you vixen".....
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