Chapter 11 (Derek)

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"Come now kids settle down so we can begin , and get out your books then turn to page seventeen please". Grace say ,but just as she waits for them to do so Linda pops her head in and calls Grace over. "Hi sorry Grace , you have someone here to see you in the office". Linda says out of breath seeming she was walking to fast again, but Grace looks irritated wanting to just start the lesson. "Who is it ?, I'm busy Linda". Linda then looks to the children almost dragging me out the classroom,"He did not say only that it's important, go quickly ,I'll ask Jim to take over for a while". I was never one to just leave my work to another teacher."No tell him or her to wait ,I'm a teacher bloody hell , I can't just leave everything to talk to someone"!, Grace say to Linda, but then she cought eye of the man standing behind Linda , and her heart almost stopped out of shock,  it can't be , it's him ,it's Derek her messed up ex, the one man she hated more then life itself and hoped to never see again, Derek was a very wealthy handsome man himself ,but had anger problems and after slapping Grace and shoving her, hurting her and breaking her arm she left him and now he is back again for who knows what.  Grace looks mad and as Linda sees her face she starts to recognize him, the man that came looking for Grace, was indeed Derek, he now had a beard and glasses on. "Hallo Gracie ,aren't you happy to see me?". Derek says smiling walking closer almost in Grace's face and just as he wants to take her arm Jake walks in seeing the fear in Grace's eyes, something he has never seen before , "I won't do that if I were you sir, you see she is my fiance and I have to admit I don't like other men touching what belongs to me, or putting his hands on her for no reason that frighten her "! , Jake says as he stands infront of Grace looking at this man that is clearly making her feel like a trapped bunny for some reason. "Fiance ?, well I see you did not let any grass grow under your feet then Gracie", he says stepping back and then Grace and Linda looks at a rather angry Jake and Grace instantly feels safe with Jake being there. "Yes we fell in love,... so meet my fiance ,Jake Simmons, Jake this is Derek Smith , he is my past", Grace say and as she does Jake puts his arm around her back while shaking Derek's hand with the other. Derek did not seem to like this one bit but kept his cool. "Pleased to meet you , so you are ...The Jake Simmons?, man Gracie only one month after me and you aim higher again?, must be love at first site then I suppose ?". "Yes it is Derek, so why are you here ?,we have nothing to say to each other so you can go out the way you came". Grace say still with Jake's arm around her waist. Derek looks to Grace knowing he will have her again so he looks to Jake in a spiteful way saying to her the words she did not want to have revealed at this moment or in such a way. "Well then I suppose you're Jake here knows you are pregnant with my child ". he says and as the words come out of his mouth Jake looks to Grace in shock and Linda looks to a happy Derek, how did he know this?, she thought.  Jake then looks to Grace as if questioning her with his eyes and as she looks to the floor he knew it was true that she was pregnant, but if he was the dad she would have told Derek ,so something seems off about this man, and by her reaction she feared him.Jake then decides to back her this time,"Yes I know and I am sorry to say ,but she is having my child and I would prefer you leave before I throw you out, you're upsetting Grace".Jake says feeling the anger run down his body ."Oh really , well we will see Jake ,we will see, and if that baby is mine I will take it from her , or she could come home with me where she belongs", Derek says and so the two men stand in each others faces ,but Jim comes out stepping in the middle. "We will see, now go before I regret letting you go "!, Jake say ,but Derek smile walking out with Jim while Grace stands like some mummy."See you soon puppet".  I wanted to tell you Jake, I swear", Grace say as Linda leave them alone. "Is he the father Grace?, if so tell me now"!. "No he can't be, I left him long ago ,it was...It was a one night stand, before I knew about this arranged marriage, and I wanted to keep it a secret to spare my parents this, but I wanted to tell you at the cabin ,but I needed more time". Jake looks to her feeling a bit betrayed by the girl he started to like more then he should.Jake then walks out while Grace stands crying as she knows not what he was thinking now, will he tell her father now ?, and will they forgive her for lying to them and why did Jake have to walk away from her after she told him why ? .Jake must be so mad at her , but she had to lie ...even though she knew it was wrong. Jake (Pov)  I was so mad I just needed some fresh air and I needed to get out , she lied to me, she is pregnant with some man's baby and she is to be my wife, how in the hell is this happening to me, if I tell on her now my father will never let me go ahead and I could lose that company too, that guy seemed positive it's his baby but she says no ,our moms are already planning a damn wedding and I kissed her in the hot spring .My feelings are all over the place and if she lied about this what else could she lie about ?. Jake went back to the office calling his other friend that happen to be a private investigator and asked him to do a check up on this Derek Smith guy and so after about two long  hours he received an email about this so called ex and that is when Jake made up his mind and knew what he needed to do...  After school Linda went to Grace and Grace cried so much Linda called Michael and soon he also came to her rescue ,but did not know what was wrong. "How did he find out about the pregnancy? Did you talk to someone about me Michael?". Grace say and Michael thinks a bit shaking his head, trying to remember. "Maybe only to one of the makeup artists, she was pregnant too and so I just told her you were too, but you were ok with the morning sickness and she then went on about how far you were and who you were, but I did not know so that was it", Michael says so Linda takes out her phone looking to Michael while Grace sat drinking some tea to calm her nerves. "Give me her name". So Michael gives her name and there she was on social media and one photo was with Derek, that was when they knew she leaked it to him and he was most definitely still stoking Grace like he did before and now he knows she is pregnant. "I am so sorry Grace I did not know she was one of his minions, she seemed nice, but don't worry we will not let him hurt you again, you have to also talk to Jake, he needs to know the truth and all of it , only he can protect you from that ass and he already did in a way". Linda says while the three hugged each other when Grace's phone rang and she saw it was no other then Jake Simmons...
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