Chapter 9 (The hot spring )

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It was so much fun to see Grace's face yesterday as I came to my cabin whitch happened to be right next to hers even though it's still is a bit far, it's still close to get a view of the other neighbor and man I have gotten a pretty good view from my cabin . Yesterday we also had fun and she seemed normal to me not the sassy little vinx she always seem to be , I liked this side to her and seeing her walk in the road all by herself was not good for my heart, she looked so lost and somehow reminded me of this one nightstand I had a while ago that woman was also small build and lost , not that I remember much from that night being very drunk ,but somehow after we made love, I ended up with her sexy little watch, that I keep on my nightstand at home because even though I was very drunk I remembered our passionate night, it was one of the best lovemaking's of my life ,but the next morning she vanished and I never knew really who she was even, but aside from that , the sad story of my life,  I am taking my future wife to a spesial place, the hot spring close by today, only the locals know of it and well I thought I wanted to show her this great spot.  Grace was getting ready and felt good knowing she and Jake were getting along it seemed and it felt right in some sense, but who knew why he was nice now. Grace got dressed and poured herself a cup of tea while waiting on her date to go see this magical place he talked about."I see you already sit and wait on me, that is good to see".Jake says as he walks closer, looking super hot in shorts and a normal t-shirt.. "No don't flatter yourself, I just like to sit and drink my tea in peace that's all", Grace says mockingly to a smiling Jake. "Oh... ok fine you got me so are you ready Mrs Roland to go see my magical place?". Grace smile putting away her mug and hurrys to get the camera and some water.Jake looks to her and shakes his head, "Did you ask me if you could take pictures ? or do you just want a photo of me? .Jake says laughing walking a bit ahead into the forest behind the cabins. Grace follows him and as the two walk she looks to him and takes a photo . "Actually I just want to take a photo just in case you wanted to go all serial killer on me", Grace say as she takes a  second quick photo and Jake just smile. The forest is so pretty this time of year and as they walk they come closer to this small little eden, there infront of them lies a hot spring and it looks like a small natural pool and the water seems hot enough almost like a hot tub just bigger and actually all natural, its beautiful, surrounded by trees and plants making it more exotic to the eye. "This is really something Jake Simmons", Grace compliments him and he smirks as he walks closer to the water taking his shirt off and man he is build like a greek god, shaped in every part of his magnificent body. "So you coming or are you afraid of the water?", Jake tease and so Grace decide to be a bit rebeliuse but not to much seeing she is pregnant and don't want to be reclass, but this she could try it looked idyllic and with this Mr arrogant in the water why not. So Grace looks to Jake showing him with her finger to turn around and so he does, she takes of the t-shirt and shorts she had on standing in her blue bikini, yes the one Jake saw her in and she wanted to leave him thinking and to spite the man a bit. Jake then turn around and he is so overwhelmed by what he sees its like his brain just lost function, she is a piece of art and she has that same blue bikini on again, damn what is she doing to the poor man. "So.. do you like the water at least Grace, or are you like other teachers not wanting to do fun stuff?", Jake say rather out of place then Grace goes under water wetting her hair and as she comes back up Jake smiles shaking his head. Grace then looks to him smiling knowing all too well she got his attention. "Oh yes it is really pretty, thank you for showing me this, never thought of you as a nature boy, and just for the record I am a cool teacher ok?". Jake then smirks going closer to her. "You know nothing Grace Rolland, I know more than I say, think more than I speak and notice more than you realise" ,He says and she is lost for words, he can go deep if he wants to and for a second the two of them locks eyes as if time itself stood still while they share a moment of understanding , of chemistry that flows through their veins making this the most romantic spot to plunge in and kiss and that is exactly what Jake does he leans in smashing his lips into Grace and she kisses him back, it's like fireworks and they are the only ones in the world to see it, the kiss is full of want and passion, but then reality steps in and Grace brakes the kiss and takes a bit of a step back . "I'm sorry Jake I did not ..." ,but then she decide to climb out and go to the cabin, she wanted to kiss him to ,but she can't, not when she has so much still that she needs to tell him, and so she walks back leaving him also dumbstruck at what he did . Grace knew this was not good for her heart he was known for liking woman to much in the past and now she fell too. Jake stayed in the water wanting to drown himself , I just scared her away, damit why did I kiss her ?, she must think I am some i***t p*****t , no I can't fall now, I'm only in this deal for the business, nothing more although ,she would be my wife but mabey this was too soon to make a move on her, but it felt so right , but now she stormed off and that can only mean she was not ready or not interested at all, I'm such a fool thinking she wanted me, she is just doing this for her parents as am I  and nothing more, Jake thinks to himself and soon after he dries himself he also heads to his cabin wondering if he should go there ,but then decided to rather send a text and get back home to the real life not some fantasy. Hi Grace it's me Jake, look I am sorry for what happend at the spring, I didn't think straight so just forget it happened ok, enjoy the rest of your stay I'm heading home , I have a urgent meeting that came up, so I'm leaving tonight, talk soon.  Jake Simmons.. And that was it, he once again made a fool of me, but at least I know it meant nothing to him so now I can at least rest a bit tomorrow , he is such a duhs...
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