Chapter 12 (Forgiveness)

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Burgundy's was very quiet and so I sat by the window like I always do , I like people, that is one of the reasons I wanted to become a teacher to teach and to get to know people. The call I got was from Jake wanting to talk and I knew in the sound of his voice he was not happy and that he needed an explanation on all that was revealed to forgive me and also about Derek I suppose too, I just prayed on my way over that Jake would let me explain and that he would be prepared to at least understand why I want to do this arranged marriage thing with him ,but if he wants out ,it's ok ...I will then deal with my monsters and face them like I have always done. Morning sickness is better but with the stress I feel a bit sick today, even though the craving for milkshake was not gone,The waiter brought me my second milkshake and so I looked to the door and that is when I saw him, Jake Simmons,the billionaire that kissed me.He walked up to me and I could see he was not happy nor smiling, but I stayed calm, waiting for the storm to come . "Hi Grace, sorry that you had to wait for me, I was cought up at the office", he says casually still very humble ,then sits opposite from me, he seems so different from the man at the cabin that was smiling, smirking at me all the time, and I knew why, I also knew he was maybe just relaxed . "No it's ok... I was early so..", but before I could finish he looks me dead in the eye,so very serious all off a sudden. "Why did you keep this from me Grace ?, I had a right to know you know, you are having a baby and it's not even mine, and besides that you have a bloody ex that seems to want you back making more trouble", Jake say sounding very irritated by the situation. I wanted to shout at his mean attitude,but could not,"I am so sorry Jake, I wanted to tell you myself, but Derek beat me to it, I know what you think and yes I saw an easy way out , I can't disappoint my parents Jake , not now and I will understand if you don't want to do this anymore I will talk to our parents and mine and then you will be free, this is my mess and don't worry about Derek I will handle him", Grace say with a stray tear running down her cheek, this makes Jake more mad, seeing her upset. "No he will never come near you again Grace and believe me I am not happy you lied to me ,but I get it and I am not one to back out of a deal so we will still do this marriage thing even if it means that I have to take your baby as mine, I will do it and from this day we will see this baby as mine and you are still my fiance, but it will take me awhile to get used to this and please Grace stay away from Derek , What did he do to you Grace?", Jake lets the bomb fall and Grace is stunned about what he said.Did he care or was he looking out for his reputation ?. This was it she must tell him ,"He hit me and shoved me and he broke my arm , I got a restraining oder against him, but he always comes back wanting me back but I will never go back, Why do you want to help me Jake, with knowing about the baby, is it really so important to get my father's company?". Grace say annoyed finishing her milkshake looking down, knowing that she felt something for this man at that hot spring, maybe even now. "Yes why els, we both need this marriage my reasons are just more simple then yours and because.. never mind?" ,he says hurting her, but she knew he might. "Fine  then !!,either way thank you Jake, now if you'll excuse me I have to get home I have to go see my mother for some wedding details". Grace say but as she stands he stops her. "Grace when do you wanna tell them about your baby?". Sad she answers,"We can do it over dinner this week , I'll ask my mother to arrange it , then we can drop the bomb on them to as I did on you, goodby Jake I will call you and let you know about the dinner". Grace say wanting to just leave as Jake nods in agreement.  Grace wanted him to say he liked her ,but she was right he was just in the moment when they were in that hot spring or having fun at that market, it meant nothing to him he just wants the company and at least he is willing to keep her secret for now and pretend they are having a baby,ow she to must set her mind to only think of this as a business deal  too with Jake Simmons and allow her heart to get over the small feelings it began to feel for a man that will never really be hers,. Grace then headed to her mothers to talk wedding whitch was suppose to be fun, every girls dream like it was also hers , she wanted love but instead she got duty just like many young women before her time, they did this only out of duty to their families and to become someone's second and now she to stands at this same road. Jake(Pov)  It was the hardest thing to see her walk away from me again and if keeping her in my life in this way then I would do it again, I knew she only wanted to really do this arrangement because of her parents and now also to keep her secret save, and me well I wanted, hoped for more after this weekend, but that is why she walked away from me at the hot spring she was not interested in romance with me, she wanted my name and all that came with it .I fell for a woman that doesn't even want me as I think I long for her and now she is carrying another man's baby , it hurts my soul, but I made a promise and I will keep it even if it meant we are only married in name. Grace arrived at her parents home and was happy to see her brother also there, he was never one to stay away too long from mom's cooking and I always knew he was a mommy's boy where I was more daddy's girl and that is why my father can't know of my one night stand, it will disappoint him and that I never wanted to do. So I hang my coat and my purse as I walk in to another good smell I love so much moms stew and oh my the house is filled with the smell of garlic, thyme and rosemary, all going perfectly with the perfectly cut meat dashed with home made love.  "Hi mom,dad", Grace say as she stands in the doorway to the kitchen looking to her mom and dad still in love after all these years. "O hi honey, come and taste this, I added some garlic and it tastes amazing", Mom says and I smile kissing them both, but dad walks out as my brother calls on him. "Hi mom, this looks amazing as always , I'm sure it will taste great to, mom ...can I ask you a favour?", My mother looks to me frowning not used to me asking favours from her, normally I would ask dad. "Ok what did you do Grace?, don't tell me you want to have a party in my restaurant, you know I would love it, but i'm too busy now". "No it's not that, I want to have another family dinner with the Simmons , me and Jake want to talk to you". My mom looks to me putting her spoon down , and yes she only does this when she is worried or really into talking. "Well ok if you want to, I can call them and ask them over how about a barbeque at the pool, then we can have fun too?". "Yes that sounds perfect thank you mom can we do it tomorrow?", She looks a bit taken back because heaven only knows how long mother takes to decide on menus and organizing stuff. "Ok I suppose we can ,but come now let's go sit  first I want to tell you about the new wedding book I got you and Jakes mother also thinks it will help with all the organizing and planning  for the wedding and we also need a date soon and you know all the details on your big day", mom shouts happily like a child, hugging me and I smile because I know this means the world to them and to her so we walk out sitting as she shows me the pile of bride books she bought and what her ideas was and that was the first time it sinked in actually, I am getting married to the Billionaire that kissed me, something no man was ever allowed to do no matter who he was, it was kind of my one rule, not to kiss a guy before feeling butterflies and yes I did feel it  with him when I first saw him, but still he cought me off guard and I was so not in a good place or ready to kiss him , kissing must be romantic like in the movies, not his way.  Now for the big news tomorrow , I just hope they will be happy for us and accept it...
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