Chapter 6 (Dinner with the inlaws)

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Two days went by after the misunderstanding with Jake in the restaurant and then I got the call, my over the top chef mother calling me to tell me to not be late for the so called dinner date  we were having with my soon to be in laws and lucky for me my mother told me that Mr arrogant would not be able to make it due to meetings and I was over the moon by the news, not really looking forward to see them ,but if he was not there it would mean I could try and stay till dessert so that helped me cope , Now I just need to get to the pharmacy and get some pregnancy vitamins and something for this nausea then off to Linda to get dressed for dinner seeing she likes this dress up the doll thing so who am I to say no to my best friend, and besides it could take my mind off this pregnancy, not that I am unhappy, but at some point I have to tell my groom to be and I doubt he will be happy ,so now it's only me and makeup and hair and tomorrow I can get packing to enjoy a weekend in complete solitude in Micheals cabin by the river , he even said I could go there more often so I will have to see first what it looks like and maybe take some work with me.   "Ok so seeing you hate yellow , which by the way fits you perfectly , You must try out this little black number, its sexy and you will look great in it seeing you're not showing yet, so try it on and with the red heels too", Linda says and who am I to disagree, she is the fashion icon between us and not even to mention Michael he is like Millan walking in a human body, that is one of the things I love about my friends they are super good with this and me, well I am smart with other stuff.  So I take the dress putting it on and the heels to and I must say it is gorgeous and I look like a supermodel to myself, so I walk out and Linda smirks shaking her head. "Man I should have been in fashion not the headmistress of a school, you look fantastic, ok come now the hair and makeup".Linda says and so I sit smiling at her , we have known each other since primary school so she is like a sister to me. Soon I am done with my hair nicely curled to the side and light not over the top makeup and then she hands me her Gucci bag for good luck then I was off to see if my family is still normal, but I doubt it mother is most likely in the kitchen whipping up a masterpiece and daddy getting the drinks ready for the guests, I just pray Tom will be there tonight or else he will get a piece of me tomorrow seeing he so called missed the last family dinner. The streets are quiet tonight as a drive to my parents home and the light make me feel like I am in some disney ride or the carousel but luckily I enter my parents home and park my car next to a car I presume was my future in laws car because I have not seen it before and then Tom's car too, happy he is also here tonight I take my bag and get out to yet again take on another family dinner. Walking in the door I smell the smell I love most, mom's cooking , it always makes me happy and knowing she does what she loves gives me hope and stability in my own life, As I walk in Tom and Mr,Simmons and dad stands by the bar having what looks like a whisky and when Tom sees me he almost run to greet me and father only smiles happy I presume that I came early today."Sis welcome I see you are early today", Tom says hugging me."Yes and I see you actually made it Tom", I say back and we both laugh, He is like my evil twin , only difference was he was not my twin so we walk in and I greet my dad and Mr Simmons then dad tells me that mom and Mrs. Simmons are in the kitchen, so I take a water heading into the lion's den.  "You see the smoother the souse the better it will glide over the plate making it the one thing that will make the dish pop out an fill you with delight", Mom says to a smiling Mrs, Simmons. "Yes and no dish must ever go out without a good souse", I say as the both look up to see me in the doorway and my mom smiles knowing she was the one who taught me this. "Oh Grace come in love, Mrs Simmons just asked about my sauces'' and you know me I had to explain, you look nice come stand with us". My mother say and so I greet Mrs Simmons too, she seems nice I heard she was a surgeon. "So Grace I hear you are a teacher, it's a good profession , when I was studying my best friend was a teacher and she was extraordinary to say the least the children loved her and well sadly she moved to London, we still see each other but still I think that you teachers should be treated better". she says and mom stretch her eyes to only me as if she is impressed by my future mother in law. "Yes we try our best thank you , but you save lives that is also great". "Thank you dear I also try ". She ads and so Tom comes in taking my hand. "Come I need to show you my latest work, I did it for mom but its upstairs". So I agree and we go to moms study, and it was beautiful a big portrait of our mom cooking in our kitchen, the place she loves best.  "So Dad said you met this future husband of yours". Tom says. "Yes I did and he is a arrogant asshole but I will do this for dad ". "You really think you can keep this up sis ?, something is going on because you saying you will do this just without a fight is not normal, so out with it why are you really doing this?". "Ok fine, I fell pregnant on a one night stand and this is my way to keep it hidden ok so just don't spill this ,mom and dad will never talk to me again if they knew please Tom".Grace pleads with her brother. Tom then agrees and so the two walk back down but while laughing at some joke Grace almost fall as she sees who just arrived at the door."Him again". she says .  Jake (Pov)  I was in my office not really wanting to go to this dinner ,but I had a meeting ,but then they asked if we could postpone it so I agreed and felt the need to rather go to this damn dinner to look her in the eye asking her what she was doing with that man when we are to be married, doesn't she have any dignity left?. So I take my coat heading to my new in laws home for dinner, getting ready to take on that vixen of a woman, she drives me so mad. At last I find the place and I must say it's rather nice and so I park my car walking in where I am greated and showed in and as I step in and look to the sunning interior , at the top of the stairs she stands looking like a f*****g cover model with those legs, man she is one good looking woman and then I see her face and she looks shocked and unhappy to see me and so I go into action mode, tonight she won't get away and I will get answers. "Oh son you made it just in time dinner is about to be served come". My mother says handing me a drink from the small table. For a moment I lost her but then at the dining table she sat next to me and It felt like I wanted to explode from the chemistry , but she had some explaining to do. "Welcome To the Simmons family , soon we will be one family, please enjoy the lovely meal my wife prepared for us" ,Mr Rolland say as we toast then the waiters bring out the first meal , and it looks like a salad, great just what I need more salad, but I eat and so the combersation flows until her Brother Tom asks. "So are you two ready for this marriage thing?". Then I look to her and decide to take my hit. "Well Tom I am, but it seems your sister still wonders around dating men "Jake says and everyone stops eating almost and Grace is so cought of guard she almost choke. "Excuse me?, I am committed to this just like you Rolland , I am not going on dates with any men". Grace say putting her napkin down he then looks to her mad. "Oh really so the man I saw with you while you had your kids party was no one then?"."You are a buffoon do you know that, kids party, how dare you?, I like having milkshake and that man was my best friend Michael if you must know". Grace say throwing her napkin down again and stand up feeling very mad . "Yes so he is still a man Grace". Grace then look to him wanting to strangle him right there but then she storms out running to the kitchen. That is when Tom stands up looking to Jake. "He is Guy you i***t, my sister is very loyal and you blew it, now if I may be excused I will go see where she is". That is when Jake look to everyone else and say. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to...". "It's fine son sit and eat she will understand",Mr Roland say and everyone eats as Tom comes in looking very mad. "She left, I hope you're happy now Jake Simmons, mother , father thank you but I also need to go , I lost my appitite.MR and Mrs Simmons nice meeting you, but goodnight", Tom say then leaves to go find Grace.
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