Chapter 5 (Life)

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After yesterday I had to know what her reasons was to agree to this, I always thought women were against arranged marriages in our time and society, but clearly not her and she is a teacher off all things, a pretty hot teacher if I don't mind saying myself but still .Life in the big city gets hectic that is why I sometimes like to head out to my parents cabin near the river, it's peaceful , no cars, no big buildings and only nature around you. Yes I am a big business man, but not a lot of people know that I actually love nature , fishing and having a big barbeque with the family, so today I'm going to drink tea with mother and mention to her that I need to go there for a weekend .My parents have a house by the lake too , that is where me and Nicky grew up so this cabin was a add on . The hospital was never one of my favorite places to visit ,but mom insisted I meet her here seeing she was in surgery all morning, she works hard and has for over twenty years now in this same hospital, she is like part of the furniture and all the personnel love her, they look up to her as do I. So I go to wait for her in her office , she has this big mahogany desk and always some pictures on it of us and one of me and my little sister when we were kids after playing in mud, she always shows it to everyone that come see her patient or not. So now waiting. Then after about ten minutes her door opens and she walks in not looking a day older, "Hey mom", Jake says and kisses her on the cheek as she hugs her son. "Good to see your on time this time", she says playfully then go to sit behind her desk. "Mom I work too you know, but yes in time to have tea". She smiles ."So do we drink here or at the cafeteria?", she ask and I smile knowing her tea in the office is much better. "Lets drink it here I'm not in the mood for more people". She then picks up her phone asking her personal assistant to bring us some tea. "Now tell me why you don't want to see people Jake, you work to much son you need a break just like dad ,but neither of you seem to listen to me anymore ", Mom says and I smile. "Mom I like people it's just I want to see you ". "Ok big boy what do you want?". she ask knowing me to well. "I want to have the cabin for a weekend and because I'm your favorite son you have to give me the key". she then takes the try as her PA brings it putting it onto her table to pour us our tea. "Jake you're my only son, but fine as long as you take no other girls , you are getting married now son so no more other woman you hear me", she says handing me my tea and then taking her own. "Fine mom, not married yet but fine, thank you".  Grace (Pov) "Bloody morning sickness, I just hate it so much it's not even funny anymore". "Just relax it's normal you know", Linda says helping Grace in the bathroom of the school. "Yes thank you I know". "So how did it go yesterday?" ."It went ok but Mr. arrogant was on to me, he was just rude , but I had to sign it, come I need a cupcake", Grace say walking to their office. Linda only smile walking with her. "I thought you felt noiseuse ?". "No just hungry". So the two ate the pink cupcake's that some mother in her class brought them to most probably score some points with her daughters teacher but why not I mean who doesn't like cupcakes ?.  Grace finished the cupcakes then went back to her class seeing the brake was over, she loved every kid in her classes and all the kids thought she was the best and coolest teacher, her classes were always fun and she always helped every last one to get things done.After school she was meeting her other best friend Micheal for dinner and so she went home to get dressed in something a bit more girly as Michael would always say, what is life without a bit of glamour ?, so after getting into a strapless blue dress and some makeup and high heels she was of to go to the Burgundy Restaurant not to far from her home, and their food was almost as good as her mother's and it was not that she did not want to go to her mom's restaurant , she was just not in the mood for playing taste tester today, just wanted to dine in peace.  Mom knows I like food ,but to much is also not good seeing she would need to watch her weight now that she is pregnant. The Burgandy seems not to be too busy tonight so she heads in looking to see her best friend and it seems he too is late so she walks in telling the hostess she is Grace Roland and she had reservations for two, the hostess then agrees taking her to a table near a big glass window overlooking the street , she loved it, she loved people and so a waiter came and asked if she would like something to drink and what better way to start dinner then with wine, but not tonight , no tonight it will be a milkshake. After placing her drink order Michael finally shows up and never without flowers. Just then the waiter brings my milkshake and the face of my friend speaks volumes to me."Oh my word where is my friend ? and what have you done to her?", Michael says handing me the flowers. "Thank you they are beautiful, and don't say a word about my milkshake ok", "fine pregnant fairy ,but still this is new, now don't worry I have some wine on your behave ok, waiter please get me some red wine please!", Michael almost shout to our waiter and I lightly punch his shoulder and we both laugh, and just then I feel a presence behind me and poor Michael looks stunned with his mouth open looking to someone behind me, "Have I died and gone to heaven?", Michael says  and I turn around only to see a mad looking Jake Simmons standing there. "I see you don't care for our arrangement Rolland, typical!". But then I realise he thinks of Michael as my date ?. "Oh please we are not married yet and I think I am in the middle of dinner if you don't mind", I say back to him and it's like his face is turning more red, who does he think he is ?,he was here having dinner with who knows what too and now he wants to tell me what to do already."It looks more like a kids party but never mind I'm on my way , enjoy", and then he walks out so fast, but why would I even follow him ?, and Michael doesn't even like women and what the hell did he mean by kids party?. "He looks very familiar Grace, haven't we met him in that night club, where you got wasted with Linda before you  got pregnant?, Micheal ask as we eat dinner. "Don't remember , but I doubt it come let's eat". "Have you found your watch yet, the one you lost that sinful night that got you pregnant?". "No but dont worry I have a new, better one". Life is getting heavy and so we order some drinks again and yes I got two more milkshakes, then Michael walked me home seeing I wanted to walk, This was it, people always wanting more, controle over the other but not me, I won't let him even if he is all that.
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