Chapter 7 (Checking up on things)

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Somedays it feels like the world is swallowing me whole, like I am this small piece in a puzzle that doesn't want to fit,but then I think that I am making a difference in this world and my child will one day know I loved it even though he or she was not planned as I would have wanted it , it is still a gift to me , Today I will see my gynecologist for the first check up to make sure I am fine and the baby too and to see how far along I am. Dr Gina is one of the best so know I am actually here and after last night I do feel to stressed and so I need her to tell me the baby is still fine. The waiting room was nicely decorated so I took a seat knowing I would need to wait .  After about twenty minutes I'm called in and then I was told by the sister to put on this plastic hospital dress and lay down on the bed and wait, so I do as I'm told and as I do I think of my life ahead ,how will I do this? , and if this man keeps on accusing me of stuff  I will crack.,but then out of the blue I get a text  on my phone so I finish up sitting on the bed taking my phone to see , maybe it's Linda  that wants to know how my appointment is going, but then I see it's a Unknown number. Then I see this message and I am blown away. : HI IT'S JAKE SIMMONS I WAS WONDERING , COULD WE MEET FOR COFFEE LATER ?, I WANT TO APOLOGIZE FOR LAST NIGHT , PLEASE. IF SO MEET ME AT BURGUNDY'S AT AROUND 4.. BUY JAKE.  Where the hell did he get my number from ?, must be my mom or dad giving it to him , but  then I decide I would just send a YES as my reply  Good thing to, because that is when Dr Gina comes in putting down my file then getting this machine ready which I think must be the ultrasound and so I ready myself . She looks to me smiling, "So let's look at your baby shall we ?, the gel is a bit cold as she puts it on ,but its to help with the ultrasound", she says as she lifts my shirt to pour it onto my belly area, this felt cold and soon she began scrolling over my tummy and then on the small screen I saw what looks like the milky way with this little dark spot in the almost centre. "Do you see that, that is your baby ,now let's' take a photo.It also  seems you are now four weeks pregnant Mrs. Roland . I want to see you in three weeks then we will be able to hear the heartbeat ok, lots of rest and vitamins ok", she says as she wright's in my file then walks out letting me get dressed.  looking at the photo I am in complete wonder and so I head back to work to find Linda in her office waiting for me like a puppy would it's owner friend.  She then sees me, "And how did it go ? , are you and the baby ok and how far are you?" ,,Linda bombard me with her questions."It was ok, nothing to major and it seems I am only four weeks pregnant and we are both doing great that's about  it , oh and my first ultrasound photo ". I say giving it to her, Linda smiles hugging me out of the blue, so I hug her back actually needing it after Mr arrogant asse's text. "Want some tea before you go to class?, don't worry Jim is there ". "Yes please that would be great seeing I need to tell you about a text I got ". Linda then orders Tea then sits on her chair looking for the news to be spilled out. "Ok out with it what text?". I smile taking out my phone showing it to her,. "Look he asked me for coffee at Burgundy's to apologise for last night, can you imagine?. "well are you going ?. "Yes I told him I would , I guess I too need to tell him about this baby and  soon ,so I'll see what he says". I say as the tea arrives and it's the best thing ever, I like my tea when I am stressed , it calms me and so we chat a bit more. Then I went to class thanking Jim for watching my classes while I was out and he was so nice like always and the kids well they loved that I returned, it seems Mr Jim is a bit boring and I mean if you tend to be boring kids will never take information into their minds and process it, but he meant well and it helped me. Over at Simmons Enterprises Jake was busy in the office ,meeting after meeting when he decided he must fix the feud that burns in-between him and Grace and at least try and be friends with her , because  after last night his mother was so mad at him she even told me if he don't ask her for her  forgiveness that they will disown him and so he texted her and the scheek of that woman , she only reply with a  Yes, nothing more only a lousy Yes.. Suddenly my phone rings and I see it's mom ,so I take the call knowing all too well she would want to know if I had apologized yet and so I answer. "Mother ". "Jake I hope you called her already, or else I will not let you go to my cabin this weekend". Mom says and I smile , my mom is really an angel to me. "Yes I'm meeting her for coffee today mom ok ?, then I'll make it right". "Good let me know how it went, gotta go son ,having my  tea and then I'm going to see Grace's mom for wedding planes and the engagement party planning and all". "Yes mother , enjoy". I say while she hangs up. My mom and sister and party's, man this is a nightmare to me. It's almost 4  when I look on my watch, so I decide to take my car and head to the restaurant to meet my future wife. The restaurant was not to busy so I took a seat in the middle ,liking the booth type seats more then sitting by the window where everybody can see us, then I wait ,but as I look up she walks in smiling to the waiters and looking like the next top model, man she is gorgeous , I am actually a lucky man, then she sees me and her sexy smile goes away making me mad, but then as she stands by the booth all the world seem to fade but her face. "Jake, hi, sorry I'm a bit late traffic was hectic". I smile to her seeing all her bags. "No it's ok I also just got here,  sit please so can we can oder some coffee or would you like some milkshake?. This comment clearly irritated her so she looks to the waiter, "I would like an ice tea thanks", then I order myself a coffee. "It seems my milkshake drinking bothers you alot?,... well let me just say I love it and if that offended you then really grow up ". I then laugh as she looks seriously at me . "I am only joking relax", he says arrogantly. " So Jake why ask me for coffee?. He looks to her and just then their order comes, the waiter place their drinks infront of them then leaves again. "Yes I did, and I am glad you came though, I want to say I am sorry for assuming that man was a date, your brother informed me he is your friend, after you ran away", Jake say taking a sip of his coffee as I drink my Ice tea to get some courage to talk to him. "I accept your apology Jake Simmons ,but I must correct you I did not run away ,I simply felt sick so I went home ok, and you what is your deal anyway with helping us ?, my dad seems to like you"?. "Good now I know to, well I want these companies to become better and bigger that's all and you ? why do you do it sugarplum? , seems your happy being a teacher?" ,Jake bites back and so Grace smirks, thinking maybe she should wait in telling him he could still say no , maybe she should wait until their engagement party is over, then the companies will be starting to merge and he will not have a choice after all , he will have no choice as to accept it. "I want to do the right thing , my father wants to retire so I would do it for them, and besides its what the Rollands before me also did, so it's nothing new to me Simons and if we can be civil to each other we could even be friends", Grace say and this makes Jake smile for the second time in her presence, so Grace blushes at his red face while hers is just as red. "Ok fine but just know this if I were to go ahead no funny business with other men and yes I know the same goes for me", he says and so she sees this as the end of their meeting wanting to go home and kick something . "Fine I agree, ok now if you don't mind I am packing and I still need to run a eran so I will see you next week then sometime". Grace say, but Jake also stand frowning. "Where are you going?". "O I'm just visiting some family for the weekend nothing big". He then swallows his pride and decide to ask her on a proper date , seeing they need to get to know each other."Oh ...ok well if you come back we should maybe go get dinner ?". She then looks to him frowning at his sudden change of heart. "Sure,  call me , thanks for the tea and good night then Jake Simmons, till next week". "Good night Grace Rolland", he says as she leaves and that is when he realised he was so over head in this...
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