Chapter 13 (Big News)

1849 Words
The text was sent to Jake about the arrangements for today and calls were made and the barbeque was planned and hopefully all will go well with the news we were about to break to the families.  "So what will you wear for tonight then Grace?" ,Linda ask knowing she loves to go through my wardrobe with me always telling me that I should wear this more and never wear that and buy myself some more sexy tops, but I just agree and never argue because she is my bestie and I know she means well ,but Michael now he can be dramatic about the right look and oh my word he is always on point with every aspect of fashion. "Ok so it's a barbeque right love?" ,Michael say while Linda looks at my shoes even trying some on too and I just smile at her cheeky nature. "Yes ,so nothing to glamorous please". "OH no you didn't just say, 'not to glamorous' ,Grace, you must keep that man on his toes you know". Linda comes out in my shoes giving me the third degree, as if she follows her own advice.  Once we went to a fancy dinner with other friends and she showed up in jeans and a not so nice top , I had to hide her in the bathroom since she looked like a burned out bush. "Linda is right you know always glam up girl and make him want you more , not in a sleazy way ,but at least give him something to dream about", Michael say  grinning and all of us laugh so hard the tears almost run over our faces . "I love you guys, even if you drive me mad,  ok let get the glam on then ".  Soon I had on a nice black tight denim and a very sassy red top and long earrings and my hair was taken up a bit with curls hanging a bit loose and yes the high heels Michael insisted on I wear tonight and I must say I looked hotter then a hotdog in summer times and so I kissed them goodnight and made my way to moms house ,but before I went there I had to stop and pick up some sauce from mom's restaurant that simply has to go with her barbeque . I parked the car and went inside greeting all the staff as they know me all to well . "Hi Grace Doug is in the back he has the sauce you want, oh and you look hot girl", Mia the manager say smiling walking to a table in the back and as I look to the kitchen I see Doug standing by the kitchen door with the sauce waiting on me, they know us to well . "Hi Doug, thank you ", I say taking the souse and yes it smells like heaven to me. "Hi kid, enjoy, made some extra Coues you like it so much", he says and I smile to the old man always knowing just what to say, he works for mother since she opened and he is like a part of the furniture and like family to us. "Your the best thank you , and don't work to hard ok, buy", I say and as I turn I bump into another woman and in seconds all the sauce spills all over my top , luckily it was not to hot or ells I would have nasty burns, the woman with her cheap long  blond hair and long Barbie like legs looks to me frowning, "Watch where you're going you i***t this is a top restaurant not a homeless shelter!!" ,she almost shout making some guests look to me, Mia comes running helping me with some paper towels and look to help her to, she then shouts she is fine, but the nice top I had on is ruined, and who the hell is this b***h anyway. "It was an accident and who is your i***t Barbie?", I say feeling very mad ,but just as she wants to step closer in my face Jake appears out of nowhere. What the hell ?. Wendy what the hell ?, Grace what are you doing here, should you not be at the barbeque already?" ,he says and this blond Barbie puts her hand over his shoulder looking to him with those sleepy eyes. "Don't worry babe it's all sorted now she bumped into me , do you know the poor thing Jake?" , Jake looks to me and in his eyes I see he wants to lie, I knew he had some other girl , he was just too good to be true after all so I look to her mad. "Yes he does ,but don't worry your fake eyelashes about it ,he's all yours I have a barbeque waiting with a sleazy fiancé to get to, enjoy your dinner or whatever this is", I say and walk out with Mia on my tail ,but I smile at her walking out a mess with only a bit of the sauce left ,now I know he was with this beautiful bimbo Barbie doll woman and so I decide to just go to mom's and pretend I didn't just see and witness all that.  The barbeque was good on it's way and so I just walked in and mom being a sweetheart saw me coming in and my top being completely messed up and if she could go to war she would have if I did not stop her in her track, now I need to bend the truth a bit. "Grace what happened to you, look at your top it's all messy?" ,she asks worried helping me in taking the sauce putting it down holding my arm. "Nothing much I tripped  mom and got the sauce all over me so I just came here hoping I could borrow a top , please". She smiles warmly and nods yes as she leads me up to her room while I hear he guests and dad outside talking, laughing sounding so happy, dad can never know that Jake is an complete asshole. "Take any top honey and put that one in the wash I'll get it sorted later and then come down your in-laws are here and I think Jake will arrive soon too, had a meeting at the office or something his dad said", mom says leaving me to attend to her honored guests ,little did she know Jake was in no meeting , oh no he was rather having a date with Barbie .  So I took one of my mother's' tops which actually looked nice on me and went down stairs putting on my pretty Rolland smile. "Hi everyone and then I saw the i***t that let me down ,my dumbass fiancé, standing by his mom and mine making small talks. I walk in and he dares to smile at me, damn him so I fake smile back and his mom looks very happy at what she sees if only she knew her golden boy was an imbecile, "Hi Grace you look pretty tonight and I must say your mom told us you did and she was right, so why did you kids wanna see us?, Jake's mom ask me and I see my brother sipping a beer in the back looking not to friendly propobily mom forsing him to attend and yes Nicky ,Jake's sister whom was nice to hand me some snacks smiling while I still see Jake look at me also wait for news. "Thank you Mrs., Simmons as do you, me and Jake actually want to make a toast and tell you all something that might be a shock...", But then he steps to me taking over my announcement, typical arrogance. "What Grace is trying to say is we are pregnant,  and your going to be grandparents !!" ,Jake almost shout looking to the two stunned mom's but just then it was like a tsunami hitting me when both mothers landed on me hugging me seeming happy ,but then my dad walks off and I knew he was happy but always wanted me to be married first so I leave the rest to go to him and explain with another lie I suppose.  "Daddy I am so sorry it happened like this, I know you must really be disappointed in me, it was not meant to happen like this". I say and look to him waiting for a reply as he takes a sip of his whisky. "I'm your dad how can I be angry, I'm just a bit overwhelmed ,but I am happy for you then Grace, and very glad you and Jake hit it off like this, I wondered if you would because it seemed you two did not like each other ,but it seems I was wrong ", my father say coming closer to hug me, "Oh dad I love you , you need not worry about me and Jake we are good ok just be happy for me and not mad", I say and he smile as we both head out where the two moms got out my album from when I was little and guess who is sitting looking at it, my i***t fiancée. "Congrats sis, I must say you move fast", my brother says kissing me on the forehead while Nicky also comes hugging me. "I know my brother must like you a lot Grace", she says making me wonder what she means. "What do you mean ?". "Well I only mean ….,because he was never one for kids , always told us he never wanted kids ,but I guess things change and I can see he did , you are good for him and it makes us very happy thank you Grace, so forget I said that". Nicky say and as she walks away my heart sinks into my stomach, he doesn't want kids? ,what will I do now, just as I want to leave and go cry he places his hand on my arm looking all smiling, like nothing happened earlier.  "Don't go Grace let me explain, my sister knows nothing". I look to him but feel just so overwhelmed that my mom sees me and comes to my aid. "Grace are you ok ?, why are you looking sad as if crying, oh my dear it's the hormones, isn't it ?, why not go lie down a bit?" ,my mom says but I just want to go home away from this, away from him. "No mom I think I want to leave, I don't feel to good, morning sickness all day , will you be mad if I go, Jake can stay, he won't mind, would you?" ,I look to him and I see his is pissed but nods to me knowing he was in the wrong and so my mom nods and so she agrees and off I go again away from all the fake feelings and lies, away from him, again...
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