Chapter 14 (Conflict)

1495 Words
Fake it till you make it, those word was what I used in business ,but with her it never works, like she sees me not as the billionaire stud  I think I am and the rest see. She saw me yesterday in a restaurant with Wendy and jumped to her own conclusions , whell not that I have never done it to her  , like with her friend Michael or whatever his name was, and now she cought me, well not really cought ,because I was having a meeting with my best friend then Wendy showed up inviting herself like she always do thinking she is the next Mrs. Jake Simmons and so I decided to buy her a drink then and there to tell her about my arranged marriage.  After telling her She did not like it one bit I tell you, but then she had to go powder her damn nose and as fate wanted it, she bumped into Grace and then as I saw it all I had to step in , Grace is pregnant and who knows what crazy Wendy would or could do, so I stepped in and that is when all hell broke loose. Grace left mad . So then again at the barbeque I was in the red again when my sister told Grace I never wanted kids , which was true ,until two months and one hot spring ago and now Grace hates me , thinking I am sleazed ball and I feel like an ass or a i***t as she would call me or sneezy. I like this woman ,but I just pray she would give me a chance to explain, so I decide to go to her school where she teaches with some  flowers and ask her to forgive me infront of the class if I have to. She needs to know how I feel now. I like Grace and think we could be good together and man I just want to kiss the woman, her stubborn nature and smile will make any man go mad ,but me I am simply bewitched by her, and I think it's time she knew this, yes the truth shall be revealed today whether she wants it or not. Before heading to the school I stop at the local flower shop and buy her a simple but pretty bunch of flowers, not wanting to over do it because then she would think I am trying to buy her affection and that is not what I intend to do , so I pay for it and of I go only to see the school coming into view, then parking my car going in to the office to ask where her class might be and as I walk in I see this lady looking familiar and as soon as she sees me it's like she knows who I am. "Hi can I help you ?", "Hi yes I'm looking for Mrs. Roland's class, it will only take two seconds please I need to see her". I say feeling out of my element , this has to be the first time in my live that I do this for any woman, not even mom gets flowers from me which I suppose is not nice because every son should give his mom flowers now and again. "Fine follow me, are you Jake ?". I look to her frowning, so Grace talks about me hey. "Yes I am and you are ?". She looks shy as we walk down the hall to one of the classes and I hope this is the one Grace will be in and just as I wonder we stop and through the class I see her smiling waving her hands in her element, and my heart stops seeing her with all the kids knowing she to is pregnant with one of her own. " I'm Linda her best friend so don't upset her or I will have to throw you out you hear me?", she says bringing me back to reality as she walks away and leaves me standing like the i***t I am watching her almost drooling at the sight of her , but then her head snaps to me and she looks shocked, so I see her wave to the kids and she comes walking to the door , to me. The door opens quickly and she is like a storm as she storms out frowning . "What are you doing here Jake ?, this is my workplace not a social gathering spot for ass holes like you!", man she is finery, so I start to smile and I see she doesn't like it .Now plan b, "I brought you flowers to say I'm sorry Grace for all the misunderstandings and to correct my stupid sister". She shakes her head in announce. "So now you blame your sister, typical Simmons, listen I don't care  much what you did or don't want I have work to do so please go, and you can hand the flowers to Linda, goodbye Jake I'll see you around". She says as she looks me stern in the eye walking back inside leaving me to my own thoughts and well a bit pissed, she did not even want to hear my out. So I also decide then and there to just walk away going back to the office allowing her to cool down maybe then we could talk like grown ups.  Grace (Pov)  The audacity of that man, who does he think he is, playing all good, thinking to come here?. This was the last straw. "Just as I go in the bell rings and so I feel like some tea and I know a certain so called bestie that needs to explain why in the name of football she would bring him to my classroom. Just like every day the tea is ready for all the teachers and some snacks, yes it's also a Linda thing, and as I come in she smirks giving me a muffin as I take some tea frowning at her so we walk to her office. "You know you look so much more pretty if you smile ,then looking like you want to murder me Grace", Linda say and so I sip my tea and take a bite of the bran muffin . "Don't flatter me, you are supposed to be on my side you know, that is what the word friend means ", I say while enjoying the tea and I see Linda wanting to smile. "Fine I am sorry ,but I did not know who he was and after I showed him your class he said he was Jake and then you saw him and it was to late, forgive me please?", she says giving me her muffins which I take it smiling at her shaking my head knowing she could not have known, could she? ,he is popular and in the media a lot. "Fine but I'm taking your muffin and next time call me first". She smiles sipping her tea to."Yes boss, whatever you want boss, and buy the way Mrs. Roland your flowers are so pretty, he does have an eye for pretty things you know so maybe you should talk to him more you know". Linda say . "No he is a cheater and a lier and I send him away Linda, you can keep the flowers, I will marry him and that is it no more miss nice girl, he is not even interested so whatever". "OH no you kicked him out?, Why ? ,because of barbie ?, no Grace , you are so much more then this, you need him !! just remember this". Linda say and just as she does my phone rings and as I look I see it's my mom so I answer. "Hi mom". "Hi my love , so I want to know from you will this coming Saturday be ok for the engagement party or is it to soon?", Mom asks making me almost want to spit out my tea. Keeping my cool I replay, "Yes's fine mom ,but can we keep it small?", I ask knowing this will be like asking my mother to stop backing for a week. "Good then I will come over to your place this after noon and show you the dress I had in mind and talk more about it ok, now I need to get the invites out, see you later", "ok bye mom", and as she hangs up Linda smiles again. "SO tell me are we having the biggest party on Saturday then for the future couple?". "I suppose so , thanks for the tea, see you later Linda". I say as I walk to my class not really in the mood ,but knowing all too well I'm doing this for my family and nothing or nobody will get in my way, not even Jake...
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