Chapter 15 (Engagement party)

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A few days past and so it was time for the engagement party of the year, Grace's mom prepared all the food and Jake's mother was in charge of the guest list and flowers seeing Grace was very busy at school and whell the mothers wanted to do this for their kids so Jake and Grace did not protest knowing Bothe the moms were feisty and would never say no or back down if it meant giving the almost newlyweds a perfect start to what they believed would work out perfect in the end.  The tables were set and the bar was made up along with a long table filled with all sorts of salads and bread and cheese and finger foods and the flowers was just as pretty bringing the already perfect home and garden to life and with the extra fairy lights hanging all over it looked splendid and shouted engagement party, now the moms only prayed that Jake remembers the ring he was supposed to buy for his  new fiancée.  Grace was at her mother's home right after school and even though Linda did insist she takes the day off Grace declined it seeing she was a dedicated teacher and so she was in time still getting her hair and makeup done by another friend of Michael's and this time Michael made sure the makeup and hair girl was not related or known to Derek at all. Michael was there the whole time to help seeing he and my mother are almost best friends as well ,but as soon as mom wanted to make him help her he quickly left and came to me seeing that I was pampered and well taken care of and then as always  he was also the one to organise me a dress and I have to say it was perfect , it was gold with all these pretty sequence and swarovski crystals and a bit of lace with this open back and the low hanging front showing of my perfect cleavage ,but still elegant and respectful . "Oh my word Grace you look like a princess darling and in this outfit you could win Miss universe , this was and is my best work yet girl". Michael says while showing me to twirl so he could see what his masterpiece looked like. "I don't know about Miss universe, but hell your taste is impeccable , thank you I love this look and the dress to, you're the best buddy ever!", I say and he and the girl smiles as she looks at her work and she too was happy as was I . "You did such a great job thank you, hopefully Jake will like it too". I say smiling at myself touching my tummy, hoping he would like what he sees tonight. "Oh believe me Grace he will do more then just like, if he doesn't see the beauty within as you are outside he is a fool, but I doubt he will feel that way I mean look at you ,you are just as beautiful on the outside as you are in the inside and any man would be damn lucky to have you as his wife". Michael says as Grace hugs him . Just then her mother walks in also dressed in a pretty blue evening dress and as she sees Grace she is in tears, stunned by he only daughters beauty. "Oh my word Grace you looks stunning, I, I don't even have words, only that all the guests are arriving and that we are ready to go if you are?", Mrs Roland say wiping her tears as she admires her daughter. "Thank you mom and you look stunning too, and yes I am ready ".Then the two woman opens the door as they start to walk outside to the reception waiting outside in the gardens. Everyone was staring and smiled as they saw the guest of honour and while greeting everyone Grace scanned the room feeling worried that Jake might feel different and decide to stop this arrangement, but then her eyes landed on the most handsome man alive standing with two glasses in his hands, one with champagne and the other with orange juice it seemed and man he had this sexy smirk on his face looking Grace up and down as he slowly descended towards her and her mom. The thought of him holding her and liking her look now made her nervous , hoping he would love the dress she put on for him and his eyes only, so she smiled back at him. "Grace If seeing you now as you stand before me is the wife I am to marry then I am for sure a lucky man , you look stunning , jaw dropping ,whow!", Jake say handing me the juice ,but never taking his eyes of mine, this was weird, he was never like this with me, maybe he is just doing this for the show so I decide to play along and so I smile back saying, "Thank you Jake, you look dashing as well, like a true gentleman, thank you for the juice, it's nice of you to hand me a drink", I say and he smiles taking my hand in his kissing it but then he looks to my mom . "Mrs Roland besides your stunning daughter, you also look very pretty tonight I can see where Grace gets her looks from". My poor mom was so stunned she blushed and smiled at him, "Thank you Jake what a nice thing to say, and well yes even though she is still a masterpiece of her own doing and you better take good care of her and my grandbaby ok, but now I must go greet your guests so take a minute then greet them too", mom says as she leaves us alone standing as if we were not feeling what we felt, longing for each other, so as I want to turn he takes my hand again and leads me a bit away from all the eyes.  "Grace I want to say I am sorry and... whell I suppose ask you if we could at least try and be sivile?". "I suppose we could Jake for the sake of everyone we love". I say back and so for one minute we lock eyes again,but then I look away knowing he would see what I try to hide from him. "You look so sexy do you know that?, I can't keep my eyes off you Grace and I know we said only friends and partners ,but I lied ok, I like you and...". But before he could finish my father comes to us asking me to dance and so Jake smile to him and then me nodding yes, he wanted to tell me something more,but I guess it needs to wait.  My father was a very good dancer and I was a true daddy's girl and love dancing with him, but half way through Jake came asking to take over and so he did. We were so close and he smelled so good, a smell almost similar to one I liked long ago, his hand was on my bare back while his other was holding mine in his as we glided on the dance floor. Jake then slowly moved his face to my ear whispering sweet nothing in my ear and the way he was holding me made my heart happy , he felt warm and inviting and familiar so I stepped back a bit and just as he wanted to kiss me his mother started talking on the mic and announced that Jake will be making a speech now, so once again our moment was ruined but I felt glad because I did not know if I was ready or if it was real or just for show. Jake then went to his mom and so he took the mic looking at me then the guests. "Welcome everyone to me and Grace's engagement party, Grace please join me love", he said and so I walked over to him and so he takes my hand in his and then he kneels down on one knee ,looking up smiling , it felt real so real like he wanted to do this,"Grace Roland will you marry me and be my wife?" ,Jake  asks and my heart feels overly happy so without thinking I say yes while hugging him as he takes out the gorgeous ring to place it on my finger and then everyone shooted and clapped being happy for us, and yes I was happy to even though I knew it was not really real, he had to do it this way, to make it look real to the media and everyone we knew.   The night was blissful and we danced again and even though he did not attempt another kiss I knew he wanted to but maybe it was just me wanting it to be real ,so as everyone left I went to take off my shoes looking at the pretty ring that sat perfectly on my finger now and then as the night wind blew I knew he was behind me, his smell ,so I looked back and there he was standing . "Why you sitting all alone?" he asks. "I just needed some air and you ?, why are you here?". "I wanted to ask if maybe you wanted to go have some coffee with me, you know away from the parents,also e need to finish that talk and because they are driving me insane with the wedding talk , I mean hello ,we just had the engagement party" ,he says laughing. "Ok lets do it then", I say and in mere seconds we were in his car looking for a coffee shop that will still be open, but not even one so he looked at me smiling , "So Miss Roland shall I take you to my house for that coffee then?", He says and I can feel my stomach turning into knots. "Ok fine , your house it is then". Jake then smirks smiling as we head to his house and as we ride he looks to me in a sexy way then winks and oh my word what did I just do ?....."Our house darling"....
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