
1296 Words

Mature Content Below (I am not good at writing such stuff but I tried) -HER- "Then take me," I say and instantly his lips crash on mine. Sparks erupt everywhere and it feels like a meteor shower. Everything's so hot, just one step from catching fire. My skin feels scorched by his touch as all the distance between us evaporates in the air. I wrap my legs around his bottom and pull him closer while arching my back to press my body against his hard one. I can't help but rub my core against his hardness. My hands trail down to unbutton his shirt. I tear his shirt away from his body before running my hands all over his muscles, feeling his six packs and biceps. I reach for his pants as he deepens the kiss. I feel as if I am going to burst into flames. Suddenly, he pulls back and takes my h

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