
1506 Words

-HER- We hardly slept that night. We made love several times and still it didn't feel enough. I felt more alive being with him. The night filled with our pleasured moans. We whispered sweet nothings to each other. I never felt so satisfied in my life. His mouth lingered at the place where my neck meets my shoulder. I felt him fighting for control. He wanted to mark me and I wanted him to mark me but for some reason he was hesitant. "I can't mark you now," He says to me when I give him a questioning look. "Why not?" I ask. A part of me is restless. I want to complete the bond. I had never felt such a yearning before. I want him so badly after pushing him away for so long. "Your lycan isn't fully developed yet," He speaks huskily as he runs his nose along my neck, setting a trail of str

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