
1533 Words

-HER- "How dare you! I must show you your place!" He roars before he lunges at me but we're interrupted by a loud banging on the door. In the next moment, the door flies open to reveal an angry looking Ace. He looks between me and Jackson before a thundering growl ripples throughout the room. His inhuman pitch black eyes are set on Jackson with the sole motive to kill him. In a blink of an eye, Ace is standing where Jackson has been standing a moment ago while a loud sound makes me turn around to find Jackson being thrown across the room. His back slams on the wall before he slips down on the floor. A scream slips past my lips but I cover my mouth. More tears stream down my cheeks and a low sob erupts past my covered lips. I look at Ace. He seems so inhuman; he seems just at the edge

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