1791 Words

“Come closer” “What?“ “Come closer, Anna”He said in a husky voice and she did. He sniffed her and breathed her in deeply. Anna simply opened her mouth. “Was this man serious?“ She thought to herself. She also found him fingering the string that held her bikini to her chest. “Ok. Let's go” He declared after he was done sniffing her in. She lost sense of time and couldn't remember how many times she had tried to swim on her own. The book she read online on swimming made it look like a piece of cake. Ryan made it even simpler. But she somehow still didn't get it so she did the next best thing. Give up! “Tired?“He asked as he laid beside her. “Yes” She was still catching her breath. They laid there for a while. Simply breathing in the clean air and gazing at the stars. Ryan on his pa

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