
The Billionaire's High School Girl

friends to lovers

Ryan Miller rescues a young High School student, Anna Bliss from getting bullied by her classmates. He takes her to his home for treatment only for his motherless five year old daughter to get attached to Anna and call her mom, leading to her insistence that Ryan marries Anna.

They agreed to get married for convenience when Anna also needed his financial assistance to save her dying grandmother.

When he learns that she is still getting bullied, Ryan takes a shocking step and disguises himself as a High School student despite being a billionaire, in order to prevent further mistreatment meted on his wife.

What happens when he fails in his mission after a horrible incident ruins Anna's reputation at Royals High School?

After all, Ryan was in disguise to protect his wife from the bullies.

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“Good morning, the good students of Royals High School. It is a beautiful Monday again. We hope you are eager to learn as we are also eager to nurture your young and beautiful minds” A pleasant voice flowed through the Public Address System of Royals High School. “The general assembly is in ten minutes. We should all endeavor to attend as the Principal will be addressing us all. Thank you and have a wonderful week ahead” “Anna, I've been waiting for you, what took you so long?”Amelia, Anna’s best friend at school, asked in a scolding tone.  “Sorry, I've been waiting on my grandmother, she didn't look too well this morning so I lingered behind to make sure she's fine” Anna apologized.  “It's fine. Did the doctor discharge her? I thought she was going to stay under the doctor's watch for a week?” “Yes, that's what he said but he suddenly said all she needed was plenty rest. I was surprised when they told me to come pick her. She told them she was fit enough to stay with her granddaughter” “Awwwn. We have to hurry to the main Auditorium; Mr. Henry is going to address us”  “Good morning, students” “Good morning, Principal Henry” “I am delighted to announce to you that one of ours, Anna Bliss, has taken the lead in the Annual Haynes Debate Competition” The whole school erupted into a cheer. “Miss Bliss, please come up here” Anna went up to the podium amid congratulations and pats on the back.  “I am glad you got a scholarship into our school. You have made us proud. You have proved yourself a worthy student of Royals and a worthy recipient of the scholarship that brought you here" Principal Henry said.  “Thank you, Principal Henry” Anna was truly shocked. “It is all thanks to this fine establishment, my teachers and lastly my best friend, Amelia for pushing me to compete”  “I love you girl” Amelia shouted from among the crowd making Anna laugh. Later, Anna was surrounded by colleague and teachers congratulating her and wishing her well. They all dispersed when the bell for the first class rang. Anna was heading for her Mathematics class when a hand gripped her head from behind.  “Congratulations, b***h” Bella sneered. “Thank you, Bella” Anna struggled to get out of her grasp which only made the girl tighten her hold on her. “You think you can come here and steal my spot, huh?” “No, Bella, I…” “Shut up” Bella growled “Your poor self isn't worthy of speaking my name”  “I'm sorry” Tears were rolling freely down her cheeks now “You'll be when I'm done with you, you pathetic street rat” She said, releasing her “Now, get out of my sight” Anna scampered away in fear. Minutes later, she was trying to sneak into her Mathematics class when  “Why are you just coming into my class?” A sharp voice interrupted her sneaking.  “I had to visit the restroom, Sir” she quickly found an excuse.  “So? Seems like you are getting too big to be handled, huh?”  “It's not like that, sir” Her Mathematics teacher was the only teacher that hated her for no reason other than she was a scholarship student. He was a ghetto snob. “Seems like you're letting your recent achievement get into your head” “No, sir” “Don't interrupt me while I'm speaking. Everybody here deserves to be here but you, you got in through shady means and I'll be here to remind you of it everyday until you find your conscience and decide to drop out” Anna was crying again.  “Sir, aren't you being unfair. She is a student here too and you should really learn to treat all students equally” Amelia defended her best friend “To be honest, many of us got in through our parent's influence and money not because of our academic capabilities” Murmurs erupted in the class because of Amelia's statement. Anna feared her friend would be bullied for standing up for her. “Miss Amelia, Miss Bliss, detention for you both after school” He said in a finalizing tone, enraged that he just got lectured by a student. He made a mental note to deal with them both later.  “Thank you” She whispered when she eventually sat down. “You're my best friend, no gratitude among us” “But still” “Still, what, honestly I don't care for these people. My family is not as influential as them but they still wouldn't do anything to me”  “I'm glad I have you” “Me too, Anna, me too” Later at the cafeteria, she was isolated as usual until Amelia came to sit with her. She was grateful their lunch was at the same time. “Dumb b***h” She recognized him from one of her Geometry class “Amelia, how are you with this thing?” “Jon really! she just won the Haynes competition and she's the dumb one? You never cease to amaze me” With that comeback from Amelia, Jon left.  “You're so witty babe, I never want to be on your bad side” “I can't imagine you being on anyone's bad side” Amelia rolled her eyes “you're literally an angel. YOU NEED TO DEFEAT THAT b***h, BELLA!” “You don't need to be so dramatic about it. It's not that deep” “See? I give up” “Let's hangout after class” “I can't. But I'll walk you. I have business to attend to on the way” “We have detention before though” “Ugh, true”          After detention, the two friends were strolling. Not talking, just enjoying the nature when suddenly they were pulled roughly into an alley. They screamed and struggled but their assailants were stronger than them. “Make them knee before me” Anna recognized that voice. Bella. Of course it was Bella. She was hooded and had shades on as if to avoid the CCTV Cameras. This particular alley was a blind spot. There was no CCTV directly facing it. Bella knew this. “I told you I was going to deal with you, didn't I?” Bella said, gripping her hair again. “And you” Turning to Amelia “I'll spare you since our families are partners, eh?” “You b***h” Amelia screamed “You won't get away with this” “Oh, I will, alright?” She sneered “Take her away” Bella ordered the boys holding them. Amelia spit in her face which earned her a thunderous slap from Bella. “Take her away this instant before I do worse” “Yes, Bella” “I'll come back for you” Amelia was finally removed from the scene. “Now, my annoying street rat” Bella smiled, wickedly before giving her a slap too. Anna yelped and made to get away from her but she was being held down firmly. “You came into my territory, my turf and you think you can shine brightly than I do? I am the queen of Royals. Do you understand that?' “I do Bella and I promise to get out of your way. Just please let me go” She was crying now. “What did I say about calling me by my name?” She gave Anna another slap. “I'm sorry, please stop hurting me” “I won't. You deserve it. Did I or did I not tell you to drop out of the competition?” “It was too late then and I did my best not to stand out in the finals, please” “Are you trying to rub your genius in my face? Are you mocking me, Anna?” “No, Bella” She was still saying when Bella gave her another slap “I told you not to speak my name again, you stupid b***h” she screamed in her face. “You don't deserve anything good in this life, you know that right?”  She only sobbed harder. “Answer me!” “I'm sorry” “You're not. If you were, you would drop out instead of annoying me by showing your face everyday. You should have died with your parents. I'm sure it was your existence that drove them to death”  “My parents are not dead” she said, quietly. “Interesting. Tell me more” “No” Another slap. “You don't have the right to say No to me. Only privileged people can say no” “They're divorced” “So they decided to abandon you at Grandma's” She connected the dot. “Since when?” Anna kept mute again. “SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING WITH YOUR GRANDMOTHER?” Amelia screamed in her face before giving her another slap. “If you make me repeat myself again, you'll regret it” “Since I was 4.” She answered amidst sobs making Bella laugh out loud. “Of course, I'm sure you were the reason they decided to separate. I'm sure you were unwanted. I'm sure your mother tried to abort you many times” Every word that came out of Bella's mouth was a stab in Anna's mouth. She had thought about it many times but she still didn't know why her mother decided to abandon her. Her mother's face was slowly fading away from her memory. “But no, you have to intrude on her life with yours” “I'm going to avenge your poor mother and also spare every student of Royals High the eyesore that is you. I'm going to shave your hair and blind you” “No, B…please, don't do this to me” “There's no one here to save you from me, b***h” “Jon, give me the clipper or shall I blind her first?” She contemplated as if she was deciding what to eat. When Jon came over with the clipper and a hairpin, she struggled more against the boys holding her down. She resorted to begging Jon.  “Jon please, think of me as your sister” She pleaded and hoped to gain his sympathy. “Nah Anna, I would never have a sister as pathetic as yourself” Jon ridiculed. “It is time someone put you in your place” “You hear that? You won't be missed in school. I'm doing everyone a favour really. Your grandmother can finally die in peace without you to hold her back” “Please, Help me anybody” She screamed on the top of our lungs. “Help” the clipper was getting nearer now. “Helpppp” she screamed again. “Someone gag this b***h so I can work in peace. If you cooperate, I won't blind you completely, deal?” “I beg you, please” “No” the clipper came in contact with her hair when a voice boomed  “What do you all think you're doing?”

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