1736 Words

Darren knew he was going to bite. He was eager to get rid of Miller. Even more than Leonard, who had more to gain than him. He disliked him, his arrogance and everything he held dear to him. They were the same age and he has everything he could ever dream of. It was the next morning and he was antsy, waiting for Leonard's call. As if on command, his phone rang. “Good morning, Darren” Leonard's voice flowed through the speaker. “Just the man I want to hear from. Make my morning” “We're a go. But I need assurance that this won't come back to me” “You have my word. Your name won't be mentioned to the workers” “Thank you for this, Darren” “I thank you more. You gave me the break I needed. Seriously, man, that was wonderful of you” “Have a good day” “You will” He didn't waste anytime.

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