Pawlands Origins part 2

801 Words

“ So the rings appeared out of nowhere then?”. I asked as I was foreseeing that the days are decreasing by day and I hadn’t been able to understand what the elephant would aid with the story. “ You seem skeptical Baroness and yes although Rhyca and Grielle did use all of their 239 powers. Mages and witches normally absorb 239 powers, the count and other flesh and blood hungry creatures normally absorb 187 powers” “187?” “Yes, Baroness the Count has 237, although the Sun’s light and warmth reduces almost 230 powers which has darkness as a source, the remaining 7 powers does prevent his death” “ You said 187?” “ I did but the Count has amplified his powers over the thousand year of his life.” “Ampified? You mean increase and how?” “ He did by winning the lands over the magic lands and

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