Pawlands origins part1

733 Words

“Before the missing ring is there anything we need to know about the creatures here?” “ Why did you ask so Ser?” “ Baroness Augusto has gone to the river to perform some kind of meditation as he calls it which revokes his powers. I heard he has some 7 of them” “ Yes Ser Uren you are true about Augusto’s powers. He has the powers of healing any blood injuries, although he can’t prevent death, yet he can heal fatal wounds and some other 6 powers which makes him calm at any dire situation. And you are also true regarding the knowledge of the pawlands before you hear the full story of the missing ring ” “ Then pray continue great elephant for I and the knight do heed your advice” “ As you ask Baroness, The pawlands has been always a mesmerizing place full of fairies, animals and rings. An

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