The Third Power?

534 Words

“What makes touching the surface of the river magic?” “Ser Uren, you are a knight of Parako, a beacon of bravery and ethics, yet you are not aware of the magical world. Ethics does make men believe in what they fear. We, on the other hand are different. Tell me when you faced the Wolf of Sarabria, did you ever have a second feeling of running away” “That was a 200-pound flesh-ripping monster. Anyone seeing it kill people would run away.” “Yet you didn’t. Which does make you brave.” “Half in my thought. Pray tell me, great elephant, have I wronged?” “No, never in your actions, Ser. Yet your words are somewhat blasphemous.” “ She is true Uren. You aren’t aware of the powers of the magic lands. These powers are stronger than in skills or practice.” “ I saw the magic in the lands when w

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