The Mystic Rings: Origins

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(Chain sounds) “You know I did think she would kill us, my lady?” “ Well, still being in chains is worse, Ser.” A prisoner with us shouts. “Well, you should be grateful, Ser. My Uncle and his wife had their skins peeled off for crossing the temple” “Really. I am a knight and I would rather die.” “What is in the temple that Sieste fears about?” “I heard there is a secret about the rings?” “The rings?” "What is this thing about rings?" "Ser you need to first understand that Rhyca holds the key to everything' The young man near him argues with him. "No, Grielle holds the key to all the rings" "You know nothing, boy. I was there when the fifth ring was stolen." "The fifth ring was stolen atleast 200 years ago. Don't fool the knight." "Is he one actually?" I was still eager and zealous about this ring story. As on my path, I had heard people murmur about the rings. "Are we going to be locked here for our entire life?" "You shouldn't have confronted the demon." "That is just a magical beast following the baroness." "You two are high-noble people of your respective regions, where we are mere captive preachers of Figasto." "You were telling us about the Rings? Why is it that we need to value such things?" "To begin with, my lady, you need to know why the Rings were created in the first place." "We know that the witch Rhyca and the mage Grielle of Sumatra made them" "Are you sure about that last thing that I remember? Were they fighting each other?" " Yes, but we need to get out of this imprisonment as your powers could weaken in captivity." "So she is the reborn lady of Sensia, as I have heard. Five years of prison hasn't lightened your mind and soul, my lady. Perhaps lady Sieste or your king will enlighten you?" "Tell me, preacher, why is it that I am alive?" "Yes, my lady. The last thing I remember was Sieste's soldiers getting us from behind and bringing us here. Doesn't she know that I am a knight and would rather be beheaded than preached by her pyschophants psychophants?" " We are the preachers of the soul and awakening Ser Uren of Parako, but seeing you are an impudish man and a juvenile young lady, we are offering you a path of peace and modesty." Uren punches the priest after hearing his words . The young man holds the old priest and protects him from Uren and pushes Uren back. " You shouldn't have done that, Uren!" "No, he's a psychopat of that evil woman. We shouldn't listen to their lies about the Rings" " Not what he says is true, Ser." "OK youngman, he was just derogating your words moments ago and, being a preacher, you are taking his side?" " I think what he says is true, as he was there when it happened." " Weren't you against him before?" " Yes, Ser, but seeing even your fist in your armor-cuffs, not even giving him a scar on his face, makes me certain that he was there. " " So, young man, you are saying that this old preacher is 600 years old?" " I would rather listen to what he says about the history of the Rings Ser" “ OK, let’s talk, old man. Shall we?” “ Can you be nice to him, Ser?” “ That is OK. He is an honorable man who doesn’t like big talk. But believe me, Ser, what I say is true in every word.” “ We are listening preacher. Pray tell us exactly as you saw?” “ Yes, there I was, ready for the great Yagya, as it was called. Yagya means offering to the gods in the linguistic language. There was a great fire setup for the task. The fire would be necessary for melting the gold into curved rings with powers great enough to rule over the magic lands.” “ So who else was present?” “ Mage Grielle, the witch Rhyca and some 500 pure preachers and half of them virgin girls” “ And why they felt the magic lands needed ring bearers?” “ Yes, Ser Uren, you out of all people question me about the importance of rings? Sad to hear from a citizen of Parako.” “ I heard from rumors that there were five of them and they were called the mystic rings.” “ Where did you hear that, Baroness?” “ I heard that from the encounter with the sheriff?” “ You have misled my lady, as there are 7 to be exact, but you are true about them being called mystic.” “ No, I heard that as well, that there were five. “ “ Yes, Ser, all people who are not more than 50 years old know that there are 5 that complete the paw?” “ The Paw?” “ Yes, my lady. Didn’t your friend the lion tell you about the land? It is his home land, like you of Senseia and Uren of Parako.” “ I barely know anyone except the Count.” “ You amuse me, young girl. No one knows the count” “ I heard that I fought him.” “ That was a stupid idea of your people, lady. King Doherty betrayed you and made you a fool.” “ Can you continue with the ring thing?” “ Yes, there are 7, to be exact. Black, Red, Purple, Green, Blue , Yellow and Orange.” “ No, I heard there were only Red, Purple, Green, Blue and the famous yellow.” “ Yes, it is famous in the pawlands and the known lands.” “ You two are still in the darkness. Preacher pray tell them about the black and the red rings.” “ They still have a month left till their death. I think we can wait.” “ OK my lady, do you want me to punch him again?” “ Can you tell us about the five then?” “Yes, the five rings are like the claws of the paw. Each is placed at the five fingers of the pawlands so that whenever one is destroyed, then it gets recreated at the claws.” “ I heard the rings are the reason the dark spirits or magic don’t enter the pawlands” “True, Ser, but as I have heard at the moment, no ring is present!” I looked at Uren in despair, as if no hope was there for us. A month was there ahead of us to know the truth and find the map that would lead us to the paw-lands which was our next journey.
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