The Wolf and the lady

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(Thunder sound) “Wake up lordess! We are late for the map” “ But Uren are you sure we are to find this wolf that you talk about?” “Yes lordess we need to or else we won’t find the way to to your homeland Gairad” “Can you tell me more about my home land Knight” “Yes my lady I have been there in Gairad though I only went to Sensia once. It was nearly 7 years ago.” “Sensia. What a name?” “Yes lordess. It is the land of berries as it is called.” “ Land of berries?” “Yes lordess. The ayurvedic berries as they say . It can heal any disease or even prevent death” “ Wow that is quite the land then” “ Well still you persisted on defeating Doherty and winning Gairad “ “ Why did I do that?” “ Well that is a long story for which I only know half my lady” “Can you tell me more Ser?” “ At the moment we have to reach the wolf lordess” “ But why is this land so different from other place. I mean thunder at the afternoon?” “ This land is a cursed land lady” “ A cursed land?” “Yes my lady the lady has powers over this land which the count gave her. But she has become so powerful that even the count doesn’t interfere with her works” “So a meet with the wolf will make her closer to us?” “ Well the wolf itself is a precarious situation. I heard he has eaten the flesh and drank the blood of hundreds of innocent people” “Only innocent?” “ Yes that gives him and his mistress the power over this lands. Even the Count respects them.” “ But what does the Count need from this land” “ One of his power is from this land” “ What?” “ I heard blood and flesh is what he loves and the wolf and the lady are what provides him” “ Quite the lady I presume to follow her master” “ Like you were when you followed Doherty” “I did?” “ Although you never favored Violence unless necessary” “Look there is a speaker talking” “ In the middle of dense forests how are people here?” “Well, baroness they are afraid of the wolf I presume” (Speaker shouts) “Here..e. Here..e the people of Sarabria, the baroness has commanded the imprisonment of a girl with a knight behind her back. The Knight as all of you know is Uren of Parako and the girl herself is an evil witch who seeks to destroy Sarabria. Thereby the duchess commands all the military units to kill or imprison the perpetrators.” I and Uren hide in the bushes listening to the conversations of the people after the announcement. “Quite a speech” says a common man. “Punishing people before knowing them?” an old lady argues with the man. “ You think she is the one, the witch?” “ No, I am woman and I don’t think that at all” “ I smell revolt around the town lady” “I only smell fear around you old man” The old lady leaves while I and Uren wait until midnight for the meeting with the wolf. …… “Wake up” “Wow I slept. Ser Uren is he here?” “ Yes look” Uren points at an old grey hound. “That’s just a hound” “ No that is a dog half eaten. Look” I saw the animal. It’s flesh had been torn out like farmers plucking plants from fields. Uren looked at the panting and poor dog in despair while I looked at it bravely. I knew someday I had to face my fear. ( Animal Sound) “Who dares?” “It’s him. The Wolf” Uren runs towards the wolf with his big sword but the wolf hurls him into the temple’s back. His armor protected him from the fall but he laid unconscious. “Finally we meet. Lady Evalina” “What does your mistress want from me?” The Wolf kills a pig and tears it’s leg and drinks the blood. I could feel the shiver in my spine seeing the dangerous situation I was in. “Actually it is me who wants you Lady” The Wolf tries to attack me with his long finger nails but to my surprise I was able to block the extended claws. I try to punch the beast as he retreats back. “Wow you have got one of your powers back lady. Though the Baroness won’t like that” “You think I care about that?” “Well, I do as she has provide me with such a strong, juicy and brave meal. I will always be thankful to her” “ What about the people that you half consumed. Why did you do that?” “ Ok let the talks wait and fight start” The wolf lunges towards me as I could see his dangerous teeths looking to bit my head off. But Uren punches him and takes him down. But a man couldn’t take him down as he punches Uren to the ground. I blocked him from killing Uren. I couldn’t believe i had developed such strengths that I could fight such a dangerous animal which could even kill an elephant. “Ok lady you saw what happened to the pig. You might as well return and let the knight for me” “Don’t listen to him. He is fearing you. Hit him harder.” “ Shut up. You puny man” The Wolf growls as he smashes Uren’s armor. I grab his hands and punch the Wolf in his eyes. “No! how can you? How were you able to?” (Loud Chariot approaching sound) “ Ok the mistress is here. You will regret what you did Evalina” The Wolf returns back to the temple. A lady tall as the wolf steps down from the chariot as she looks at the perpetrators. “Ahh! Rose and Uren. I was waiting for you” “Sieste. How dare you try to save your beast?” “Wow, a defeated knight talks about showing pity?. You merely scratched his eyes baroness to be precise” “ So he will come back?” “ Well at this time he would have killed at-least a dozen people. So seeing the two of you alive does make you warriors. Though we did meet each other at the battle field years ago I presume” “ Sieste. You are as evil now as you were then?” “No if I were evil I would have been merciless on you on the count’s orders. You know no one can beat him” “ His powers don’t work in Sarabria lady. As far as I know you are like him maybe even worse” “Ok I take that as a compliment” “ Lady what are you going to do with us?” “ Nothing. If the Wolf can’t kill you then even my soldiers can’t. Looks like I will ask Doherty to take care of you” “ Doherty? The king of Gairad” “Yes sweet girl. He is still your king” “ Ya if Richard were here you and your wolf would have been long gone” “ Ok maybe you are brave. But the skymaster doesn’t lie knight. And you will die here in a month” Uren laughs as we look ahead at our journey as the Baroness leaves.
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