The Map of Sarabria par 1

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"Tell me preacher will I ever will I reach Sumatra?" "First of all you will have to reach the eight-mile tunnel my lady" "Yes he is true baroness and even for that you will have to to reach the pawlands and before that from here" "I want to understand more about the 7 rings preacher and pray tell me why did you prioritize the five rings, ignoring the black and the red one?" "You are asking a plethora of questions baroness? You do know for the time being the knowledge of the five rings is sufficient” “ So can you tell her about them then. You only told about the yagya and their origins?” “ As I said earlier Ser. You were asked to find the map at the temple baroness were you not. After being defeated by the wolf and the Lady SIeste you are here” “I thought you have the knowledge to everything preacher and must know the path to pawlands” “ Do you want to reach Sumatra in 3 years or more than that my lady?” “Why do you say that?” “So you are well aware of the 3 years delay that the misguided path can lead you again” “Yes I believe I would have reached Sumatra if I hadn’t headed at the opposite direction” “You see why the map is mandatory baroness.” “ No one can defeat that beast. I am the best fighter in the magic lands and it just hurled me with a single strike. No one can defeat the wolf” “ Who said anything about defeating the wolf Ser?” “ You want us to trick the wolf then?” “ At the moment yes my lady. I am well aware of the power you have now and might stand a chance against the wolf. But you are in captivity and Rhyca and Grielle told me that all powers weaken at captivity so please don’t take a chance of a batlle.” “ Yes he is right. You should outwit it. Whatever it is it is not human.” “ Well he talks so definitely half-human.” “ I suggest you to reach the templeand get the map. It will take 3 days for Sieste to reach her castle and without her the wolf can be easily outwitted” “ But how are we suppose to get out of this prison?” “ The guards will let you out” “And why will they do that?” “ They want baits for the wolf of-course and 2 of you will make him well fed for at-least a month” The guards unchain our locks as an hour later I find myself with Uren in the same dense forests near the temple. The temple was an old temple. 1000 years old to be exact as the pillars of the walls already looked like falling. It was rebuilt around 600 years ago by Rhyca herself and SIeste was also there to see the magic. No wonder the temple was cursed. Uren knew everything about the temple from the temple’s dome to the gate. His grandfather Maelesis was a mason who built shrines and earned a tremendous amount of wealth in 50 years that would buy a dozen of castles at that time. Maelesis was 69 and nearing his death when he asked his assistant Rhajbir to make a ground basement for the temple. They had dug a hole from the temple corridor to the gate. In doing so Maelesis one day found a piece of paper at the underground hole. It was a map of Sarabria and the places it would lead. It was magical as it would point the directions and the places where the traveller wished to go. “ So as my father told me that the map shows anyplace you want to go” “Sumatra ?” “ Well not the place across the magic tunnel. As my father learned from my grandfather it shows the places from Paleste to the Pawlands.” “ I have travelled a lot I guess” “ You have travelled to actually at-least 7 lands out of the 137 lands in magic lands.” “ You forgot Gairad where I was born.” “ Yes my lady 7 lands across it and Parako and Sensia is two of them” “ I heard we can see the hills of Fuberty from the magic Tunnel as Richard said” “ I heard he is at the pawlands” “Yes he is the king of the pawlands” No sooner as I had said those words we hear the growl of the beast. Uren throws his shield towards the beast but that merely gives a scratch to the beast. The beast punches Uren as he gets hurled into the walls. Seeing Uren could be killed I block the blow from the wolf. I had indeed obtained the powers of a wild cat. May be even that of a lion or a tiger. Seeing Uren regain his senses I give the signal to find the hole as I could estimate that I would defeat this hideous beast. Uren leaves seeing me handle the wolf easily. “ You have gained the powers of a tiger baroness. Lucky for you. But still it’s an animal while the count and me are blood sucking creatures. How will you stop me from drinking your blood baroness?” I could see I could match his strength and I had retractable claws like the tiger itself which made the wolf vulnerable and was in defense. Yet his fangs scared the bones out of me. His pointy fangs and his blood thirsty eyes would even scare a croc or a lion or a tiger itself. And these were the bravest animals in the magiclands. I only hoped that the sun would rise in a few hours and Uren would reach the prison before I could kill the wolf. But to my despair the wolf punched me as I fell to the ground. “Did you really think you could defeat me Baroness? I am not just a wolf but a man-wolf who has the strength of a demon at night. You will need Grielle herself to defeat me Baroness” The wolf laughs at me as he shows his fangs and runs towards me.
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