Sarabria part 2: Two POV's and the wolf

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(Thunder Noise) Dracula POV: Blood lay upon a coffin. “Your highness, you have woken” “Yes I believe I have. You know for an old woman , you sure know how to greet” “Well, I may be 400 years old still the ring rejuvenates my blood” “You know if you weren’t a commoner you would have been used to me” “Yes your grace, but seeing your…. ah mammal form I wished I could have been a mammal too” “ Poor old godfrey 400 years old yet unwise and un known .” “ Well rumours has it the girl you raped has come back your highness” “ Has she? Well I don’t know I have defiled some half a hundred. Which one?” “The one 5 years ago at the big battle” “ Ahh yes, The Baroness of-course Rose Evalina she was delicious. Although I haven’t had the taste of her blood yet.” “ Well she has regained one of her powers as if it heard” “ So that was why I woke up a week days ago.” “ Yes your grace, it must have been some 7 days ago” “ Good to know, you know drinking animal’s blood and flesh does make me a mammal” “ What was at supper?” “ A goat.” “ Well there are humans you can eat your grace” “ I drink only royal blood stupid old woman, that goat was an elusive mountain goat , a token from King Doherty of Gairad. I believe with him as my minion, I still don’t need to deal with this Evalina.” “ She does has a will power that might fascinate you” “ Hmm she has revived from Rhyca’s dungeons. But how?” “ Maybe the skymaster or the lion” “ Ahh yes he does has a thing with the fantasy future thing. But does he really think his poems and proses will kill me.” “What about the lion and the croc?” “They are merely animals, maybe some magical ones still no match even for my minions” “I heard the lion killed Jairad the jackal in a single strike” “A single strike? Good, this seems interesting. Must be Grielle’s claws which she gave. No wonder she loves me even now” “ Well my lord I have been for only 4 centuries. So, I may not know.” “ I know, but the lady Sieste you know very well” “ Yes she is a deity that follow like you” “ Yes the Sarabria queen as she is told. She can be a good use for me” “ And how your grace?” “ Send the word to Sieste” “ What word my king?” “ Chaos in the land” Rose P.O.V.(continued) I and Uren had reached the Sarabria dense forests. But to our dismay there were carcasses of dead people. Some had no head, limbs, eyes and even no genitals. “ Quite a place. But look lordess, these people they look like they have been eaten by some wild creature.” “ IS that a bone.” “ Yes what creature who would do such a thing” Suddenly we hear people from behind. “ Look it’s the ghost and the knight. Catch them” “ What? Ghost?” “ Yes you witch. You escaped the witch and have brought evil in this land” “ She is a lordess of Sensia of Gairad. You talk her with respect” “ This is neither Gairad nor Parako. This is our land.” The people corner us as they throw stones at us. “ Look she has claws. She is a demon.” “ Is that your power lordess?” “ I guess” “ Well looks like we have to surrender at the mean time” “ Yes ,looks like indeed” “ But what does these dead carcasses mean?” “maybe ghosts or wild creatures lordess” “OK we surrender. Stop throwing the stones” Stones didn’t really made me feel pain. A throw in the head did made me feel dizzy but I could see I was being powerful. They handcuffed us and took us to village. “Ahh the witch” says a small deformed man. “And you are?” “Why I am mere Khasi, but you however being here is quite intriguing” “And why?” “You are the so called lordess of Gairad” “No she is not. King Doherty is the lord of Gairad” “Well she is a lord of one of his lands called Sensea” “Ahh, the knight of Parako, Uren. I know you” “Yes he is, but this isn’t Parako. This is Sarabria. Our land” “ Ya, a land of carcasses” “All because of her” “ And how is that?” “ Take her to the pyre and burn her” “ But why?” “ She is here. if the lordess founds out she will burn this place” Uren takes out his sword and in a matter of moments kills two of the people in no instant as we run from them. “ You know now we are really fugitives” “ Yes lordess but until and unless we find him and beat him, we can’t reach the centre” “ Beat who?” “ The Wolf” “ A Wolf?” “ Yes a wolf who drinks blood and does that c*****e which you saw” “ I can kill a wolf on my own” “ That is not just a wolf but a wolf that comes in the full moon.” “A were wolf?” “ Yes the one. Definitely the one we should trifle around” “ I think my power can take him” “ Well we were nearly beaten by a small mob of some 7 people.” “ I have seen worse” “ You might have lordess but you barely remember now. A 200 pound wolf is still a huge animal and I heard he has magical powers” “ A were wolf only drinks blood and eats flesh and bones and goes back after daylight. I know that” “ Don’t you remember the wolf killing almost a hundred of your men” “ My men?” “ Yes when you attacked Sarabria” “ And why did I attacked Sarabria?” “ Wow you don’t remember anything. But we still have to wait for the full moon to challenge the wolf. It still has two moons to come”
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