The Sarabrian War part 3: The Elephant's story

693 Words

( Grasslands of the pawlands) “ It’s been like half a day and yet we haven’r reached the lines of the pawlands” “ My lady, these are the lines that will determine the fates of this land" " You say this is that important Augusto?" " Yes Ser but you two are more important" "What part i have to play Augusto?" "Like you did at the Sarabrian war Ser" "What did he do at the war?" "He killed almost hundreds of the evil soldiers of the Count's army and laid siege on the Paleste Tower where you were locked after the end of the war" " I remember the Paleste and the Gairad war but the Sarabrian War is what i don't remember" " See i told you about the rings. Their power takes away all the memories" "Is that the reason the Baroness also lost her memory" " Not her. It is all but Rhyca and th

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