The Map of Sarabria part 2

586 Words

(darkness) “Baroness, you in there?” “I believe I am.” “We had better find the map or else the wolf will find us.” “I defeated him. We only need to find a plan to take his fangs out?” “Now, you are talking like a child baroness. Are you the same duchess who was at the front at the Sarabria Siege 5 years ago?” “I wish I had remembered that, Ser.” “Still you remember your name and your destiny, my lady. How is that so?” Uren searches here and there for the map while I look for a light in the tunnel. “How did you manage to fool the wolf baroness?” “ I don’t, but it looks like my retractable claws have brought fear to the beast. He did went back after he showed me his fangs. Though I was sure he would have killed me and sucked my blood.” “Must be the claws then. You do seem strong l

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