Sarabria part 1-Origins

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(Horse Galloping) I reached an old place with temples and rivers. They called it Sarabria, the land of temples and rivers. I was informed by the Skymaster that my powers would be tested here. I was still worried about SIlak and wondered where Tandar would be. Suddenly, I hear a voice. “Lady, you have reached Sarabria as I told you. You will stay here for a month” “A month? Why?” “You need to win this land?” Win? But I belong in Gairad as I have heard” “Yes but Sumatra is your homeland though” “I wish I remembered everything” “Well you will find yourself in 3 years” “3 years but that will be a long time” “Well it would be better for you to find your powers and reach Sumatra” “That is true but I think I am powerful now” “ Are you sure I am not sure about that though” “ I did not know that the sky talked like us” “Well you being alone has forced me Lordess, I will inform the croc about here. This is a marshland . You will be facing Wolfs and river creatures.” “Wolf?” “Yes lordess the Lady Grata Sieste owns this land. Even the count doesn’t interfere with her because of the wolf?” “The Wolf?” “Yes it’s a 200 pound Wolf that is unbeatable. Your lion may have a chance but he is busy at the pawlands which is your second path from here” “And so where do I find this lady?” “ She is a woman formed devil. She will kill any innocent being she sees. This is a land of predators and evil things. But may be your power can be of use” “ How is that skymaster?” “ You need to find the map that leads to the pawlands” “The Map?” “ Yes it’s in the centre of this place. The evil lady herself is in search of the map. You might find it if you meet her” “ Didn’t you say she will kill me if she finds me?” “ you will be more useful alive for her. She is evil but wise. She will try to kill you only after you help her find the map” “ Ok. But what’s with the map” “ It’s the map of the magiclands.” “Really?” “Well a part of it actually” “A part of it?” “Yes lordess it contains the pawlands and Sarabria. You will find a way to the pawlands from there” “Quite a treasure hunt” “Yes but you will need to find the lady” “And how will I do that” “Find the wolf?” “Quite a long path” “Like I said you will be here a month” The voice faded away as me and my horse look ahead at the marshlands. Sarabria was a place of ugly creatures. I could see owls and insects chirking. It was already night as I look for a place to sleep. I woke up in the middle of a marsh. To my shock the horse that I was riding had only his feet left.” What the!” I shout. My leg was gone. “ Quicksand” I shout. It was taking me in. I was strong but still quicksand was something even a crocodile would fear. Suddenly I hear a voice “ Need a hand. Lordess” He forwards his long lance as I catch the lance as he takes me out of the sand. “ I am Uren lordess. Don’t you remember?” “Uren?” “Looks like the battle with the Count made you forgot everything” “ Yes maybe but you?” “ I was one of your commanders out of the 7 of your army. Remember the lion, Mark, Chira, Orthro…….. You don’t remember anything” “Well, I only remember the lion and Chira the monkey” “ Yes the lion brought his beasts as well as Chira brought the monkey army as we united against the Count as you said. My army from Parako is still ready to march against the Count if you command. But looks like your powers aren’t regained though” “ I barely remember anything” “ Well I am a knight of Parako, a land north from the pawlands . My army awaits me there. There are atleast 10,000 when I left my land. Those soldiers and armed men will be enough to meet the Count’s jackals and Vultures in the battlefield. “ “ So how did we get defeated?” “ Well he defeated you my lordess. And the terms stated if he could defeat you the magiclands would be an open place for the Count to take” “ What do you mean?” “ Well the Mage Grielle had spelled that the Count wouldn’t invade north. But defeating you made him have a claim at the north lands. Almost 100 lands reside in the north. And I heard he has already got two……. Jhandlu and Querchy… “ “But I headed east?” “Yes to the unknownlands and here” “ The skymaster was right. I do need a map” “You mean the map at the centre?” “ Everybody knows the map?” “ It’s a map that can aid you to find the mystic rings?” “The mystic rings?” “Yes it’s origins lies unknown though.” “What origins?” “Did you heard what the skymaster said?” “He said many things that bounced my head” “Any one thing what we can do ?” “Well at first I need to find all my powers first” I look ahead as the knight and me walk towards a hut.
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