

First time writer starting the world of wolves, but I’ve got lots of fantasy tales in me and excited to get them down on paper. Please support me on journey of becoming a writer.
Defying the Don
Updated at Apr 28, 2024, 14:20
#DreamewritingMarathonll I thought I was weak, they all thought I was weak. Brought up as the shielded mafia princess force to marry the Don Marcus Helios at 18. Told it was my duty to my family but on my wedding night after saying I do I watch the man who I married F*ck someone on our honeymoon bed and kill her. I trembled, tears flowing and swore in that moment the princess who cried and was weak was gone. I wiped my face and slipped out into the night and fled, I was in hiding for 7 years. What happens when the Don wants his wife back but she’s not the meak quiet little thing any longer. To a Don like Marcus you’d think a woman pushing his buttons and constantly trying to escape would make his trigger happy fingers want to take a gun and be done with it, but the fire in her and her wicked sense of morality only feeds his obsession to have her and his need for her to obey. “Abigail you need to come quick our sister has been in an accident.” Code for let’s go. Abigail plays the part and stands up. “Iris Helios” I finally look at the man my best friend is having a date with and it’s none other than my brother Gino. Fuck the panic washes over me. He’s now the Consigliere which means if he’s here with his boss then it means. I back away quickly but my brother stands up. Suddenly five or six men stand. “There’s my little wife” the sound from the right side has my face white like a sheet. He’s here.
Little broken mate to her aggressive Alpha
Updated at Feb 23, 2024, 13:44
WARNINGS Graphic S*xual content talks of s*xual ab*se and beating and s*x This little omega slave, bullied alone without some one to take care of her, to love her… or so she thought.. After she works at the elite ball a prestige event held by her home pack, she soon learns that she’s not alone. An aggressive alpha from a neighbouring pack is her mate as he swans about with a woman by his side. She looks him dead in the eyes and the bond connects, but it’s not as easy as it looks. He’s promised to the woman on his arm, and he knows that he can’t take his mate. He and his Wolf begins to struggle and his wolf takes over leading to one night of passion. They come together as they finish. He promptly rejects her and leaves. She didn’t have time to accept the rejection and the bond keeps them connected. Several weeks later… The pain she feels in her heart and chest lets her know every time he’s unfaithful to their mate bond. She breaks a little further her heart is broken. The goddess wasn’t finished with her yet. She begins to realise that she is pregnant. She leaves her home and pack to shelter herself. She meets an alpha of a neighbouring pack. Will he take her in? Will he protect and love her?? Or will her mate realise the mistake that he’s made and come begging back?? Will she complete the rejection that she desperately needs? Or will she accept her mate and leave the neighbouring alpha even though he wants her as his chosen mate? Read to find out ………….. P.s this is my first book and will be learning about my writing style as I go, all helpful critique will help me evolve into a great writer! WARNINGS S*xual content talks of s*xual ab*se and r*pe and beating
The Witch Queen's Chosen Kings
Updated at Nov 8, 2023, 06:33
Strong language used from the get-go. Sexual content occurs regularly. Has themes of a multiple mate situation’s but has no multiple mate sexual scenes. Eternal accidental Queen to the white witches after her sister turns to the darkness. Is now forced by the the witch council to seek the hand in marriage from a powerful being. They set up a contest while she’s away with the wolves and invites the most powerful beings and entity’s across all the worlds to fight for her heart and hand in marriage. From kings of 4 dragon houses. Earth, water, fire and wind and wizards from her own world and a fairy prince and even the king of Demons. Who will be the one to win her over and win her heart. From cheaters and fights to the death. What happens when the man of her dreams is no longer that, so he kidnaps her away. Book 2 - Stand Alone but has mentions of Eternal in Book 1 (Little broken mate to her aggressive Alpha) +18 advised - All comments and feedback help to evolve my writing style and our welcomed.