08| Becoming his Mrs

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Kayla The area was secluded . I wonder wh why Someone would open a law firm at such place . I heaved out a Sigh then made my way through the entrance . I was met with a young man at the reception area . This is the first time I'm seeing a male as a receptionist "Good day Mam , how may I help you?" He politely offered. "I'm here to see Mr Thomas Jefferson" "Okay Mam. Give me a minute" As he went on to check on his desktop, I took the time to take in the surrounding. "Hello Sir, a lady is here to see you" "Name Mam" He slightly shifted the phone from his ear. "Kayla Parker" I ushered. "Sir, it's Kayla Parker" I heard him say. I tapped my fingers in a quite pace on the counter. "Okay sir" And he ended the call turning his attention to me. "His office is located by that corner. The first office" He pointed towards a hallway. "Okay. Thank you" "You're welcome" He answered back. My stiletto heels made a small sound as I trekked towards the hallway. I knock on the first door getting a reply almost immediately. "Come in" A turned the doorknob and the door clicked open. My foot came to an abrupt stop when my eyes stopped on a certain person. Alexander. However, he doesn't seem surprised like I was. If to say, I didn't expect to see him. But what do I expect. It's his personal lawyer. "Have a seat Miss Parker" Mr Thompson voice snapped me out of my small reverie. I took the visitor seat that was settled beside Alexander. Resting my palms on my lap, I spare him a glance and he spared back with a grimace on his face. "Okay. No need for any formalities. I've already introduced myself through the phone. And sorry for inconveniecing you. Mr Alexander wants to get things done as early as possible" As he ended his statement, I glanced at Alexander whose hands were now folded together. "Yes. The earlier the better" He added. "What is required for me to do?" Raising a question will only exhaust my energy. I also want to get it done as soon as possible. One year is a longer than you thought. Yet, time fly fast. Before we know it, the one year would pass by and we'll both go our separate ways. "So, Miss Parker, I have prepared two paperwork. One is the marriage contract and the other is the share agreement between you and Alexander. Go through them and if everything is okay, then we can sign" I formed my lips in a thin line, clenching my fist in nervousness. I didn't thought of the fact that Alexander will agree to my bluffing. I have no intention of collecting half of his shares or getting a high position at the company. I only brought that because I know he would never agree to that. But, he surprised me and I have no other choice. Me signing the agreement will make me feel bad and it will also turn me to a liar and foolish woman if I don't sign. The agreement is for one year only. Within that span of time, I will keep the documents, when it's time for me to leave, I will transfer it back to him. With that thought, I reached for the pen and signed my name heaving out a sharp breath on the accord. I passed it to Alexander and he signed it too. And now, I have become a married woman. "Alright. You two are now legally married" As the words slipped his mouth, I felt like a brick has been loaded on my head. I can't believe I'm married. I'm married to Alexander Carlo! Someone I barely know! I wanted to shout on top of my lungs but kept shut. I can't break down in front of the two men. "Everything is settled. I wish you a happy married life" Mr Thompson offered his mouth curving into a smile. However, I couldn't find the strength in me to reciprocate back the smile. The vibration from my bag shifted my attention from Mr Thompson. "Excuse me" I said rushing out of the room. I didn't stopped walking till I saw myself outside the firm. A sense of weakness overcome me when my father's name flashed across the screen. Only if he knew what his daughter got herself into. Composing myself, I cleared out my voice before sliding the accept button. "Hi Dad" I commenced acting as calm as I can. "Hi Dear. How are you doing? You've completely forgotten about your father" He ushered. "No Dad. I dare not to. I was busy here and there. You know...." I trailed off. "Right. Julius told me you got a job at a prestigious company and you didn't informed me" Right! I barely have time to talk with my father. I was busy thinking of a way to solve my problem. "I'm sorry Dad. Like I said I was busy here and there. The job process it too long" "Oh. Then take it easy there. When it's taking a toll on you, then take a break" For some reason, I found my eyes building up with tears at his words. "Okay Dad. I got to go. Will call you back later" I said when bile rose up in my throat. "Okay dear. Take care. Love you" "Love you too" And I ended the call. I blinked my eyes to prevent the tears from falling brushing it off. I spot Alexander advancing his way out. "Happy now?" I commenced the moment he walk up to me. "About?" He acted as if he doesn't know what I was going on about. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Mr Alexander. Now that your mission is accomplished. You got me to marry you. You must be on top of the moon" Something flicker in his eyes like surprise. However, I didn't waver me. "I hope you'll keep to your words. When you're done making the necessary preparation for the moving, let me know. Excuse me" I didn't wait to hear his answer when I alighted away. Hailing a taxi. I rested my back and close my eyes feeling heavy in my heart. I was on the verge of falling asleep when we arrived at my destination. I ignored the greetings Charles was throwing at me and hastily made a way to my room. I didn't even waste time in crawling on the bed. The only thing I remember doing was dropping my bag on the couch. In less than what could be labeled as five minutes, I fell into a deep slumber. ** "Kayla" "Wakeup Kayla" I heard a faint voice of Claire calling my name. My eyelid was too heavy to open. "You've been sleeping for the whole day like a corpse" Her voice came again. I slowly unwind my eyes stopping them on a white surface. "How long have I been sleeping?" I huskily asked. "Six hours. A good six hours for Christ sake. And not to talk of your snoores" She hissed on the accord. "You can't be serious" "Ofcourse I am. I should've recorded it for evidence" I passed her a dirty glare getting off the bed and trekked to the bathroom. "Evidence my foot" "I made us dinner" She shouted through the door. "Okay dear" Freshining up didn't take me a long time. Since it's night already, I slipped my nighties and ushered my way out to the living room. As if my stomach sense a food, it made a small sound at the sight. "What's this?" I pointed to the unfamiliar dish in front of me. "As you're seeing here, this food is called black bean-stuffed sweet potatoes" She empathize the last word with proud. "How did you come up wit it?" I asked accessing the food. "I saw it on the internet and it looked beguiling to eye so I decided to try it. Taste it and tell me what you think" She ushered pushing front the plate. I eyed the food for a good ten seconds before reaching for the fork. I fetch a small quantity. "Mmm.... Not bad" "Really?" Claire leaned over in anticipation. "Yeah. It melts on the tongue the moment I took a bite" Claire is not a bad cook herself. Even though she's trying the recipe for the first time, it make sense. "Thank you. I will make it for Tyler next time. It will be better than this" She profound. "You should. It will improve your cooking skill" Her face suddenly changed to that of frown. "Do you mean, I have bad cooking skills?" "No I don't mean it that way. I'm just saying" "Whatever. Oh right! Earlier this afternoon you were telling me about going to some law firm for the agreement. How did it go?" Like I want to remember the events. "It went well. I'm not a married woman. I have signed the contracts of becoming Mrs Alexander Carlo" I let out the words sounding weird on my lips.
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