07| Plan 2

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Kayla "What have you gotten yourself into Kayla. Did he threatened you?" Claire was hyperventilating. "He didn't. I was the one who threatened him" I ushered my mind went to the earlier events. I brought it upon myself. With my own stubbornness. "What did you do?" "Here" I still have the copy of the fake conditions I typed. I left the other one with him. "Jesus! Kayla! What are you? A gold digger? How can you possible expect him to accept this?" She bombard all at once. "Exactly my point. I sure as hell he won't agree. That is why I came up with this plan. But the ridiculous man, accepted the condition. I mean, is he that desperate to get married" I fling my arms in a pissed off manner. "And you just let him by like that" "If I told him, all the conditions was a lie, it'll make me look like a foolish woman. He'd take me as a senseless woman" She stared into thinking. I'm glad she understoods my points. "There must be something more to this. I know how Alexander values his wealth. He can't just give away his hard earned money just like that" This time around, it was my turn to raised my brows in question. "You know?" I asked. She sounded like someone who is living together with him. "I mean I heard" She corrected passing me a glare. "You look like someone who lives with him. You know every little details of him" I shifted closer and whispered. "Or do you have a crush on him" And the next thing that follows is her laughter. "You're crazy. Why would I have a crush on an arrogant, ridiculous man? Besides, I have my man already" I didn't miss a ting of blush that appear on his cheeks. I almost rolled my eyes. "And your best friend is getting married to that arrogant and ridiculous guy" I mumbled to almost myself which I know reached her ears because she passed me a look. "You're not much of a difference too. Who knows you guys might resolve your misunderstanding when you get to know each other" I smacked the decor pillow on her face getting pissed. "There is no way I'm getting along with him. I'm only doing this to save myself" The murderous look on my face didn't stop her from blurting out nonsense. "Who know what will happen. Nobody knows tomorrow. It's not like love after marriage doesn't happen" "Claire!" I exclaimed reaching for the other pillow ready to lunge it on her face when she held it mid air. "You know I want what's best for you right?" She said sounding serious. "You do. But I think not anymore. How can you pair me with Alexander" "I'm not pairing you two. It's just a suggestion" I nodded my head in answer when a thought graced through my head. My mouth twitching up. "He's so concerned about his hard earned reputation right. Not caring whether my life would be destroyed by marrying me with threaten words. Then I'm going to tarnish that reputation of his. He's going to regret his encounter with me" As the words left my lips, a sense of joy overpowers me. I didn't even heed to the look Claire was throwing me. I've already gotten myself into big troubles, getting into more won't hurt. Will it? ** I woke up with a pounding head. Last night, we kept up late watching movie that we didn't notice the time fast moving. My eyes shifted to the side finding Claire fast asleep with a smile on her lips. I bet she's having a dream of Tyler. I slightly nudge her and she shifted a bit. "Get up. Tyler's girlfriend" I teased poking her with my index finger. "Let me sleep some more. Alexander's wife to be" As soon as her words registered in my head, I used my pillow to smacked her on her stomach. "Jesus! Why are you so wicked" She exclaimed jerking off the bed immediately. "I dare you to repeat what you just said" I command passing her a dirty glare. Instead she formed her lips into a thin line and rushed to the bathroom. I didn't miss her grumbling. If wasn't mistaken, I hear her utter the name Alexander. She should wait and see if I get a hold of her. With nothing much to do, I decided to make us some breakfast. Baked macaroni and cheese. I missed doing live video. My fan must be dropping me a lot of comments. Maybe I will fix a time and check up on them. "This kitchen smells delicious" Claire walked in. She was dressed into a pair of denim jeans and white shirt. Her hair was rolled into a bun. I didn't miss to notice, the velvet lipstick she applied. "Going somewhere?" I asked instead. Because she looks different and Claire wouldn't doll up herself unless she's going out and probably meeting Tyler. "Yeah. I'm going on a date with Tyler. He had been busy lately so he wants to make it up for his absence" She said, her cheeks turning crimson. "I knew it had to be Tyler. He's the only one who can make you a whole bunch of blushness" "Ofcourse. And too bad, my friend who was forever single is about to get married leaving me single. Maybe I should talk to Tyler" My brows raised in question. "About what?" I asked. "About us getting married" "I thought you said you are not ready?" I poured the baked macaroni into two empty plates and we made our way to the living room. "I don't know. But after your advice that day, I thought about it. It's not that I'm not ready for it. I'm just trying to run from my responsibilities" She voiced out. "Now you know what I've been trying to explain to you. So you want to get married too?" I asked sparing her a glance. "Maybe not as fast as you are but I'm ready" She ushered taking a spoonful to her mouth. "Delicious. And you always leave me to do the cooking" She licked her bottom lip in enthusiasm. I know that my cooking is not bad. "That is because you're a lazy ass woman" And that shut her off. We ate the remaining breakfast in silence. Afterwards, Claire left and I curled myself in bed with a book and a cup of coffee. I was so immersed in the book that I didn't feel alone. I was literally enjoying the story. Around past afternoon, a yawn escaped me. I didn't waste time. I sauntered to the kitchen and warmed up the leftover m.baked macaroni. I was halfway through eating when my phone vibrate from the center table. An unknown number flashed across the screen. I lifted my brows in question. Who could it be? I ignored the call. After some time, the call came through again. And this time around, I pick up the call. "Hello" Was the first word that made it way out of my mouth. "Hello. Am I speaking with Miss Kayla Parker?" I shifted the phone and accessed it before placing it back. "Yes. How may I help you?" "My name is Thomas Jefferson, I'm the personal lawyer of Alexander Carlo. You need to sign some document regarding your marriage"
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