09| Shopping

1082 Words
Kayla At exactly 5:30pm, I received a call from Alexander that he has made the necessary arrangement. I wasn't surprised when I answered the unknown call and heard his voice. Someone who did a background check on me, getting my number won't be a hassle work for him. He said he'd be coming within ten minutes. However, fifteen minutes has passed by and I didn't hear anything. "What's taking him so long?" Claire said beside me checking her wristwatch. I only manage to heav out a sigh. I wonder too. I hate waiting. "Or maybe you should call....." She trailed off when I pass her a dirty glare. "Why should I call him? Whether he comes or not, that is up to him" It pissed me off knowing that I was on the verge of bursting. "Maybe he's-" Her statement came to a halt when we heard the doorbell. Claire and I glanced at each other at the same time. "It must be Alexander. Should I get the door or..." "No need for that" I profound alighting towards the door. Pulling the door open, I was met with a familiar yet, attractive face. I almost rolled my eyes when his mouth curved up into a smile. "Mr. Alexander, you should know that it is not good to keep someone waiting" I commenced getting straight to the point. His eyes went diluted for a while. "You should know that I'm a busy person. My time is scheduled. You can't expect me to come running like a clueless high school boy" "I didn't say you should come running to me. For what? It's not like there's something serious. I'm only clarifying that it's not good to keep a person waiting. Most especially, a woman" I was hyperventilating by his absurd statement. "Take it easy woman. Let's get to the point now" He ushered. It was then that I felt embarrassed for blabbering. "Yeah. That would be better. So...." I trailed off waiting for him to say whatever we're going to do. "First-" "Hello Mr Alex" Claire voice revamped to my ears. Alex? What did I just hear her say? I stare at her wide eyed. "What are you doing?" I whispered through gritted teeth. She completely ignored me and went on to her weird talking. "Oh, hello" Alexander answered. I didn't miss his brows that slightly curved up. He must be thinking Claire is abnormal. How can you talk comfortably with someone you just met? "Why don't you come in. Don't worry about my friend leaving you standing" I was quick in pinching her on the back. She chuckled out while holding my wrist intact. "It's okay. We'll be on our way now" Alexander said forming his lips into a thin line. "We?" I repeated his words. "Yes. We are going for shopping. You don't expect to come into the family looking unprofessional" At his words, I access my body. "What is unprofessional in my dressing. I can see that this marriage is a serious thing to you but I don't see a problem with the way I dress or how I appear. You chose to marry me then you have to accept the way I am" I ended turning my face elsewhere. "You can say whatever you deemed fit. If you're done, can we get going" "Can I tag along?" Claire chirped in. His eyes went calculating for a while before he nodded. He then walked away leaving me staring at his back. "What are you doing Claire? I thought you hate him. Why are you calling him Alex" "Well, he's now your husband. I shouldn't treat my bestfriend's husband harshly. Should I?" "You-" "If you're done, come meet me outside. I can't wait for the shopping" She squeal in excitement. And before I could have the chance to reply her, she sprinted away. By the time I got outside, I was met with Claire trying to make a conversation with Alexander and as grumpy and arrogant he is, he kept a neutral face. How I wish she'd notice that he's not interested in her conversation. I bet if he even like being around people. He was the first to spot me. He didn't say anything only trekked to the other side of the car and got in. "You should now that he's not someone who enjoys the company of other people. So better maintain yourself" With that I entered the front seat. I don't care if he finds it inappropriate. We're married now. And as I expected, he opened his mouth at my action. "Acting all bossy I see" He mumbled sparing me a glance intentionally. I chose to ignore him while focusing my attention of the window. As we made our way towards wherever shopping mall we're headed to, silence prevailed. I'm glad Claire decided not to open her mouth and blabber nonsense. Maybe she finally came back to her sense. Alexander drove for like fifteen minutes before the car came to a halt in front magnificent building. "Wow" Claire ushered out aloud while I kept my surprise inside. Alexander didn't say anything only switched off the engine and got out of the car. We did the same and followed suite. Our surprise didn't stop there when our eyes graced through the inside. It was a sight to behold. I couldn't hide away my amazement as I check out the surrounding. Alexander made himself comfortable on one of the chairs. A lady approached him immediately. "Goof afternoon Mr Alexander" "Good day Kathy. I want the best and newest collection you have available. From dresses to shoes and bags" "Okay Sir. Do you want to check it out?" "Yes. But first take me to the private area" He said checking out the surrounding. Maybe checking for any prying eyes. Yet, I don't seem bothered by that. He's the one with the reputation. I didn't forget my promise too. If I want, I can embarrass him right at the shopping room. But I'm saving it for the family. I will show him my true colors when I get to meet his family. I was drifted in my thought when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Shall we?" Claire dragged me along and we venture into a quite hallway. Just by the look of the room, you'll know it not for everybody. Everything looks royalty. "Bring all the newest collection you have. A professional dresses that will fit the bloodline of the Carlo"
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