06| Plan 1

1016 Words
Kayla "You can't be serious woman. Do you think this is a joke!" He exclaimed his brows knitting together. "Exactly my point Mr Alexander. Marriage is not a joke. You don't expect me to sell off my life to you for free. Everything comes with a price" I know there's no way he'd accept my condition. Besides, I'm only bluffing. I'm not a gold digger to demand such assets from him. I danced in anticipation as I waited for him to discard the bullshit thing of a marriage. If he doesn't use the solution of me getting married to him. It will buy me time to find another solution. However, all my plans backfires and my smile instantly faded when his next statement made my eyes widened."Alright then. Condition accepted" Wait... What? Did I hear correctly. The amused smile that was playing on his lips made my head spin. Is this man for real. I couldn't hide my shock when I shifted on my seat. "It's settled. I will notify my lawyer and we'll prepare the contract. Then we make the necessary arrangement." Did my plan just backfires. Did I just agree to his demands out of my bluffing. "Are you that desperate to get married that you're ready to let your hard earned shares go?" I tried to come out calm but inside, I was in a tight spot. "Miss Parker, when you want something, you'll do anything to get that thing. Even if you're going to loss every dime of yours. It's the case for me" I don't know why, but for some reason, his statement held some meaning. "Or do you have any objection?" His eyes dancing with what would be labeled as happiness. If I say no it will raise an alarm to him. After all the bluffing. It will be in vain. He'd take me as a foolish and weak woman. I know as hell, I'm going to be in trouble again. Heck, ever since my encounter with him, my life seems to be getting complicated. And now I have gotten the taste of my action. "No. I don't" I stated word by word. But deep down my heart is dancing in fear and mixture of anger. I'm doomed. "Good. Before we start the preparations, I would like to clarify some things" I raised my brows in question. "First, the contract will last for just one year. Meaning after one year, we'll both go our separate ways and you'll be paid handsomely for your service" I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. What does he think of me. I'm not an object. "Second, we would not meddle in each other's personal affairs. That is, you'll do your business and I will do mine" That sound reasonable. "Third, while you're married to me, you won't do anything that will tarnish my reputable" I found my mouth curving up. The third condition isn't something I think I will be able to abide. It is my first motive. Yet, I ain't going to let him know. "And-" I was quick in cutting him off. "How many more conditions are you going to set" I exclaimed passing him a questioning look. "Calm down woman. This is the last one. The marriage will be in secret" And I found myself asking. "Why is that so?" "That is an answer that only me know. Besides, I don't want to downgrade myself showing people the low class girl I married" I wouldn't say his words didn't hit me. However, I maintained a calm face. "Likewise me" Was the answer I could give rising myself from the sitting position. "Is there anything more?" I asked slipping my bag around my shoulder. "That should be.... Oh yes, you'll have to move in with me after the wedding" "Is that necessary. Can't I live by my own self?" "It is necessary. We might be getting married in secret but it is not secret to my family. So moving in is necessary. I will contact you by the end of this week when my lawyer is done with the preparation" This is ridiculous. With the remaining strength in me, I heaved out a sigh. "Okay. Do as you deemed fit. The only thing you need is my signature right? Then it's settled. So, excuse me" I didn't wait for his reply when I trekked out. I could feel his gaze on my back. Yet, I was already weak to even make commotion. I hailed a taxi straight back home with many thoughts running inside my head. How do I start explaining things to my Dad later? Because I know, eventually, the truth will be out. How long will I be able to keep it inside me. One thing that made me relief is the fact that, the marriage will be in secret. So no one will know what transpires between me and him. "Miss we're here" Came the taxi driver's voice. I peeked through the window seeing the building in view. I paid him his fare then made a walk inside. Charles offered me his greetings and I waved in return. Eager to see myself at home. I dropped my bag on the floor and slouched my body on the couch. Barely up to five minutes when I fell into a deep slumber. I opened my eyes to a dangling fair legs. "Sleepy heads" Claire ushered. A laptop was seated on her lap. God knows what she was doing. Maybe watching movies or surfing the net. A yawn escaped me and I instantly grabbed the drink in front of Claire, gulping it down. I heaved out a sigh of relief. I felt refreshed. "How was your meeting with Alexander?" Like a piercing needle, her words shot through me. "It went well" I ushered slowly. "How well?" She asked again. "So well that I'm about to get married to him" "Good. Wait... What?" She turned to me almost immediately. "You can't be joking?" "Ofcourse I'm not. I'm marrying Alexander Carlo" "You're crazy" "Yes I know. Very crazy. I tasted my own medicine"
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