05| Condition

2089 Words
Kayla For the first time in my life, I felt scared for my life. For the first time, I don't know how to tackle my problem. I couldn't sleep a wink ever since I left Alexander office with his offer about me getting marrying him. For the first time in my life, I regret how hot headed I am. "Oh my god! What are you doing in the middle of the night" I spared the startled Claire a glance before turning my face straight ahead. Only if she knew the turns my life is about to take. Only if she knew what I got myself into. Only if she knew, how my life is turning to a disaster. She seem to notice my ignorance as she trekked her way towards me. I was supposed to make a cup of coffee but I couldn't do anything. Just stood there. I felt her hand on my shoulder. "Is everything okay?" She asked and that is enough for me to break down in tears. I couldn't bring myself to talk only the tears that were rushing out. Claire grabbed my hands and led us to the living room. She immediately turned around and in less than three seconds, she came back with a glass of water. "Here. Drink" She ordered. I did as told and gulped down all the content. The coldness coming in contact with my dry throat. "Take a deep breath" I also did as told. Inhale in and out a deep breath. "Now tell me what's going on. And I don't want to see any tears" She warned. No matter how we get into argument and my arrogance, Claire always stood by me. She's like a sister from another mother. She's a family to me. And a true and caring friend. "I don't know from where to start" I lamented slowly. "Start from the beginning" Her voice was calm. Claire is a good listener. Whether she's angry or pissed at me, she still listened to my complaints. I took in another sharp breath. "You know I went for the interview at Carlo industry right?" She nodded in reply. "So, I met with Alexander and he handed me a paper stating that I will pay a sum of fifteen million dollar for his car damage and five thousand for slapping me" "What in the God name!" Claire exclaimed her eyes popping out. "This is only a small thing. He told me if I don't pay that amount I could go to jail" "He can't be serious!" "Do you know the most ridiculous thing?" I asked eager to see how she'd react to the information. "I don't know what happened, he received a call and was very pissed that I almost thought he'd lash out on me. He then offered a solution for me to be freed from all the stated" Claire's brows raised in question. "Shoot" "He said I should marry him" I ushered out the words sounding bitter on my tongue "What?" She was now in a standing position with her eyes bulged out. "He can't be serious" "And it doesn't look like he's joking" I answered back. "And what did you tell him?" She asked placing both her hands on her hips. "Ofcourse what could I say or do. I left the office" And that made her eyes widened more. "Just like that?" "Yes. I couldn't do anything. I was frightened. It felt like a dream to me. I mean-" I choked at my words when bile rose in my throat. Claire was quick to my aid. "This doesn't make sense to me. Does he thinks marriage is a joke? What do we do now? We can't sit idle like this. We should inform your father" "No we can't. He'd be devastated to learn about the trouble his daughter created. I can't drag him into this. I won't be able to forgive myself if something happens to him. He's all I have" I voice out raking my hand through my hair. This is taking a huge toll on me. I can't believe barely a week since my arrival and I'm already getting into troubles. A moment of silence fell on us. Each consume with our own thought. "What do we do now? Are you just going to accept his proposal?" Claire finally breaks the silence. "Are you crazy! I can't give away my life just like that. Besides, I don't plan on getting married now and even if I do, it won't have to be with someone like him. I have two days to come up with a solution or I'm doomed" "Oh my god!" Claire hissed out. "I can speak to my father-" "No don't even think about it" I know if Claire speaks to her father, he'd be able to help but telling him means my father knowing because he'd not give us that hefty amount of money without knowing the reason. Claire's father is a a rich man, not a lot of wealth but has enough. "Then how do you think we'll get out of this? There might not be any other way" I didn't answer her only stare in thinking. I have to look for a solution one way or the other. ** One day has passed, remaining one day and the day Alexander gave me will be up. In that span of one day, I have turned to a quite person. If you don't see me staring into space, you'd see me sighing every minutes. No matter how hard I tried to crack my brain, I couldn't figure out the solution to my problem. And what makes matters worst, is when my Dad called and was inquirying about my stay in the new city. The way his voice sounded made me weak. He was happy. I couldn't bring myself to tell him my problems. It will shatter his happiness. And Claire, she tried her best to bring the lively person in me. And also to convince me to seek her father's help. However, I don't want me or my dad to get into a dept. I had warned her not to go behind my back and do anything stupid. I brought it upon myself. I can't drag anyone into my problems. I raised my face to the sky. I got tired of sulking at home and decided to get a fresh air. At least I should clear my head. The surrounding didn't matter to me or any other people walking around each with the place they are headed to. My phone vibrate from my lap. "Hey Claire" I began. "Where are you? I hope you're not up to something?" I could hear the worry laced in her voice. "Don't worry. I'm out to get some fresh air" I answered back. Her sigh revamped through the phone. "Have you come up with any solution?" She asked again. "We'll talk when I come back home" "Okay" And I ended the call without waiting for what she'd say again. I just hope what I'm about to do won't hurt my loved ones later. I'm already trapped into this. I pushed myself off the bench and made a walk back home. I know Claire is eager to hear what I came up with. By the time I arrived back home, I was met with Claire munching on cookies. "Hey you're back" She initiated. "Yes" I said with a small smile snatching one cookies from her plates. "You have to pay first. This cookies is expensive" I passed her a glare in return then squated beside her. A moment of silence befell us. I know curiosity is killing Claire, but I bet she's waiting for me to start the talking first. "So I have decided" I commenced forming my lips in a thin line. "If you're even thinking about accepting his demands then you'll have to think again. I know you made a mistake in slapping him but he's practically at fault too" "Calm down Claire. I'm not accepting any of his demands. He thinks he can threaten me. Then I will have to show him what I'm capable of" Claire passed me a horrified look. "You're not thinking about doing something nasty Kayla. Don't get yourself into more troubles" She warned. A small smile made it way to my lips. Only if she knew what I'm planning. "Trust me. I know exactly what I'm going to do. Let's wait for tomorrow. I know he must be anticipating for the day" The look of confusion Claire passed me made my smile widened. ** My legs were folded together and one of my leg was crossed on the other. The corner of my lips was slightly twitched up as I stared at the man in front of me. "You aren't saying anything Mr Alexander. I hope everything is okay" I know he was surprised at how brave I sat in front of him. I didn't wait for him to offer me a seat. I literally made myself comfortable. "I see that you look so cheerful today. I bet something must be making you happy" He answered back resting his hands on the desk. "Ofcourse I have to be. When I'm about to become the wife of one of the top ten richest and successful man in New York. Don't you think that should be enough to make me happy" He raised one of his brows. "Are you surprised? You want me to marry you right?" I asked. Getting his silence gave me the go ahead to continue. "If you're desperate for a wife, then maybe I can help you" "Or maybe you're helping yourself" He exclaimed his mouth forming into a smirk. "Whatver word you find appropriate to use. So, I will get straight to the point Mr Alexander" He raised his brows indicating me to continue. I know as hell he won't agree to what I'm about to ask of him. I did my research on him. Alexander doesn't joke with his wealth or work. "I will marry you only on two to three conditions" "This is getting interesting Miss Parker. What are the conditions?" "I see that you're eager to hear. However, I would like a cup of coffee. You know, we have a lot to discuss and you didn't even offer your visitor anything" I was literally holding myself not to burst into a fit of laughter by the expression on his face. Good Kayla. He reached for the telephone beside him and dailed. "A cup of coffee to my office. Sweet one" A chuckle escaped me. "We're not married yet but you already know my taste" "That is because women like sweet things" I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his bitter remark. Not less than three minutes, the door was pulled open came in a woman dressed in a fitted outfit. "Here's the coffee sir" She politely stated. "Thank you Tara" She bowed to her boss then turned to walk out. I didn't miss the look of distate she passed me. I took a sip of the coffee loving the sweetness on my tongue. Whoever made the coffee is good at it. But it won't be compared to my father's coffee. "So, Miss Parker, what are the condition?" He asked again. I took out a white paper which consists of only two pages. "Here Mr Alexander go through it. Or let me just read it out for you" "It is stated here that, I, Kayla Parker agrees to marry Alexander Carlo only if these three conditions are fulfilled" I lifted my face to peek at him seeing his hands intertwined together. I'm enjoying the sight. "First, you will divide your shares into three. One part goes to your wife, the second part goes to your future son or daughter and the third will be yours" "What?" I heard him say his voice turning hoarse. However, I ignored him and continue reading out the content. "Secondly, Miss Parker, your wife would be given a position at the company as the managing director of Carlo industry." That made his eyes widened. "And third which is the last, Mr Alexander will have to promise not to meddle in Miss Parker personal affairs. Meaning he won't question whatever action she takes whether as the managing director of the company or her personal affairs" "Mr Alexander, will you accept the condition?" The smile that was playing on my lips widened as I stared at his surprised expression.
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