04| The offer

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Kayla I know Claire had warned me and she kept reapeating it over and over again who Alexander Carlo is. I remembered all her words last night. About how powerful he is. Does that mean he's trying to play some tricks? If not how did he know my surname and also that I'm looking for job. Did I really made a mistake? My inner mind asked. After our continuous bickering with Claire about me declining the job and forget about what transpired between us. However, not taking any action will give him the privilege of thinking I'm a weak woman and will give him the upper hand of thinking no one can challenge him. I have already challenged him and there's no backing out. I sighed for the second time glancing at the tall building in front of me. Indeed it has to be called Industry. I ushered myself towards the entrance. The elderly man passing me greetings togther with a smile. Are security men this friendly. First it was the guy from my house and now him. I slightly nodded then embark my way inside. My eyes immediately stopped at the reception areas where I immediately trekked to the lady. "Good Morning Mam, how may I help you?" The lady proclaimed. Her face was void of any emotion. She stood with her face blank. "Um..." I trailed off contemplating whether to show her the message I received. "I'm here for the job interview" I stated tight lipped. "Excuse me" She bend to her desktop and presses on God knows what. It lasted not less than one minute. "You're Miss Parker right?" She asked with her head still casted down. "Yes" "Okay. The interview room is located at the fourth floor, the last room" "Okay. Thank you" I ushered alighting away. Everyone is busy with their own work. No one even looks my way. And I'm glad they didn't . I don't like being center of attention. I didn't know how big the company is until I found myself going higher and higher. How can an office be that far? It will literally take you forever to reach your destination. The elevator door made a sound and the door slowly opens. "Finally" I hissed out grabbing my file from the floor. I was really tired from holding it althrough. I walked for what felt like five minutes before I arrived at the said room. Surprisingly, there were no people at the hallway. Am I the only one coming for the interview or did I come too early. I glanced at my wrist watch. It is nearly the scheduled time. Forming my palms into a fist, I knocked on the wooden door. Silence followed. Or didn't I knock enough. My fist sounded on the door once again and same silence prevailed. "Or did I go the wrong direction?" I asked myself checking the surrounding. "Come in" I literally flinch at the sudden manly voice. I won't deny it, my heart did a somersault. I gently turned the doorknob and the door clicked open. To say I wasn't dumbstruck with the surrounding in front of me would be a lie. For a while, I almost thought I'm in some mansion. The office is spacious. It passed the size of my living room. I was in a daze that I completely forgot about the sole reason I came for. It was until a clearing of voice sounded to my ear that I remembered what I was doing. My brows creased together in anger when my eyes landed on him. He wore an exact expression when we had the fight. And I almost spit out a hiss but controlled myself. "You're welcome Miss Kayla Parker" The way my full name left his lips got anger inside me rising up. "What tricks are you trying to play?" I said straightforward. It was literally on my mind. It was the first word I wanted to tell him the moment we meet. "Have a seat" He said instead much like commanded. "I'm not here to sit" I ushered back equally. A small smile made it way out of his lips which lasted for less than ten five before a frown replaced it. "Last time I checked you're here for the interview. As I can see you desperately need a job. So I advice you to take a seat and let's talk business" Desperate? I passed him a glare before taking the visitor seat. "It's true I'm here for the interview. But I'm not desperately in need of the job" I explained. He should know I'm not a desperate woman. "It doesn't make a difference to me. You're here for the job which means you're in need of the job" "Whatever. Let's get straight to the point. I don't have time to waste" He didn't move or say anything just stared at me. "Why are you staring at me?" I asked with a distaste. "I'm surprised how someone walked into my office with the purpose of getting hired is acting all arrogant and bossy" He stated leaning forward his hands on the desk. Twisting the ball pen in his fingers. "If I am then likewise you" "That is because I'm the boss and if I don't act arrogant people will take me for granted" I closed my eyes and open them again. "Okay I hear you. So Mr Alexander Carlo, why did you invite me for the interview when I didn't apply for a job post at your company?" I asked the question that has been bugging me. He went quite for some second before shifting his back on the chair. "I will get straight to the point. I did a background check on you" My eyes widened at his words. "Why in the world did you do that?" "I'm sure you've not forgotten about the damage you did to my car. If you hear about how much it will cost to fix the car, you'll be on your knees begging me. Because I don't think you or your father will have the amount to compensate me" "I beg your pardon. You nearly hit me with your car. I was only tying to shield myself" I voiced out. Is this man for real. He is more powerful that you think. Claire's words rang in my head. "I would have to remind you Miss Parker, I have the upper hand here in New York. I'm sorry to say there's nothing you can do" I didn't miss a snail smirk that appear at his mouth. "What-" My words came to a halt when he dropped a white paper in front of me. "Go through this and tell me if you still want to go ahead and report to the police or file a lawsuit" He folded his hands across his chest and from nowhere he grabbed a cup and sip God knows what. I carried the white paper and began reading the content. My eyes going wide. "What does this mean" I asked lifting my head to have a look at him. "Exactly what you see. But I can expatriate to you more. It is stated that you will pay a sum of fifteen million dollar for the damages of the car and also a fine of five thousand for raising your hands on Alexander Carlo" He ended his voice dripping with proud. "This doesn't make sense. Why would a car cost fifteen million dollar to fix a car? This is ridiculous. Who made this stupid rule" I was beginning to hyperventilate. There's no way I'm going to pay this hefty amount. Besides, even if we're to sell all our fortunes, we won't be able to raise that amount of money. "If you don't believe it, I can call my lawyer" "What are you?" I found myself asking. "Good question. You didn't think about who I might be when you raised your hands on me" One word is enough to describe my expression at the moment. Dumbfounded. "Why are you quite? Where is the boldness now? If you want to you can slap me again" He said followed by a chuckle. "Why are you doing this to me?" I slowly ushered out feeling completely weak. Some minutes ago, I was full with arrogance and spite but now I can't seem to find a strength in me. "Have you forgotten our challenge? Or do you want me to remind you of it again" "You-" "What do you say to it? I can call my lawyer and he would prepare the paperwork then everything will be settled. I won't meddle in your life" What did I get myself into? Where did I keep the promise I made to my Dad about not creating trouble. "I'm enjoying this sight" I didn't know when I casted my head down. I don't want to get emotional in front of him. He's enjoying seeing me unstable. "Are you okay? Should I get you a cold drink?" I abruptly lifted my head. "No. What will happen if I don't pay?" "Um... Let's see" He stared into thinking. "Maybe you'll go jail" And that's enough to make me more weak. The only thing that came through my mind was my father. He did his utmost best to see that I find a better life and here I am on the verge of getting a bad life. "You can't be joking with me" "Ofcourse I'm not. You-" His statement was cut short when the ringing of phone blared through the whole room. A hiss left his mouth as he stares at the screen. the expression on his face was void of any emotion. "Did I do something wrong again?" I heard him say. "I told you to give me sometime. We discussed just two days ago. As you know I'm a busy man" "You can't be joking. You can't do this to me. You know how I hard I worked for this" "I-" I shifted on my seat uncomfortablebly when he banged the desk raking his hands through his hair. "Um.. I think our discussion will continue some other day. I can see you're not in a good mood" I always regard myself as a hot headed and arrogant person. However, seeing the arrogance Alexander portray in front of me got me thinking mine is a joking thing. "Miss Parker, we have already started discussing so we have to finish it today" His voice was now low. I wonder what the call was about. "So what if I don't have the money to pay, does that mean I will go to jail?" I asked afraid of the outcome. "I'm afraid yes. But there's a way for you to be freed. You won't have to pay any amount or go to jail" I stared at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" "I mean there's a way for you to be freed. Meaning I won't charge you with anything" "And what is that?" I asked curious to know his solution. "Marry me" "What? Can you repeat what you just said" I'm not sure if my ear were deceiving me or I'm in some sort of dream. "You heard me clear. Marry me to save yourself from going to jail" I instantly rose up to a standing position. "You must be taking me for a joke Mr Alexander. First you talk about paying fifteen million dollar for your car damage, next you talk about going to jail and now you want me to marry you. Do you know what marriage is?" The aura of the room became hot for me to bear. I can't believe this man took me as a stupid person. I didn't know when he walked his way in front of me. "I'm a serious person miss Parker. I don't joke around and I mean every word I said" "I don't think you're being serious here. You can't just expect me to agree to every demand of yours" He leaned his body closer, I was standing in between his hands that were rested on his desk. "Choose wisely miss Parker. I'm doing this to save your life. Marry me or choose whether to pay fifteen million dollar which I know you won't be able to afford or go to jail. The decision is yours"
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