Little Cupcake

1784 Words
"Boss,do you remeber the Kim's Imperial?" "How could i forget about them?" A mischivious smirk plasterd on his face. "There's a news that their coming here, they are one of vip to that university next week,boss." The man, look at the photo on top of his table. "Finally, we will meet again, my baby. This time, i will make sure to get you,by hook or by crook." "But,boss, theres no news about that kid since that day..." a loud crash was heard that echoed inside the room. "No matter what happen, i need to bring him back to me. He belongs to me. If the Kim's are coming here, im sure that kid is here!" he said clenching his jaw, his fist bowled hard in the table. "Gather all the skilled man and inform them that we will go to that university next week. I want all of you to pay attention to this! I wont hesitate to kill any of you if you failed again this time!! Do you understand, Roco?!" the man whom they call boss said in bold and dominating tone. "Yes boss." Thats all and Roco is about to exit when his boss talks again so  he pivoted to face him. "Roco, assign some men to guard the university, but dont make it obvious. I want you personally to get any information about him and inform me!" Roco bowed and finally exited the room. Again, the man averted his eyes at the photo and bring it near his chest, smirk like a psycho. "We will meet very soon, my Little Cupcake. " He kisses the photo like a maniac he is and laugh evily that echoed in his office room. Taehyung's Pov: I woke late today and i really dont care, its saturday anyways. No universitiy, means i can rest or stroll again. My phone rings and i smile when i saw the caller id. "Eomma, i miss you." I said happily. "I miss you too baby, and appa too misses you much. We are arriving there tonigth." I jumo from my bed, finally i can be with them. Its been 3 years when i stay here in Canada with my Chanyeol hyung and Baekhyun hyung. "I will pick you up tonight, i miss you so much." I said, and suddenly my eyes becomes glosy. "Oh baby, dont be the way, i need to end this call. See you to night baby. I love you." Saying i love you back before ending the call. I put my phone on the side table then i went to take shower before putting some comfortable cloths and walk down the living room. "Seems happy..." Baekhyun winked at me and i sit beside him. "I will pick eomma and appa tonight hyung, their coming. I missed them so much." I replied picking an apple that was infront of us. "Yeah, they told us yesterday. You need to bring Minho with you tonight, you know its not safe for you specially that someone might saw and recognised you,Tae."he said worriedly. I sigh deeply and Baek hyung notice the sudden change of my mood. He look at me and i felt his hand slighty stroke the back of my palm. "I really dont know why hyung, why do i need to hide my identity. Im tired hiding alraedy hyung, its been how many years that im using Byun Taehyung...dont misunderstand me hyung...its just that...." i took a deep sigh again but before i can open my mouth to say something, we both look at the owner of the voice that was at the stair. "We just want you to be safe,Tae. One day, you will know everything." Chanyeol hyung said in a smokey voice. I stare at him coming closer to us and join us at the living room. "Is Jimin and Hoseok will come?" He ask and when i about to talk, his phone rings. He glance to the screen and i frowend when he look at me then to his phone again. He sigh before takig his phone and walk away to us before he answers the call. At first, i cant here what he is saying,but just a second i notice how he clench his fist. "I told you, leave him alone,Jeon!" He groaned loudly that Baek hyung tightens his grip to my hand. Jeon? Jeon Jungkook? Then i remember his words. "Kim Taehyung is mine! Mine and mine only!" I felt a sudden shiver down my spine. "Hyung?" Unsure of what really i want to say, Chanyeol turn to us. I can see how worried, i stood up and walk to himand hug him. "I will be fine hyung. Remember, im a taekwondo champion. I can fight them and i will make sure that nothing will happen to me and to all of you. I promise,hyung." I said and i felt him stroking my back softly. "You are too innocent in this world,baby. You still dont know the people around you." I frowend hearing him, i distance myself a little to look at him. I saw  how he quickly look away. "Hyung? What do you mean?" I ask full of curiosity. "Do you want to come with me at the flower shop Tae?" Baek hyung said, chamging the topic. When i notice that Chanyeol hyung dont want to answer me, i didn't say anything anymore. "Okay hyung, i miss the flowers already." I chuckle trying to forget whatever diacusion we had earlier. Baek hyung drive his car and i told him that i will drive my sport car, he disagree at first but at the end he gives up agruing with me, telling me he cant win to a baby like me thats why i pouted at him and he laugh at me. Its just about fitheen minutes when we arrive at his flower shop and i can see already those beautiful fresh flowers that we're dusplayed. He went inside first and i park my car before following him. "God! He's so handsome." A girl giggled when i enter the shop. I just smile at her and i saw how she blushes. "Hyung, its been a long time since i came here, i misses this flowers so much." I said sniffing the fresh boquet of purple roses. "So you mean, you miss them than me?" Baehyun hyung dramatically said and i jokingly nod. "Ouch, Tae baby." He put his hand to his chest acting cute and i giggled to him, thats when i heard a girl talk to me again. "Ahm, can i...have your number?" she stuttered, blushing. To be honest, she's pretty but i dont know why im not attracted to her. To think of it, i never got attracted to girls but i cant say im a gay, coz damn i never had a crush. Yeah, im not really sure of what my sexaulity is. Baekhyun fake a cough and i really regreted looking at him coz i saw how his eyes and smirk giving me tease. "Im sorry, its okay if you dont want. I got to go." The girl said bringing my attention to her, i feel guilty when i saw how embarrased she is. "No,its okay. Give me your phone." I said, even though i dont really like giving my number, i dont want her to feel more embarrased than she is now. I thought to myself, why not make friends to her, she seems a descent and nice girl. She handed her phobe and i quickly type my number and dialed it, to make sure that im not bluffing her. "Thank you." She smiled widely, her face is like a tomato now and i show her my boxy smile. "You're damn handsome and wow! God, are you for real?!" She said and i cant hold my laugh to what she blurted. "Oh my, by the way just call me Tyra." She leans her hand and i gladly shake it. "KT." I shortly replied. Yeah, im not in the university so no need for me to out those things on my face. I saw she slightly stiffened and stare at me with curiosity. "KT? Where did i hear that?" She muttered under her mouth but i manage to hear it. Then suddenly she slammed her both hands in her mouth, eyes popping out then she jump hugging me that i almost stamble, dropping the flowers that i was holding. "Oh god...i cant believe it." She said jumping up and down. "How do you know?" I hold her to stop jumping. HShe then open her phone and show it to me. My jaw dropped seeing my own video gets viral. Just then, Baek hyung who was jus observing me pulled me away that the girl look at us confuse. I mouthed a sorry and she nod before leaving the shop. "God Taehyung, you should stop going to that bar already. What if...what if he saw you again..." he said biting his biting his nails. "Who hyung?" I frowned asking him. He keeps on walking back and forth infront of me when we are inside his office. But seems he didnt hear anything from me. "Hyung?!" I shouted a bit louder that he jolted. I notice how his hands tremble, i cant watch him like this anymore. I move closer to him and hold both his hands and squeeze it gently. "Hyung?" "Just...please Tae...dont go to that bar again, please?" it broke my heart hearing him beg, i hate seeing them worry about him. I release a heavy breath before nodding my head. "Promise me Tae,please." He said with his eyes tearing. "Promise hyung." I replied then he hug me, whispering a thank you. When i feel that Baek hyung calms, i felt my phone vibrates so i detach my self to him and i look at the caller. I hesitate to answer it but hyung told me too. I plop my asd at the couch and leaned my back. "Hi Tyra" i lazily said and i heard a fake cough from hyung, and i just roll my eyes. "KT, did you saw that creepy comment on your video?" She ask, her voice seems carrying a bit scared. I replied her a short no, dhe told me to read it and remind me to always be safe. I suddenly felt the urge to look at what she's talking so i ended the call. "Finally, i saw you baby boy. We will meet soon. I've miss you so much, little cupcake." I felt my body stiffened, i cant move abit. I felt my heart stop beating and suddenly my phone slip from my hands. I know Baekhyung is telling something,but i cant hear anything. As if i gone deaf in just a matter of time. I can hardly breath. That name!!! Why do i feel i heard it before? "Little cupcake..." And the last thing i remembering is im having a severe headache before my surroundings become black.
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