He knows my identity

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After meeting the university Dean, Taehyung quickly walk to his classroom. "Im sorry sir." He said when he enters their room. The professor just nod and gesture him to take his sit before he continue his lessons. "Its thr second time the dean talks to you,why?" Jimin whispered, eyes focus infront. "Its nothing important,Chim." Tae replied. After a long hour of boring class, the bell rings for their lunch break. Taehyung, Jimin with Hoseok and Wendy, went to tge canteen. As usual, Wendy is the one who search for an empty table for them. "Tae, how about your guitar?" Jimin ask while choosing their meal. "I dont know. Maybe or maybe not i will get back...i dont know." he said with a little pout. That is important to him coz Baekhyun give that in his 14th birthday. "Did you heard that the Kim Empire are one of our vip visitor at the end of the month?" One student says a little bit loud that Jimin look at Taehyung who seems not surprised about it. "Yeah, and i dont know if the gossips are true about their hidden son." Another said. And Taehyung suddenly drop his tray upon hearing it. "Taehyung, are you okay?" Jimin ask worriedly. The people at the canteen look at them or like stare at the trembling Taehyung. "Where...where did you hear about...about that?" Taehyung stutter, asking the girl who blurted it. "Why you care? As if you know them,nerd?!" she replied raising her right eyebrows. "Yah! You b***h! Watch your dirty f*****g mouth before i shove this tray to that big mouth of yours!" Jimin sassily yelled pointing the girl. "Tae, i think its better to let go this...okay?" Hoseok whispered to him. Taehyung breath deeply before turning his back to go at their table,forgetting his food that was drop to the floor. He pass at the other students who are some glarng at him, some wondering what happen while some just continue eating their foods. "Seems that you are pissed again huh?" Wendy said seeing him sigh upon sitting. "Lets just eat and have our practice tonight again." Jimin said putting the foods at the table. They bring foods for Wendy and Taehyung too. They eat without talking, sometimes they glance at Taehyung who seems in a deep thought. Jungkook was siting in his rotatable sit when his eyes caught by the guitar at the corner. He stood up and hold it, he examined the whole appearance until his eyes almost pop out. He move his head from left to right, blinking for how many times, making sure he saw it exactly. He touches the lettering then he smirk. "You cant run away from me. You are mineand mine only." He says moving his finger at the string of the guitar. After sometime, he decided to call Yoongi but before he can dialed it, his phone rings. "Hello" he said coldly. "Mr. Jeon, it seems that you forgot our meeting?"  the person at the other line said. "No. Im on the way." He replied then cut the call, he took his coat and glance at the guitar at his table before walking out his office. Its just 3 in the afternoon when the dean university declared everyone to go home early.  Jimin and Hoseok told Taehyung that they will come at night to the mansion. Wendy and Taehyung left the university. Taehyung quickly open his car and enter without noticing him,then followed by Wendy. Just when he start the car, he saw Minho and he ask Wendy to call him to join them. "Its too early to go home now, lets stroll for some hour to the mall." Taehyung said excitedly, eyes focus on the road. "Are you sure Tae?" Minho ask. Taehyung look at him in the front mirror when he stops the car, of course its red light. He saw Minho looking at him too. "Dont worry hyung, nobody will recognised me." He winked then removed his braces and his thick eyeglasses. Slowly removing the fake mask in his face. "Hyung, can we switch? You drive , i need to change my cloths." Taehyung step out the car to sit at the back. Wendy just smile and shook her head. Minho drives the car when its green, while Taehyung open the small compartment located at the side of the car and took something. "Wow...seriously Tae, you have change a lot. Ylu are not the little master that i used to know," Minho said when he saw Taehyung in his new outfit. "You really dont know him, Choi." Wendy chuckle. Minho park the car and Taehyung step out the car upon stopping it. He jump exitedly like its his first time to come at the mall.  Taehyung walks in a fast pace that the two needs to run slowly to catch up with him. "Hey, Tae. Slowdown." Wendy said a little bit panting. Taehyung stop suddenly causing someone to bump in his back. "Yah, hyung, you cant see i stop? Why bump unto me?"Taehyung pout not lookng at his back. Minho tap his shoulder,telling him he is right at his side. "oh my god..Im sorry..." Taehyung bowed upon turning his back and saw a guy who bump him. "Its okay. Its my fau--KT? Oh my god its you..woah...i cant believe its you." The guy said in surprised. "Oh no...i think---" "Yeah,it me." Taehyung cuts Wendy who attemos to deny about him being KT. Minho is cnfused on how someone knows him. Instead of saying anything, he just observe Taehyung who was now busy giving a authograph to the guy who insisted to ask him. "KT? what was that?" Minho whispered when they start to walk again. "I told you, you have a lot things to know about your little master, Choi." Wendy teased the other. Taehyung was about to say something when his stomach shamelessly growls, the two look at him then laugh. He pout led at yhem and Minho told them to go at the restaurant nearby the mall. Taehyung clasp his hand in the air and Wendy chuckle to the childish act of her master, Minho just shook his head but lead them to the restaurant. "Good afternoon sir" the waiter smiled at them then gesture them to follow him inside. Its a five star restaurant and they easily get a table even without reserving it first. "Can i take your orders,sir?" the guy ask again, but simply taking a quick glance to Taehyung. "I want a pasta with white sauce and a vegetable salad and orange juice please." Taehyung said smiling to the guy who suddenly blush. "A peperoni pizza for me and water" Minho said. "Ah, i want both of what they order." Wendy said and Taehyung choke own his saliva hearing it. "Yay, you can eat all that?" Taehyung teased her. Wendy just roll her eyes to him. "I will go to the bathroom." Taehyung stand and walk to the bathroom. Jungkook arrive at the restaurant where he will meet one of his business partner. He walk straight to the reseved table. "Jeon, finally you came." The man said extending his hand but the other just ignore and sit. Thats the famous mafia leader, the rude and colf ceo too. The waiter came to ask for their order and leaves them after getting it. "So, did you think about it, Jeon?" the man said again. "Yes. 40%, take it or leave it, i really dont--- "Eomma, just call me and i will pick you at the airport,okay?" "Im good, and i miss you. Tell appa i miss him too. Love you both" "Mr. Jeon? Are you listening?" "Yeah..." he replied not really listening to the other. His eyes daryed at the boy walking not far away from their table. "Mr. Jeon?" Taehyung said when he notice the man staring at him. "So, finally i've saw you again KT." He replied,standing right infront of the boy. "or should i call you Kim Taehyung?" he leand and whisper to Taehyung's ear. Taehyung gulp hearing the other say his name. "Ho-how?" he stutter without moving to where he is. Jungkook smirk and leaned more that Taehyung feels the other hot breath to his neck. "You are mine, Kim Taehyung." He said again in a low and dominating voice which gives shivers to Taehyung spine. "Mr. Jeon, mind to introduce that pretty boy?" The man said then lick his lips. Jungkook dagger a evil look at the man. "Keep your f*****g mouth, Lee before i kill you." He said gravelly. "He is mine and only mine." He added before pointing a gun to Lee's forhead. "Mr. Jeon!" Taehyung shouted in fear. The people at the restaurant look at them with fear and some panic leaving the restaurant, not wanting to witness the ruthless mafia leader. "Tae!" Wendy and Minho run to him when they heard his voice.  But before they can come closer to Taehyung, Jungkook drag him away to them. "Yah! Jeon f*****g Jungkook! Let me go!" Taehyung tried to get away from the others grip but the mafia leader is far way stronger than him. He drag Taehyung and push hum inside his car, to which the poor boy almost fell from his face.He then quickly drive away from the restaurant. "What do you want, Mr. Jeon?!" Taehyung yelled at the back sit. But the mafia leader just ignored him. He keep on driving until they reach his mansion.  Jungkook got out from the car and open the door to Taehyung, but the stubborn boy didn't move to where he is. "Get out, Taehyung." Jungkook said coldly. But Taehyung being a stubborn and bratty boy, ignored him again. "Kim Taehyung! I will not reaoeat my self again. Get your f*****g ass out at the car before i ounish you!" he said dangerously that the other gulp hearing the word punishment. He then quickly get out the car,stimping his feet at the ground like a kid. Jungkook smirk to him and told him to follow him. Instead of following the other, Taehyung leaned his back at the car, arms cross to his chest and right foot cross at the other foot. Jungkook notice nobody behind him, he turn around and saw a pouting Taehyung leaning at the car. 'cute' He walk back and Taehyung yelp when Jungkook throws him to his shoulder like a rice sack. "Yah! Let me down! f*****g Jeon Jungkook!" He shouted but the other s***k his ass and Taehyung yelp feeling the stingy pain to his ass. They enters the mansion and the maid look at their master who  went up straight to his room. "Did he kidnap that poor boy?" the other whisper.But got no answers. "Prepare for dinner!" he shouted from the door of his room before locking it. He throws Taehyung to his bed but making sure he doean't hurt him. Taehyung bounce at the soft matress. "What the f**k! What do you want,huh?" he ask again angrilly,but to Jungkook seeing him angry made him more beauriful. He walk slowly closer to him,removing his upper cloths, staring at Taehyung who seems got scared now. "Please, Mr. Jeon..." he beg, hugging his knees at the middle of the matress. Jungkook throws his shirt to the floor and sit at the edge of the bed. "Dont worry, i will not do anything to you, Tae. I just want to talk to you." He said calmly, knowing he scared the poor boy who was now silently sobbing. "I want to know everything about you, im a friend of your parebts but why i didn't know tou exist?" he stated. But th poor boy just keep on hugging his knees while sobbing. Jungkookmove closer to him and Taehyung flinch when he felt the others hand stroke his back. He look at the mafia leader with a glossy eyes. Just when Taehyung is avout to say sometbing, his phone rings. He look at Jungkook sitting beside him and the other nod his head, he answers his phone seeing its Chanyeol. "He--- "Damn Taehyung! Where are you? Are you okay baby? Where's that f*****g Jeon,huh?! Give him your phone i will talk to that asshole!" chanyeol sgouted that Taehyung brings away his pbone from his ear. "Hyung! Im okay and besides,nothing hap--- "Kim f*****g Taehyung! Give him your phone!" Taehyung knows his hyung is really mad now so he look at Jungkook who was looking at him already. Jungkook took the phone from him and took a deeo breath. "Hey hyung..." "Dont hyung me asshole! Bring Taetae back now!" he shouted before cutting the call not letting the other say anything. Taehyung's mouth open wide at him. "Hey baby, close your mouth." Jungkook said putting his finger under the others chin to close his mouth. "hyun?! How?" Tae ask confused. He dont remember anything avout them knowing each other. Jungkook sigh but keep his mouth shut. "I'll drop you home after dinner." He said just then the maid knock his door telling them dinner is ready. "Come on." Holding Tae's hand they walk down the stair and they saw the maid staring at Taehyung, surprise on how beautiful the boy is. Jungkook glared at them that they look down before leaving their spot. Jungkook eat in silence while Taehyung just playing with his foods. Jungkook notice this and sigh. "I will tell you everything when your parents come, i also have things to ask them about you." Jungkook said before munching the last piece of meat to his plate. "Im not hungry, just drop me home Mr. Jeon. I have practice with my friends to." Sighing, he stood from his sit and fix his jacket walking to the door. Jungkook look at him,shaking his head before wiping his mouth then followed him. The ride from the Byun mansion is silent. Taehyung keeo his eyes focus outside the window,not wanting to take a glance at the mafia leader. They arrived at the mansion and Taehyung immediately saw Cahnyeol and Baek at the gate. He quickly got off the car and run towards them,hugging them tightly. Chanyeol glared at Jungkook who walks towards them. "Baek honey,bring Tae inside." He said and Baek hum, holdng Taehyung hand, they walk inside without looking back. "Now, tell me. What do you want?!" Chanyeol said, clenching his fist. "Hyung, why i didn't know about him?" Jungkook said without removing his gaze at the back of Taehyung who was walking inside. "Jeon, just stay away frim him. He is too young and innocent." Chanyeol said, now like begging the other, before leaving him alone. Jungkook gritted his teeth hearing his words. He clench his fist. "Im Jeon Jungkook, Park Chanyeol! Kim Taehyung is mne, mine and mine only!!!Put that to your f*****g mind!" Jungkook said gravelly before turning around and drive away from the mansion.
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