Caught by my hyungs

2142 Words
While Taehyung was busy performing, his eyes not leaving the table where his friends are, with Yoongi and Jungkook too. He saw Jungkook walk from his sit and for no reason, he followed him by his eyes to where the mafia is going. He saw him walk closer to the man who shouted earlier. He dont know why, but Tqehyung doesn't feel okay,seeing Jungkook like whispering something tobthe other man. He saw that the man face become shock and before he knew it, Jungkook is now back to where his friends are. He heard Wendy yelled to Hoseok but he ignored it. His eyes was met by Jungkook who was staring at him that moment, he feel a sudden fear that the mafia leader might know something about him. "Did this asshole just smirk at me?" Taehyung thought when he saw Jungkook. He suddenly look away from their staring and his eyes darted to the man earlier. He frowned when he notice that the said man was holding his right side and like he was in pain. Then all of a sudden, a loud tud was heard. Taehyung flinch to where he is and the club at one second is in choas. Jimin drag Hoseok and Wendy when people start to panic, running there and here. Pushing each other at the exit door. While Yoongi and Jungkook doesn't care at all, they just watch some men near the guy who fell to the ground. "Boss, what happen?" One of the built guy ask their boss. "Damn that bastard! Who the f**k he is?" Jungkook heard him but stay calm. They saw the bar owner come near them and apologise. "Im sorry sir. I will compensate with the bill in the hospital." He said bowing 90 degrees to the other. "Im sorry for witnessing this Mr. Jeon." He then said when he face Jungkook. "Wheres KT?" Jungkok ask,he just notice it when almost people are gone. He look at Yoongi who was at the corner. The manager look at Jungkook and told him when KT saw people panic, he exited at the back door. "Im sorry Mr. Jeon, but the poor boy panics." He says, then leaves Jungkook. "Why did you run? You should just stay with us? What if all of you got hurt?!" Yoongi says almost yelling at the three. Jimin was trembling, Hoseok stays calm, looking around while Wendy is like someone who saw a ghost, shes face is pale and she feels her body is numb. "Wendy, you need to relax, sit here." Hoseok says, guiding the girl. "Sit here, i'll come in a minute." Yoongi says to Jimin before turning his back to go to Jungkook who was standing at the stage holding something. "You and your temper, why didn't you just ignore it?" Yoongi says in a stern voice to his younger brother. "What? Ignore? Who the f**k that bastard to say that? KT is mine!" Jungkook shouted that the three person at the corner look at each other. "Damn it Jeon! You should think before you did something! What if this persons---- Yoongi stop talking when he look at the three person that he was pointing already looking at them. "What do you mean KT is your's, Mr. Jeon?" Wendy snapped when she heard the mafia leader says it loud. But Jungkook just glared at him and walk out. "Mr. Jeon!" Jungkook stop at his track and the bar owner walk to him. "I was told that KT wants his guitar back, please can i have it?" The owner says, unsure if he sounded like pleading. But Jungkook tightened his grip to the guitar. "If he wants it back, tell him to meet me at my office tomorrow." He replied without looking back then walk to his car. The owner stand there and look at his phone where he forgets to push the end call, "Sir, its okay." He heard the other says. Then the call ended. "Im sorry." Yoongi apologise and leads the three younger to their car. "I will drop you,baby." Yoongi told Jimin who was still quite. "I...i will go..with Hoseok and Wendy, Yoongs. I'll just call you after " Jimin says stuttering. "Are you sure? Seems your not okay yet?" He says in a concern tone. Jimin smile and told him he is okay so he let him go with his friends. The drive to Jungkook's mansion was silent. He keeps on looking at the back where he lays the guitar properly. Taehyung's Pov: Witnessing that small chaos from the bar is not new for me. But i feel scared when i saw the mafia leader leans and like whisper something to the man. I also blink my eyes just to make it sure that i saw it, i know that was a knife...i can see it clearly. "Did he just really stab him?" The i gasp, slamming my hands to my mouth. I saw my friends panic too but i hope their okay, i cant call them due to the fact that they were with the two mafia. I remember my guitar so i decided to call the owner to keep it first. "Im sorry sir, but i panic earlier so i left and forgot about my guitar." I said then i heard him called someone. "Mr. Jeon!" "What the f**k?! Did he just call him? Is he planning to give the phone to the mafia leader?" All this was in my mind upon heating him, but i chose to keep my mouth shut, just waiting to what happens next. "I was told that KT wants his guitar back, please can i have it?" I breath in peace upon hearing it. But i narrowed my brows hearing the mafia. "If he wants it back, tell him to meet me at my office tomorrow." I can hear his cold and hoarse tone. What?! Why?! No way! Then i told the owner its okay when i heard him sigh deep. Another hour and a knock outside my door, i look at myself making sure that i look okay just in case its Chanyeol or Baek hyung. I open the door and i stumble when Wendy hug me, i was confused on what happened to them. "Hey. What happened?" I ask. Wendy detached her self from me and she apologised. "Im sorry, im just relieve that your okay, master Tae." She says wiping her tears. I chucklethen told her to rest, but we are or i am more shock seeing Chanyeol and Baekyung hyung right infront of us. "When did they come?" I ask myself, coz i didnt notice them before. "Sir?" "Hyung?" Me and Wendy says in chorus. "You can go to your room Wendy, but we will talk tomorrow." Chanyeol hyung says, hands in his pants pocket. "I will go to bed too" i said faking a yawn to get away from them. "No." Chanyeol shortly replied. And thats when im sitting at my bed, crossing my feet with Chanyeol and Baekyun hyung sitting at the couch infront of me. "When did you start?" Chanyeol hyung ask in serious tone. "Im sorry hyung." I replied in a smooth tone, i know what they are talking so its better for me to not argue. "But why,baby? You know that we need to make sure that youbare safe." Baekhyun says in a faint voice. I walk towards him and hug him. I hated my self for making them worry and Baekhyun cry. "Tae, you know that we love you,right? We are not telling you to stop doing the things that you want to do, but please you should promise us that you will always take care of your self." Chanyeol hyung stated and i nod hugging both of them now. "I love you both hyung and thank you" i whisper to both of them. "Yah! Next time take with with you." Baekhyun suddenly blurted that Chanyeol glared at him. I giggled to them. "What?" Baekhyun ask raising his one brows to his husband. Chanyeol just shook his head and tsk before leaving my room with Baek following him. "Baek hyung, i will take you with me on saturday." I wink at him that he giggled too. I sigh when im all alone in my room. I throws my self at my bed and drifted to my dream land. At the dining room, Taehyung saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun with Wendy. He notice thatbtheybwere like in a serious topic so he decided to join them. "Goodmorning" he says in a bit loud to gain their attention. "Good you were here. Sit and we need to tell you something." Chan hyung says. "So, whats the matter hyung?" I ask bringing a piece of muffle to my plate. "Your parents are coming this week, and they told me that they will stay here for 6 months." Chan hyung says, i just hum and they look at me without saying anything. I keep on munching my foods and stop when i feel silence around me. I raised my head just to see them staring at me with blank faces. "Why? I know they will come here, they are one of our vip guess in school at the end of the month, and to one of those people will welcome all vip and also that Jeon Jungkook---- "What did you say?" Chan hyung blurted. "Hyung, i said im one of those--- "No...not that one. Who will come besides your parents?" He says not letting me finish my words. "Ah, that Jeon Jungkook" i replied than put a piece of muffle to my mouth. Im done eating and about to stand when Chanyeol talk. "Be careful around him Tae. Or its better if you dont interact with him." He says staring at his empty plate. I look at Baek hyung then averted to Wendy who was looking down to her plate too. I fake a cough and Chan hyung look at me. I can feel that theres something they are hiding to me. But when i notice that he is not willing to say anything i shrug my shoulder and gesture Wendy to follow me. "We will be late Wendy. Lets go. We'll go hyung." I said before kissing their foreheads. Heading to where my car is, i notice Wendy being silent. I tilt my head to my left shoulder to look at her. "Is there any problem?" Taehyung ask. "No mas- Taehyungie." Wendy replied shortly then enters the car after Taehyung open it. This is one characteristic of Taehyung,being gentleman he is. He drive his car in their university and park it to his spot when frowned when someone park their car there. "Oh s**t!" Cursing to no one while looking around to where he will park his car. "I'll go and check there if theres available." Wendy says then step out after Taehyung unlockbthe door. Its been almost 5 minutes yet no space to be seen except the one right near the university gate. Taehyung have no choice, he will be late if he will still dont make a move. He's cursing him self due to the fact that some people will see him coming out from this luxury car. "Wow! My god!! Who's car is this?" Is there a new student again?" "Maybe owned by one of the professor." "Oh please..just leave. Im getting late." Taehyung muttered inside his car like they can heard him. He saw Wendy standing near his car, but can't tell come near him. He the saw Jimin and Hoseok walking to Wendy like asking what happen, then he saw Wendy pointing at the car using his mouth. And thats when the two notice Taehyung's car that was almost surrounded by some crowed. Jimin took his phone and Taehyung's phone ring. "Chim, can you do something?" Taehyung says then Jimin walk near the car, phone still in holding near his ear. "Yah! What are you doing? Is this your first time seeing a fancy car?" Taehyung heard Jimin yelled that his ears almost bleed. "You midget. Dont shout. You almost broke my eardrum" Taehyung muttered but he heard Jimin chuckle. He rolled his eyes to his friend but the other cant see it. "This is Mr. Choi car, so...yeah Mr. Choi...og god...thanks goodness that you came sir." Jimin says when at the same time he sa Mr. Choi coming out from the gate. "What you--- "Mr. Choi, your car..its very beautiful." One student praised. "Ah yes...thank?" Choi Minho says like more questioning when he notice Taehyung's car too. He walk near it then touch like giving a signak to Taehyungbto unlock the door. Taehyung crawled his self at the back of the car, before unlocking it. Then Minho entered, closed the door as soon as he is inside. "Master Taehyung, next time dont ride this car." Minho says. Taehyung laugh seeing his professor/bodyguard/friend face annoyed. "Hyung thanks. Its really a good timing that you arrived" Taehyung says after laughing to the other. 'Ah,i almost forgot. The dean ask me to look for you. He wants to meet you." Minho says in a small voice then he gets out from the car, noticing only Jimin, Hoseok and Wendy are standing outside. Followed by Taehyung, they all walk inside the campus.  
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