
1599 Words
Jungkook's Pov: Instead of going at the mansion, i frowned when Yoongi drive to the university. He saw me with a face of what the hell but he just shrug his shoulder. When we stop infront of the gate, Yoongi got out from the car as soon as he saw the boy he was seeing, i slightly tilt my head to my left side and saw someone that looks like familiar to me. A boy with a thick glasses, i was mesmerised to the fact that his having a unique kind of smile, and i can barely see the braces on his teeth. He looks kind of a nerd but i think i saw him somewhere else, its just that i cant remember where and when? Even his kind a nerd, i can see that he is still beautiful...waith Jeon?! What the actual f**k?! I look away when their almost near the car, i heard Yoongi hyung call the boy Jimin...ah thats his name,. "That guy inside the car is my brother, Jeon Jungkook." I heard hyung says, i saw from the corner of my eye on how the other boy gulp, but i intend to ignore them. When Yoongi offers Jimin to drive him home, the boy told his friend to go with us. "Come with us." I said without thinking. I dont know why but i want him to come with us, its like theres something about him that i want to know. But to my surprise, he rejected me. Without their notice, i clench my jaw, why? Who the hell has a gut to reject Jeon Jungkook? Or maybe he doesn't know me? Oh f**k! Its impossible. Im the Jeon Jungkook who doesn't know how to accept rejection, so i get outside the car and walk towards him. "If i tell you to come with us, you should come,yeah?" I said, putting a finger under his chin. But again, for the second time in just a minute, he reject me again. And the worst is he just turn his back to me like im nothing. I poke  my tongue inside my cheek and i tap his shoulder but to my surprise he twisted my hand like its nothing, i can feel how soft his hands. I can fight with him but i choose not to do it, i let him twist my hand and i saw Jimin panic inside the car, then he get out just to tell this boy if he knows who i am. I saw Yoongi just watching us with a smirk like telling me that i found someone that is stubborn than me. "Who the hell on earth doesnt know about him, Chim. He's the Mafia Leader of Jeon underworld and the only ceo of Jeons corp." I smirk and feel proud that he knows me, but he doesnt care? His bot afraid of me? Oh boy.... After the encounter with Taehyung, we drive to Jimin house. "They really have this similarities.." i said not knowing that i said it loud. "Who?" Yoong ask not looking at me. "KT and that nerd Taehyung." I replied, then i heard something drops at he back, i look at the front mirror and i saw how Jimin face turned pale. I raised my brows and ask if theres simething wrong. I saw him gulp then pick his phone. "No Mr. Jeon, my phone just slide from my hand." He replied then look at his phone, i notice how his hands slightly shaking while typing. "Want to come with us at the bar,baby?" Yoongi uttered then he look at Jimin through the mirror. But before he can say anything, his phone rings. Im observing his movements through the mirror, how he gulps and doubts if he will take the call or ignore it. "Why dont you take the call?" I suggest, i saw him nod. "Dont scare the boy, Kook." Hyung says, and i just roll my eyes to him, but still focusing on Jimin. Theres something odd that i really want to know. "Just go by tourself, i'll just meet you there and...oh...Taehyung?...he cant join us. He says Cha---i mean..ah ok...bye." I narrowed my brows when he suddenly end the call. He saw me staring at him through the mirror and he look away. "So, you mean that nerd boy is going to the bar too? He seems not that kind of person who can hang out." Yoongi hyung says then chuckle. "No. Actually, it should be his first time to come but something came up, so yeah...for now he cant join us." He replied then look at his phone again. "We're here baby. I'll pick you after an hour, okay?" Yoongi says and get down to open the back door. Jimin utter a thanks to me before he get out. "Something is odd." I said when Yoongi start to drive again. "Jeon, you're scaring the poor boy. What's got unto you?" Yoongi ask eyes focus on the road. "Nothing." I replied then i tried to dial the number that the bar owner gave me before. "That kid really did that to you? His something,huh." "Damn it!" Yoongi step on the break in shock, that i almost bump my head infront. He look at me with knitted brows. "What the f**k Jeon?!" He said with a little raised of voice. "Damn hyung! This number i cant really contact! That stupid bar owner, he thinks he can fool me?" I muttered,seething my teeth in anger. "Why dont you ask inspector to trace that number?" Yoongi suggest, focusing on driving again. I tilt my head to his direction and i smirk, but cursing myself on why didn't i think about that. Jimin's Pov: When i saw the car of Yoongi away, i enter tge gouse. I plop my self atvthe couch and rethink what happend earlier. I also saw how Jungkook observe every moves of me at the back sit. On how i stutter when im talking at my phone. I need to pretend that its not Taehyung who calls, i saw how he smirk when he heard the other name. Im thinking that he is interested on Taehyung? Or KT? Hearing the Jeon Jungkook says something about KT and Taehyung having similarities gave me a thought on how he knows about KT. Im in deep thinking and my head hurts trying to think something else. I groaned in frustration then i ruffle my hair harshly. I took my phone and called Taehyung. "Are you sure you wanna go at the bar,Tae?" I ask, a fear inside of me thinking what if Jungkook do something about him. "Yeah. Just dont make obvious that you know me, lets just ignore each other for tonight, Chim. Its been a week that i didn't go there."  Taehyung replied. I sigh hearing him. I told him about what Jungkook thinks about him and KT, and just a sigh from his part was heard, before we say our goodbyes. Time skip: At the bar, Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook arrive. They sit infront where Jimin chooses. He wants to see KT clearly. The bar was full of different kinds of people. Some just come having a fun and drinks, some for business talks. A waiter came to them and Yoongi told him their usual drink, but before the waiter can turn away, Jungkook stops him. "I want your boss here." He commanded and the scared waiter gulp and says okay. "Jeon, we are here to just drink, dont dare to make a scene." Yoongi said in a monotone. "The f**k, hyung? I just want to talk to him and--- Jungkook was cut when the crowed cheered loudly and the light turned more into dim. Taehyung wears a black shirt that fits his curvy body. With his black jeans and a guitar that he was holding. His hair was dye in a purple ash that shows more his manly appearance. "Wow...its been a week that we misses this boy, now finally he's here again....KT!!! "Seriously? Damn!" A man shouted. "KT!!! Baby boy, join me after! Let have fun!" Another guy in his forty's yelled that got the attention of Jungkook. KT look at the direction of the guy and just raised his right brows. Then he look at the table where Jimin and the two sits. Jungkook stand from his sit and walk to the guy, "Say that again and i'll cut your tongue and shove it to your damn mouth!" Jungkook says gravelly. The guy look at him and smirk. "Who the f**k you are?" He ask not recognising the Mafia leader due to the darkness. "Your nightmare!" He spat then the man hold his side feeling something that pierce him. He gasp when he notice a blood flowing from his side, he look around searching for the man who was just talking to him but he found nothing. Jungkook return to his sit like nothing happened, Yoongi knitted his brows when he notice a blood in his brothers hand. But not say anything. While Jimin looking around searching for someone and finally he saw Hoseok and Wendy coming their way. "Finally your both here." Jimin says in a loud voice. Hoseok was stunned while staring at one familiar person. "Jungkook?" Jungkook raised his head to him. "Jhope?" Jimin and Wendy look at the two with confuse. "You know each other?" Jimin ask and Hoseok sit beside Jungkook while Wendy sits before and now busy looking at KT infront. "Yeah, he's my sister ex boyfriend." Hoseok replied to Jimin. "So, is Lisa here too?" Yoongi ask then Jungkook glared at him. Hoseok nod his head then he look infront, hes eyes widened that he choke in the air. "Goodness, Tae--- "JUNG HOSEOK!!!!" Wendy shouted on top of his lung,glaring at Hoseok who was already covering his mouth in what he almost blurted.
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